How To Grow Your Mailing List

If you have a mailing list and you have been using it to grow your blog, then you will have great blogging success.

Most professional bloggers have a mailing list and this is what most of them use to help them get to blogging success.

Having a mailing list can help to generate traffic for your blog and to also make money online.

There are tons of people who would like to build a mailing list. Most of them do but the problem that they have is to grow their mailing list and get lots of people to subscribe.

In this blog post I am going to be giving you 15 great tips which will help you to grow your mailing list.

[box type=”spacer”]Simply Write Great Contents[/box]

Most bloggers who write great blog contents don’t need to do anything extra for the people to come flocking to their email list.

Once there is great contents on a blog for people to read then this makes it easier in growing an email list. All this blogger has to do is to continue to write wonderful articles for the readers and display a subscription form.

If the blog has great content that the readers enjoy then no doubt they can also get great tips as well from the blogger through the form of email. Most of the time as well the blogger doesn’t have to ask the readers to subscribe, they willingly do so all because of the wonderful content on the blog.

[box type=”spacer”]Make Your Subscription Form Visible[/box]

If you want to grow your mailing list subscribers, why hide the subscription form from your readers?

Hiding the opt-in form will not help to build up your subscribers list.

Displaying your subscription form where your readers can see will help yo grow your list in no time.

One of the most common places where people normally place their subscription form is in the side bar. This is because there are tons of plugins that you can use to place a subscription widget there. The sidebar on a blog as well can prove to be successful in converting sales, generating leads and also used for growing a mailing list.

Apart from the sidebar, have you ever tried placing a subscription form in the header of your blog?

Great things can happen for your email list if you display your opt-in form in your header.

Also another great place to have opt-in form is below each blog post. This is because if your readers are willing to read your blog post to the end, then this means that they can easily subscribe to your mailing list if they enjoyed what the have read with great ease.

[box type=”spacer”]Give Away Free Stuff[/box]

Are you bribing your blog readers to subscribe to your blog?

Well that might work in building up your mailing list. It always works!

Giving away a freebie has been one of the top and also one of the most used methods in building up a mailing list.

What works great is to give away something for free that you know your blog readers would want. Giving away an item that can be found anywhere might not work.

You have to offer an item that is needed by people and also something of value.

But what if your subscribers decide to leave your mailing list after they have gotten their free download?

Well what you can do is set up an autoresponder to email them a few days later with yet another great and irresistible freebie. Be sure to tell them in the first email though that you will be giving them another free gift a few days time so that they can stay subscribed to your email list.

[box type=”spacer”]Use PopUp Subscription Form[/box]

One of the top 10 things that your blog visitors may not like about your blog is that you have pop ups everywhere.

I am telling you, they can be pretty annoying!

But if you want to build up an email list then the use of pop ups can help to do so with great results.

But how can you avoid annoying your blog visitors with your pop ups?

Well one thing that you can do is delay your pop up. Don’t allow your subscription form to pop up as soon as the blog page loads. That is really annoying to me.

What I suggest is to set your pop up to pop at 1 minute or more.


This is because if a person stays on your blog that long then your blog may have ignited a spark in them. If they are on your blog for that long then you can show a pop up after 1 minute and chances are this will cause you to get more subscription.

Another thing to do to not annoy your blog visitors with your pop up is to use cookies when they close the subscription pop up box.

Cookies allows the pop up box to remember that a particular person has already subscribed to your blog or has closed the pop up box so it won’t display the pop up form to that person again (unless he/she clears their browser cookies).

Pop ups can be annoying, but if you have some sort of tactics, then it can work great for you without any problems to your blog readers.

Check out this picture below of a stats sheet when a pop up is turned off.

PopUp Removed From Blog

So you be the judge of your blog when it comes to using pop ups.

[box type=”spacer”]Use The KISS Factor For Opt-In Form[/box]

When I say KISS I am not talking a literal kiss, because your blog readers wouldn’t like it if you just come up to them and actually kiss them.

They would wonder how many kisses you have done in a day and then to be kissing them as well.

Okay! Lets not stray from the topic!

KISS means Keep It Short & Simple.

If a person has to go through a lot to subscribe to your mailing list then this can be a turn off to them.

You want to keep your subscription form short and simple. This will make subscribing to your mailing list easier.

Most blogs only use email submission, which is the primary thing to use when signing up.

Other blogs may require a name and email.

No need to have a person filling out their location, gender or age when subscribing to your blog.

The shorter the form, the more sign ups you will get.

