Google pagerank is one of the most debated topics of all time on the internet. A lot of webmasters have claimed to know much about this subject line, and others just accept what have been said by those who claim to understand Google more than anyone else. This subject still remains controversial till date, even after concerted efforts have been made to get better understanding of how Google ranks pages.

I am not claiming to be a Google insider or a Matt Cutts; but having been blogging since 2009 (now with about 10 different blogs), I should be able to share my personal experiences on this subject line. Like I said, I presently have four blogs with PR3 each; and having carefully studied some characteristics of these blogs, I feel I should let us know what I think about the way Google pagerank is done.

Before I delve into sharing the experience, I want to first disagree on some of the lies or call it misconceptions or even confusions about How to increase Google pagerank and what makes your site rank better than others.

[box type=”spacer”]What Does Not Increase Your Google Pagerank[/box]

1. It’s not about Links:

Contrary to ignorance that have been passed on from generations, Google pagerank does not completely depend upon the number of sites linking to yours. It does not depend on the thousands of backlinks that point to your website or blog. Joseph, you have come again! Laughs! Yes, you heard me well. One of my sites (in fact, the first of all my sites to get a PR3) Kingdom Voice, currently has only 7 sites linking to it. You may check it out on Alexa if you like.

Besides, one other of my sites Sportsgalaxy equally has only 12 sites linking to it. None of these sites are great sites that I intentionally got a backlink from, yet the site was ranked PR3 in Feb 2013. Hope you are now getting some clues from the a fore-mentioned examples?

2. Age is not important:

This is also another facts that so many webmaster don’t know. They believe that Google ranks older sites better than relatively new ones. I recently saw one of the sites sold on Flippa that was launched in 2012 and already ranked PR5 whereas so many of the older sites are languishing with PR1 and so on.

So, when thinking of how to rank higher, you should keep your blog age aside.

3. Platform doesn’t affect pagerank:

I used to believe, like some other webmasters, that some blogging platforms enjoyed preference when it comes to pagerank.

Specifically, it has remained the belief of so many website and blog owners that WordPress is better optimized and that blogs on that platform rank faster than those on Blogger. I have tried both platforms (I started my first blog on Blogger) and found that also to be a misconception. Site like Lindaikeji still uses the suffix “blogspot” and yet is ranked PR4. Mybloggertricks also hosted on Blogger is ranked PR5 just to mention a few.

Ask those who started blogging the same time with these two people and are on WordPress if their blogs are ranked higher.

4. Domain name is less significant:

Domain name is important when it comes to humans memorizing them so as to easily remember them in case they want to visit your site. That is the only place it is significant. But your domain name doesn’t affect the search engine spiders from crawling it. The domain name has nothing to do with your Google pagerank.

Have you not seen sites with beautiful, easy-to-remember names ranking low whereas those with ugly names are enjoying better pagerank?

So your blog name has really got no way to add to or subtract from your pagerank.

5. Design:

In as much as I love beautiful blog designs, I don’t believe it plays a significant role at improving your PR. Several sites abound on the internet with ugly designs yet with decent PR. For the purpose of SEO, it is advisable to have a blog with beautiful design though. Designs have a way of attracting human traffic. But ensure your site is easily navigable.

[box type=”yellow”]How To Improve Google Pagerank?[/box]

Having talked about what doesn’t add to your pagerank, let me briefly talk of what can help you improve your ranking. The following would help to do the job:

i. Quality content:

I am one of the advocates of quality content. You have heard it said time and again that “Content is the King” as far as websites are concerned. So concentrate on delivering quality content to your blog readers instead of pursuing after what would make you rank higher.

iii. Be an authority:

Apart from providing quality content, make sure you are an authority as far as the content is concerned. What I mean here is that such content should be your own ideas and not copied from elsewhere. This is the secret behind my first blog to be ranked PR3. Google ranks authority as well as quality of content.


Google pagerank does not depend on the number of backlinks a site enjoys, neither does it depend on the age of your website.

It also does not have anything to do with your blogging platform or domain name. It is based on the quality of links to your site, quality of the content on your site and the authority you enjoy in the sight of Google.

If you have areas where you disagree with me, you are free to share such opinions here, using the CommentLuv enabled comment box below. It would be highly appreciated by me and by other readers here. Remember to share this post with your friends. God richly bless you.


  1. Sriniwas


    Really a very nice post Efoghor. It really help me to learn something more about google pagerank

    • Efoghor Joseph Ezie


      Sriniwas, I love to hear that positive testimonial concerning this post. Do implement the tips on your post and the result coming in no distant time. I wish you the best in your blogging career.

  2. Tandy Elisala


    Wow. I’ve been reading a lot about this stuff to get more educated and this was so incredibly helpful! Now, when I look to get someone to help me, I’ll have a better idea what we should and shouldn’t do and see how good they really are!