Always remember to keep it short and simple.

[box type=”spacer”]Landing Page Always Work[/box]

A landing page is a page that a person normally lands on when they visit your blog.

Most blogs with landing pages reports that they have 50% or more conversation rate to their mailing list.

Having a landing page which encourages your first time visitors to subscribe is a great way to go.

Always remember the point above that you should have a freebie to give them so that your landing page works for you.

When leaving blog comments, doing guest posting or forum posting, you can get more people to view your landing page by leaving a link to your landing page instead of your regular homepage or a link back to your article.

If they wish to subscribe to your blog then this will prove to you that your landing page is converting.

[box type=”spacer”]Reply Me & Thank Me Later Plugins[/box]

Their are two great plugins that you can use to help grow your mailing list.

After a reader comments on your article, you have a plugin called Thank Me Later that you can use on your WordPress blog to send them an email thanking them for commenting on your blog.

You can also use another WordPress plugin called Reply Me to send them an email whenever their comment has a new reply.

Both plugins can be used to convert more subscriptions to your email list.

You can customize each plugin the way that you want. You can add images or links to each email.

If you are creative then you can customize your plugins to invite your commentator to join your mailing list as well.

Why would your commentator want to join your mailing list?

This is because that person took the time out to read your article and also went the extra mile to leave a comment. Inviting this person to join your mailing list can give you more chances of growing your list.

In Addition: There is also this other WordPress plugin that you can use called Comment Redirect. With this plugin you can redirect commentators who just made their first comment to a page of your choice. On this page, you could thank them for commenting and ask them to subscribe to your blog or mailing list.

This is a great way to build your mailing list.

[box type=”spacer”]Optimize Your Popular Articles[/box]

This is like one of the simplest methods to grow your mailing list.

Optimize your popular articles so that they can convert and grow your mailing list.

If tons of people are viewing some particular topics on your blog, you can place an opt-in form in the middle of your article inviting the reader to join your mailing list.

Edit your your popular blog post and embed your subscription box for the readers to see it.

If the article is popular then you can place an opt-in form there.

If they like your article and would like to read more, then they can freely subscribe to your blog.

[box type=”spacer”]Numbers Can Pull In More Subscribers[/box]

You can social proof your mailing list and show off the amount of people who has subscribed to your mailing list.

Doing this will help to encourage more people to subscribe, especially if you have a high number of subscribers.

90,000 subscribers

This image above is a screen shot showing that this blogger has over 90,000 people subscribed to his mailing list.

Wouldn’t you like to be a part of that 90,000 smart people list?

Of course you would!

So if you have a high number of subscribers and you still want to gain more, then show off your social proof and this will help to encourage more people to subscribe to your list.

[box type=”spacer”] Get Subscribers Testimonial[/box]

Another great way to get more subscribers is to ask your current subscribers to write a short testimonial why others should join your mailing list.

This is where people will get recommendations why your mailing list is great.

Displaying testimonials below an opt-in form below the sidebar subscription for or below the after post form will be a great way to convert some new subscribers.

It is also great to display testimonials on landing pages or squeeze pages as well.

DID YOU READ: Email Marketing/Mailing List – Very Important For Traffic And Money Making

[box]5 Additional List Building Tips[/box]

Subscribe Via Comment Form

I have seen this on many blogs and I also use it on my blog.

The results are great!

There is this little check box in the comment form which the commentator can tick when making a comment to subscribe to my mailing list. When they tick this box and submit their comment they will be automatically added to my mailing list without any further confirmation.

You can also tick the box by itself so that each commentator will be added to the list.

There are tons of plugins that can be used to do this. Hassle free and easy to grow a mailing list.

Don’t Annoy Current Subscribers

In order to grow your mailing list then you have to keep as much as your subscribers subscribed to your blog.

One of the best ways to do this is to always deliver quality content to your subscribers and not annoy them too much by spamming their inbox.

Ask Subscribers To Forward OR Refer Their Friends

Word of mouth is a powerful viral technique that works great with email marketing. Ask your subscribers to share or forward your newsletter that they have received to others if they enjoyed reading it. Doing this will help others to see the wonderful things that you are sharing and if they like it they too can subscribe as well.

You can also reward your subscribers for referring others to join your mailing list. You can do it in a form of a free gift when they refer other friends or interested persons to your mailing list.

This will help to double or even triple your mailing list in a short time.

Do Video Blogging

Tons of people will subscribe to your blog if you show your face and let your voice be heard.

Top bloggers get tons of people to subscribe to their mailing list by doing YouTube videos and also by embedding it on their blogs.

Share Each Campaign On Social Media

I have gained tons of new subscribers through Twitter and Facebook.

This is because I have an option to share each campaign that I send to my subscribers on social media sites that I use. Doing this will allow my followers to see the title of my newsletter and also a link to it.

When they visit the link, they have the option to subscribe to my mailing list. This is a trick that I use to grow my list and it always works.

[box]In Conclusion…[/box]

I hope that you have read through this article and will come back to read it again so that my tips will have an impact on your mind and thoughts when it comes to building and growing an email list.

Their are tons of ways to grow an email list, these are my 15 amazing list building tips which works pretty well for me.

Try them and see your list grow today!


  1. Reply

    Hi Kharim

    Thanks for the great article. I have been reading your blog for some time and I absolutely love what you have been doing! Your content inspires me on a daily basis and I love seeing someone who provides real insights and transparency within the personal growth niche.

  2. Reply

    Thank You, Tomlinson! Despite the rapid growth of social media and other technologies, E-mail still remains as one of the effective marketing channels. We are still using the email marketing as the powerful tool to reach out our customer. For this, we had approached the best digital marketing services in Chennai and reach out our potential clients and boosts my business sales.

  3. Reply


    Must admit that i see that many others like and agree with these tips. I am about to start trying to build a list and obviously ran into your page. Definitely will look for a simple landing page builder. Thanks for this info as i really didn’t think about a few of these tips before reading this.

    Thanks a bunch!

  4. Reply


    Great tips dude, The Thank Me plugin sounds great, specially when your blog is growing with a number of visitors.

    Thanks for sharing this

  5. gaudensia


    Thank you for the great tips to increase mailing list. I will surely try the popup box for my website.

  6. Reply


    Great tips dude, The Thank Me plugin sounds great, specially when your blog is growing with a number of visitors.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  7. Reply

    another great post, i like this post and become helpful to me, i m new blogger and i m inviting all of you to come on my site and give me some suggestion thank you

  8. Manidipa Bhaumik


    Hi Kharim,

    Subscribing via comment form is a very effective way to build list. Many a times users may not take that extra time to put their email id in the newsletter boxes. But while commenting only ticking to a checkbox is what it needs. I have seen a significant difference with the little checkbox below the comment form.

    Many actionable tips here. Would like to implement the Subscribers testimonial & Optimizing the popular articles soon. Thanks for such a detailed guide.

    • Reply

      You are so right. Using the comments section to gain subscribers is a great way to build your list.

      I have used it and it works like a charm.

  9. nasihnetwork


    Thank you for sharing nice information . I like to know more about what is new and i think that we must always learn from each other

  10. Reply

    Great tips to read. Email list is an essential part of blogging these days. One should have a targeted user list for whom you should write content. In case affiliate marketing, this is the ultimate thing to do to get success.

  11. suman


    Very nice blog. This is really useful and interesting. Thank you for sharing this.that is very useful for all

  12. Rubysingh


    Its very excellent article i am reading article is very useful for all. i like too much so thanks for sharing..

  13. Reply

    Hi Kharim,

    I agree with you, Mailing list is a great source of traffic. No doubt Content is King and I totally agree with you. If we do work hard while creating post then we can easily increase our mailing list.

    I think on top bar is best for Subscription form or on sidebar. What you say about it?

    Any way thanks for sharing such great information to increase mailing list subscriber.

    Areesha Noor!

  14. Reply

    HI, Informative Article.

    From marketing perspective mailing list is one of the “must to have” things which you should consider as a blogger.

  15. Reply

    By growing our mailing list we can promote our new post and content directly to readers inbox by doing this readers can automatically engage in posts and traffic will slowly increasing. I am going to try your strategies to grow mailing list a also added subscriber widget to blog for getting more readers on my blog. Thanks,


  16. Sneha


    Heyya.its really helpful i want to set up subscricption widget to my blog witch apear with the blog start. will you please provide a post how to do it and I am very glad to see these tips here before this i didn’t knew that how can i increase email subscriber but after reading this i am sure that my followers will be increased.If we have working landing page and quality contents. It will attract the visitors and they will always be in wait to see new updated contents on your site.They will happily subscribe your site.

  17. Arun Dominic


    thanks Kharim Tomlinson for your great article,keep up the spirit in blogging

  18. mitesh bairwa


    its really helpful i want to set up subscricption widget to my blog witch apear with the blog start. will you please provide a post how to do it.

  19. hiren


    Hi Kharim
    nice article i have education blog and your tips are very helpful with me. thank you very much for sharing this amazing article with us and i hope it will benefit with me.

  20. Samir


    Great post and I guess read it till yet though it’s a popular post here. i guess these tips are really important for growing mailing list.

  21. Zaib Abbasi


    Hey I am very glad to see these tips here before this i didn’t knew that how can i increase email subscriber but after reading this i am sure that my followers will be increased.
    Thank you very much for this great info
    Best Regards and Happy Blogging
    Zaib Abbasi

  22. Ron Killian


    Some fantastic tips Kharim!

    I really like the thank me later plug-in, it’s something I need to get added. And the comment redirect is one I’ve seen blogs use, now I know the plugin.

    Hate to admit, I am one that doesn’t do enough email marketing either. But I am getting better.

    Thanks for the read 🙂

  23. Reply

    If we have working landing page and quality contents. It will attract the visitors and they will always be in wait to see new updated contents on your site.They will happily subscribe your site.

  24. Nikhil


    Great tps to increase mailing list. I will surely try the popup box for my website thank you…

  25. Danny


    Building a list has to be one of the biggest things I over looked when i started online and still to this day I regret not keeping a good list…

    Now its a slightly different story I am always trying to build a list and the best way for me has been by giving away something for free or by offering a discount 🙂


    • Reply

      Hey Danny,

      I hope you started that list pal. When you have a mailing list then you can easily market and make money from your blog.

      Get it going bro.

      Thanks for the comment.

  26. Fashstylo


    Thank you for sharing these great tips and great ideas in growing mailing list. I find them very useful and informative.

  27. HMiMouCh Simo


    hey Kharim,
    Nice post do you have site better than awerber and thanks .

  28. Shitij


    Such awesome tips and would implement these tips once I buy aweber…thanks for the share mate!

    • Reply

      Hey pal,

      I had just purchased Aweber as well and already loving it. I used these tips and my mailing list is growing each day.

      Hope you will have success with my tips as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

  29. Mark Trueman


    Hey Kharim,

    Just stumbled onto your blog for the first time and I’m glad I did. This post was long but very much worth the read. I knew about a lot of these things but I didn’t know about the plugins. The thank me later and reply me plugin seem like they would keep your visitors coming back until they get accustomed to your site.

    Brilliant tips Kharim, its obvious you spend time on this article. I’m happy to say that I just subscribed 🙂

    • Mark T.
    • Reply

      Hello Mark and welcome to my blog.

      Those two plugins can help you to bring back your blog visitors and if you use it in a unique way then you can use it to grow your mailing list.

      Thanks for subscribing and I will be sure to keep you educated and entertained.

      • Mark Trueman


        Hey Kharim,

        Agreed. I’m going to have to try them out asap.

        Hahha, I’m going to hold you to that 🙂

        • Mark T.
  30. AkmaOmar


    This subject (mailing list) is still new for me.. I need learn more about this topics….

  31. Turk Telekom


    Great tips, thank you for sharing them with us. The Thank Me plugin sounds great, specially when your blog is growing with a number of visitors. Thanks for the help!

  32. Ali usman


    Each point is important in every blog site we must have to read them and the optimization according to me it should be in last once you need to have some good ideas make some blogs on your site and make some blog backup in your computer. Update your site on daily bases.

  33. jawad zaib


    the plugins that you mentioned like reply me and comment re direct are awesome plugins and i will love to give them a try, its a great post about growing mailing list thanks or sharing it with us…

    • Reply

      Hi Jawad,

      Yep those plugin can be used to grow your mailing list if you use them in a unique way.

      Thanks for the comment.

  34. Tran Le


    Interesting article. I was against pop up forms, because I find them annoying on sites I visit, but I will now give them a try.

  35. Reply

    Those are good tips. It’s important to make sure that social networking sites are everywhere so people can share on their social media networks easily with one click.

  36. Reply

    Write fresh content and deliver it your readers email. Every time they see it, they visit your blog and comment.

  37. Charles Rodrigues


    Great tips to increase the list of mailing subscribers. I am surely gonna try out some tips you mentioned.

    • Reply

      Hey Charles,

      I hope that my tips will work for you. Please share your success when you try them.

      Thanks for the comment.

  38. Cris White


    Well i like your KISS form new information for me well detailed on landing pages we actually give less importance to this i like all your suggestion and all are practical but one thing is true that quality and unique content gives traffic

    • Reply

      Hey Chris,

      Glad that you agreed with my points. Keeping things short and simple will help you to get more subscribers. And quality content is a must as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

  39. Tai opera



    Yeah agreed with all your points or tips… growing mailing list is important to get some good and loyal visitors to our blog.

  40. Jason


    Send the latest updated posts daily to the readers mails. Provide coupon codes for subscribing to the news feed. I thank you for gathering 15 effective ways to grow the mailing list.

    • Reply

      Hi Jason,

      You are right! If you provide your readers with great content then that will be enough for them to subscribe and also a freebie to top it of.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  41. Rajkumar Jonnala


    Large no. of facts are there, in short it contains all the required parameters in real life.It will help in the real blogging.

  42. Wade


    I like using WP Subscribers for my pop up. It has really boosted my subscriber count since I purchased. These are some great tips!

  43. Purnima


    Amazing tips Kharim . Giving away a freebie is always enticing for customers . Focusing on the KISS factor is also quiet gripping .

  44. Syed Shah


    I have applied so many tricks to increase my mail list, but by covering premium events works for my one blog as booster… Thank you for sharing nice information. cheers!

  45. Reply

    Thank you for sharing those tips and great ideas in growing mailing list. I find them very useful and informative. Will use them and I know it will show great result. Fantastic share!

  46. Devinder


    Make your readers interested by offering them discount codes, offers, ebooks, giveaways. These are good ways to grow the mail list.

  47. Danielle Warren


    If you truly want to be successful in any type of internet promotion or project, you have to be sure that your email list is updated. You really need to develop the list on daily basis. This will certainly help you to arrive at many people as you go about advertising your internet business. The ways that you have shows us is amazing and I will try to implement this tips for my blogging success.

    • Reply

      Hey Danielle,

      That’s right pal. Having a mailing list can help you to become more successful. Also your point about growing your mailing daily is a great habit to develop.

      Thanks for the comment.

  48. Reply

    Great post,
    There are some good tips here to grow your mailing list. I personally find placing an opt-in box on my popular posts a good way to grow my mailing list.

  49. Reply

    Well to be honest i didn’t concentrate on building or growing mailing list as iam not aware of profits from mailing list.

    the above listed tips are awesome will try them all soon. thanks

    • Reply

      Having a mailing list can help you to make tons of money while marketing. This is what a lot of pro bloggers use to make money online.

      Thanks for the comment, Kevin.

  50. Fardeen


    Great tips Kharim….was very useful for newbies like me. Thank you very much for sharing it with us.

  51. Swet


    Hii, very informative post, thanks for the share. Content plays a big role, it should be quality and informative. Email marketing is the fastest, less expensive and easiest way of communication. By this we can reach more people across the world, and it can be done at very low cost. These all the tips are really very helpful for growing our mailing list.

    • Reply

      Hey Swet,

      Yep, quality content sure makes your blog visitors want to sign up to your blog.

      Thanks for the comment.

  52. Liane Markus


    The list of tips that were mentioned her in this blog is very helpful and I am sure that many would like t try and check out every tips if it really works for them and if it will provide them with great benefits.

  53. Ferb


    Hi Kharim, Love all these way to grow email list. Actually haven’t known that we can show off on the amount of subscribers and with my 3,000 subcribers I think it should be enough to show them all off to get more subscribers.

    Thanks for great tips – Ferb

    • Reply

      Hey Ferb,

      Yep showing the amount of people that has subscribed to your blog will help to encourage and also give others a reason why they should subscribe to your blog.

      Thanks for the comment.

  54. Samuel


    Always providing value is always a key to getting new subscribers.

    I, myself am thinking of creating a product and getting as many subscribers through that…

  55. David


    Do you have any experience with buying media as a way to grow a list? I’ve never had much success with Adwords but Facebook works well as does the numerous services which allow you advertise on other peoples list.

    • Reply

      Hey David,

      I have not purchased any. But I do know that if I did then I would target persons who are interested in my topic. That way it would be easier for me to grow my mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  56. Heather Madden


    Very useful information you gave here Kharim, hope other bloggers will learn to share info as you do, thank you.

    • Reply

      Hey Heather,

      Well I always try my very best to deliver the best tips to my blog readers. Thanks for the compliment and thanks for the comment as well.

  57. Reply

    Thanks for sharing useful tips with us. I am getting benefits from these tips. Mostly are in my use but few are new one for me. I am sure these tips are useful for me and any other webmaster

  58. Reply

    hey Kharim!
    It’s literally a great post indeed. I really found all the step very helpful. and specially The Kiss factor for opt-in form is really interesting. you really made it short and simple

  59. Carl


    No doubt it just need common sense and to make forms visible, for sure offering some freebies can help a lot. I just personally think that many bloggers forget about newsletters and try to promote latest only on social networks.

    • Reply

      Hey Carl,

      Most of them know about newsletters but can’t bother at times to send out newsletters or the stress it may put on others who find it hard to grow their list.

      These tips can be applied if that is the case.

      Thanks for the comment.

  60. Mark


    These are brilliant pointers that we can all refer to! Creating valuable, thought-provoking and relevant content really makes a huge difference and separates us from sites that offer nothing but mediocrity on the table. I’m currently developing my mailing list as a part of the online marketing campaign I’m planning so you have been most helpful. Thanks!

  61. Naser


    Hi Kharim,

    If a particular site is popular and is receiving many comments daily, then using Reply Me & Thank Me Later plugins may increase server load and may crash the server. Please correct me if I am wrong?

    • Reply

      Hey Naser,

      Yes it can increase server load. But if you have a tons of visitors then the thank you later plugin wouldn’t be necessary and the reply me can be optional as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

  62. Aayna


    Honestly, I used to have a mailing list, but due to a plethora of reasons it has become non-existent now. For a long time, I was planning to revive my email list. You have made my task a lot simpler, with this handy tips. I will surely incorporate them. Thanks for the share.

    • Reply

      Hey Aayana,

      So happy that you could find my article and I hope it does well in helping you to revive your mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment and all the best to you.

  63. CesarF


    I have been using free giveaways to grow my list but that’s all. So thank you for these tips. I will try to apply them. Another problem I have is the quality of the list, I think my current list has mostly non-buyer subscribers as it really does not converting at all. I think I just have to be patient. Thanks again for these tips.

    • Reply

      Hey CesarF,

      Giveaways can be a great way to grow a mailing list. What you need to do is send them great tips based on your niche. Don’t do too much promotion because you don’t want to scare them away.

      Thanks for the comment.

  64. Sai


    Actually I did a big mistake by not creating newsletter in starting age of my blog, Recently I started my newsletter now hunting for subscribers. Your tips are very useful bro, will optimize it on my blog.

    • Reply

      Hey Sai,

      Well its a good thing that you start now. Hope that my tips will work well in growing your mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  65. Jamy hoster


    This is a nice post about blogging as I like the content you write about “kiss” and simple and short is always better people like to read and landing page always shows what you are going to talk about on your blog and what could be the topics.

  66. N Quamar


    Having subscription form on side bar really helpful. I wish if I had this info earlier. well, Thanks for sharing..

    • Reply

      Yep! That’s one of the most common places to put a subscription box, in the sidebar, because it works.

      Thanks for the comment.

  67. Reply

    Reply me plugins is smart way to implement. Thanks for sharing the tips Kharim, I need more inspiration to develop a list for two language readers, yours’ here have given me some ideas.

    • Reply

      Hey Okto,

      Glad that you have found my blogging tips about growing an email list inspiring.

      Hope my tips will work for your and thanks very much for the comment.

  68. Rajkumar Jonnala


    Hi Kharim,
    you are describe very well. I love the way you describe it. But I think popup is not best option becoz many people hate it including me also.
    bye the way you post a great share…. 🙂

    • Reply

      Hey Rajkumar,

      Lots of people hate pop ups. But if you implement it on your blog so that it doesn’t annoy your blog visitors then you can use it to grow your mailing list very fast.

      What I think makes it annoying is that some bloggers allow the pop up to show on every page which is quite annoying. But if a person subscribes or closes the pop up box, and the pop up doesn’t display again while browsing then that will work for your blog.

      Thanks for the comment.

  69. vinay


    i am really struggling with my mailing list as for me its a daunting task and this information is helpful in pointing me to the right direction

  70. Steve


    Hi Kharim,

    Great blog! a lot of way through you can promote your blog such as mailing list, Video blog, e book & other resources is helpful for our blog. for all online business it is important factor.

    Thanks for this informative resources.

  71. Sarvesh


    Hi Kharim,

    Well i believe we must have good number of email subscribers to our blog as we can drive some good traffic and offline readers. Although all the above mentioned points are great. And according to me the subscribers can be increased if we use some good landing page which attract readers to join it.


    • Reply

      Hey Sarvesh,

      You are totally correct pal. One must have a good landing page, with some great offers or freebies, in order to grow a mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  72. Reply

    Great tips, Kharim. Although these tips are quite commonly used to increase readers to sign up to a mailing list, but I am sure they are very useful to beginners, and also as a reminders to most of us.

    I have been trying to increase the number of subscribers to my mailing list as well. Kharim, why don’t you opt in to my list? 🙂

    • Reply

      Hey Jasmine,

      You are right! Pro bloggers use these tips to grow their mailing list and new bloggers can apply these tips as well to grow their new mailing list in no time.

      Well I hope that my tips will work well for you.

      Thanks for the comment.

  73. Reply

    Great content is the key to attracting a lot of new subscribers.The traffic brought in by mailing list is surely an apt supplement for organic traffic.

    • Reply

      Yep! Quality content is the key to success in a lot of things including growing a mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  74. Raplus


    Great tips Kharim.

    I haven’t try video blogging yet. But I will start it very soon. 🙂

  75. sokun


    My mailing list is virtually non existent. These tips will be good to refer back on when i have more visits.

  76. Allen


    Wow, that’s really interesting article about email list, thanks for sharing these wonderful tips 🙂

  77. Akos Fintor


    Hey Kharim,

    Those are some serious tips on getting more subscribers.
    I found that the pop ups help a lot, there are free versions of this might tool (free plug-ins)

    thanks for the share!

  78. Ron


    It’s amazing the tips you get even when you have had an online business for years. I still have a little trouble with the video end of it, I don’t like seeing myself on camera so might have to get someone else to do it for me…It is a great idea though, and I also know it would be best if I did the videos so I am more visible, something else that is so important, showing your readers you are a real person.

    • Reply

      Hey Ron,

      I think that is my set back as well. I have a bit of fear for getting in front of the camera. I tend to get shy whenever I build up the courage to do it.

      But I will one day!

      Thanks for the comment.

  79. Reply

    I’m in-charge of managing out client database. So extending my contact list is definitely complicated. At the rate I’m going I highly doubt i’ll be able to finish everything in a day. Thank you for sharing your ideas on this.

    • Reply

      Hey Sandra,

      Great to know you that you are working to build an email list. Hope my tips will help you in doing so.

      Thanks for the comment.

  80. marvin


    Hello Kharim,

    Thanks for posting this great info. Definitely helpful to all bloggers out there.

    @Aditi yeah video blogging is a great option as it brings the attention more on the visitors of the site.

  81. Kelly


    Expanding contacts has always been an issue for our company. Thank you for sharing this information, we can definitely start a new campaign and pick up new prospects.

  82. Calra


    Thanks for the tips! I’ll be able to use this to promote my new business venture. Have a nice day!

  83. Melissa Allan


    Hi, amazing tips on how to grow a mailing list. Great content is something I already have, I was struggling with the rest… Thanks for the tips, they really opened my eyes.

    • Reply

      Hey Melissa,

      Happy to know that you are writing great contents and also happy that my blog article can help to take you to the nest step.

      Thanks for the comment.

  84. Reply

    This is quite an insightful post, being a web marketer, expanding our mailing list is definitely in the job description. But it’s not that easy especially if you’re marketing a industrial or an engineering solutions product. But thanks to this, I’ll probably improve our numbers! Well done Kharim!

    • Reply

      Hey Stacey,

      I can agree with you on that. Having a mailing list that you are doing for web marketing can be challenging at times. This is where building a strong mailing list is required in order to make it a success.

      Thanks for the comment.

  85. Reply

    Great tips, thank you for sharing them with us. The Thank Me plugin sounds great, specially when your blog is growing with a number of visitors. Thanks for the help!

  86. Reply

    Hi Kharim, From a list-building point of view. I think that nothing works better than giving away a quality free gift combined with a light-box opt-in form

  87. Emilia


    Majority of us have mailing lists but not everyone could actually say that it is growing rapidly or consistently. This has been a great learning experience and I will most definitely take your tips in consideration. Thanks and more power!

    • Reply

      Well Emilia, you are so correct.

      Not everyone’s mailing list is growing rapidly. But my tips will help to boost the pace a bit.

      Thanks for the comment.

  88. Reply

    These are brilliant pointers that we can all refer to! Creating valuable, thought-provoking and relevant content really makes a huge difference and separates us from sites that offer nothing but mediocrity on the table. I’m currently developing my mailing list as a part of the online marketing campaign I’m planning so you have been most helpful. Thanks!

    • Reply

      Hey Kristine,

      Yep content is all that it takes sometimes to build and grow a mailing list. Once your content is good then your mailing list will be filled with subscribers who would love to read more from you.

      Thanks for the comment.

  89. Reply

    Great tips on how to get more subscribers. It is something that we all want and need. I think making the subscription form very visible is very important. If no one is seeing your form then how do you expect to anyone to sign up.

    • Reply

      Hey Shalu,

      Yes to get subscribers you should make it visible to your blog visitors. That way your chances of them subscribing is much higher.

      Thanks for the comment.

  90. Joy


    The first tip does wonders, and is a do-it-all kind of tip. You have to write great content all the time. Nothing keeps up the energy and the enthusiasm of your readers to take part in your blog than great and quality content.

  91. Ron


    Hi Kharim,
    Thanks for the great blog tips! I have read over them a couple times getting my blog up and running…well have had it for awhile but really didn’t push it much. Your tips will help a lot! One thing I have noticed when reading other blogs that I didn’t see mentioned (excuse me if I missed it) but that is to check your blog and check it often! Make sure that things line up. Photos, pictures and text aren’t overlapping etc. When you are writing a blog on how to write a blog or get traffic, the worst thing someone can see is sloppy blog…they won’t take much from it in the end. Again, thanks for the tips!!

    • Reply

      Hey Ron,

      Thanks for visiting my blog.

      You are so right about that, if your blog is not looking presentable then that goes to show that you may not be running checks on your blog.

      Thanks for the comment.

  92. Mark Brook


    I know about some of the tips but I never try to work on Subscribe this is a great way for blogging I must say that I learn too much from your blog and now I am having some ranks on my blog too.

  93. Rajkumar Jonnala


    thanks for sharing this important information about mailing.
    your tricks are really amazing I like it so much..
    thanks for sharing with us 🙂

  94. george


    I have seen this tips being followed by pro bloggers. Everything that one needs to do to build an email list is here. I hope those plugins that you mentioned like reply me and comment re direct are free to use.

  95. sarika deshmukh


    Hello Dear

    its very interesting article i think content is very necessary for your site and unique content is very important for your site really, according to me give away is very common and interesting way really thanks for the sharing me

    Thanks & Regards

    • Reply

      Hey Sarika,

      I agree with you as well. Having great contents on a blog is what is needed to grow a mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  96. Sai Krishna


    Do you think pop ups don;t irritate readers and visitors of our blogs? I think no, What you say?

    • Reply

      If your pop ups comes up on every page of your blog then that will annoy them. But if it pops up one time and they close it and it never comes back for like a month or so then I guess that is alright.

  97. Allen


    There are powerful mailing list tools you need to manage your own mailing list. You need to control it and eventually manage it. There are many available programs online which have customized forms for signing up and many of them also provide comprehensive tools and reports.

    • Reply

      Hey Allen,

      You are so right about that. I have seen many tools to help grow and manage a mailing list as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

  98. SSZ


    Hiii Nice tips to grow the mailing list. the one can also make the name of your newsletter cool will also help you to increase your mailing list.

  99. Reply

    Great tips!

    I think I have had a great luck with my growing in the email marketing. I am getting to read such fantastic and awesome content on it.

    Currently I am using a CRM for my business and I use the mass mailing section of it. I right now send one mails just once a month. Last 20 days I have been working hard in getting my data sorted so that I can increase my mail-outs!

    Thank you for the wonderful tips, will be getting back to you once I actually start sending the mass mailers regularly!

    • Reply

      Hey Bina,

      Glad to know that the mailing list is working well for you. Sending out mails on a timely basis is the way to go. Don’t send too often or don’t take too long to send.

      Thanks for the comment.

  100. yeminli tercüme bürosu


    Thanks for the tips you shared. The are very useful informations. Video blogging is really important.

  101. Maja


    For online business true subscribers are the backbone of the business. Nice tips to built the list.

    • Reply

      Hey Maja,

      I agree with you on that point. When your mailing list is built up strong then you can have great success.

      Thanks for the comment 🙂

  102. Audrey Soul


    Hi Kharim,

    wonderful post with great points, well i think we should provide some freebies like ebooks or videos which encourage readers to join our mailing list.


    • Reply

      Yep! Providing a freebie is one of the best ways to get your blog readers and also new visitors to sign up to your mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  103. Reply

    I like the tips that you have shared. These are truly informative. Video blogging is the best option one can have. Thanks for the share!!

    • Reply

      Hey Aditi,

      Thanks for reading and thanks for the comment. Yes video blogging can be very entertaining for our blog readers.

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