    • Efoghor Joseph Ezie


      Tandy, good to hear that this post was particularly helpful to you. If you found this useful, then I would advise you follow the tips in the post and implement them. Thanks

  3. Harman


    Well brother Google ranks sites with the authority and authority depends on domain age.

    • Reply

      Harman, Domain Authority is dependent on several factors of which age is just one. Sites linking in, content, etc are also part of the metrics for determining domain authority.

  4. Yasir Khan


    Your web site is your storefront window on the world wide web. So, it is that your design must grab the viewer’s attention and be clear, all in a matter of seconds so that they will get interested knowing all about you.

    • Reply

      Khan, you are absolutely right. If you cannot attract visitors with your layout, they may never open your pages to see what you have in there.
      Therefore even as you pay attention to your content, you should not neglect your blog layout, colour, navigation bar, etc.

  5. Sudipto


    Hey Efoghor,
    Nice post and Thanks for sharing this post. I learned lots of good things from this post and Yes, content is the most important part for getting pagerank and we have to make sure that content should be original and interesting.

    • Reply

      Sudipto, You are right. Content should be the first thing to consider. Once you have quality content on your blog and do a little SEO and promotion, the PR would receive a great boost.

  6. Jennifer Cunningham


    Very good points. Quality and authority go a long way with the reader.

  7. Reply

    I wish to be that simple. In the blogging world makes perfect sense and I agree. But, what do you do with business/online stores sites, who sell, let’s say, shoes! They can have a limited content. A shoe has its limits:) It’s true, you can attach a blog to it..but this would be it!
    What would be your ideas to promote an online store? Thanks in advance!

    • Reply

      Simona Elena,
      There are several ways to market your online store; blogging is just one of them. Other methods include PPC, forums, email marketing, social media, etc.
      So if blogging does not help, you can try others.

  8. athul


    Hi there. I completely agree with you. Page Rank is an impression of every website. Nice post. Thanks for sharing it.


  9. Reply

    What you have pointed out is really motivational for new blogger like me. But still when reading at different sites, everybody give preferences to all the seo matters like backlinks etc.

    • Reply

      I have also read several of these e-books. Everyone has got his own experiences. What I say today is borne from my experiences managing several blogs and from the exposure I have gotten since making my debut online in 2009.

  10. Terry


    Well i am new in seo field and these is the information which will help me a lot in doing the seo of the site and improve the ranking by using ppc and organic seo ar the rigth time and divert traffic to my site.thank you for sharing the important information

  11. Reply

    I think I simply need to blog more and work on other types of content. The back link work is frustrating I must say so now I am relieved.

  12. Jennifer Cunningham


    I agree that domain age doesn’t matter. I don’t know about backlinks. The main indexer seems to be traffic drawn to quality content.

    • Reply

      You are correct. When heavy traffic begins to visit your site as a result of quality contents, it speeds up the rate at which your site is indexed.
      So, quality content plus good traffic and regular indexing can add up to increase your pagerank in the long run.

  13. Gaurav


    Thanks for your prompt response. I wonder if the choice of proper keywords and their placement in articles also matter, when we go out there to build a great blog. I have my friend, who has a blog on galaxy siv, and he has so many visitors in short span of time due to apt domain name and keywords… Can you shed some light on it? Thanks!

    • Reply

      Yes, for SEO purposes, the choice of keywords and their placements in articles matters a lot. If you really want organic traffic from Google and other search engines, you need to make your keyword research and get those keywords/longtail keywords that are not too competitive but receive a fair search daily.
      If you write on those keywords,because they are targeted, Google would keep referring people who search for them to your website. This is because you have those keywords optimized in your articles.
      However, this would only determine traffic boost in the shortest possible time. But PR increase comes from the other factors I have mentioned in this article.

  14. Gaurav


    I totally agree. A friend of mine designed a wireframing tool: Mocknow, and with just about three single link to his websit, his site ranks PR4 and the blog stands equally good at PR3.

  15. saidur01


    Wonderful article Joseph, i really impressed on your article. i want to add one more important fact about Google page rank . The tag (H1,H2,H3….) impression which you used here.Overall your article is fulfilled on maximum amount of information. now i want to share this article with my blogging circle .

    • Reply

      Thank you so very much for the observation. I would really appreciate it if you share the article with your circle. It would help the article go viral.

  16. Joe Hart


    Pagerank has lost the glory it used to have.It has become a simple metric to make webmasters feel good about themselves.I’ve seen websites with PR2,PR1 etc which pull in loads of traffic every month.At the same time i’ve seen sites with PR5 and 6 struggling to bring in 1000 visitors a month.So PR is not much important from a business perspective.

    • Reply

      Getting traffic is a different ball game. It is a product of marketing strategies and other parameters. There are sites out there that are free downloads sites (violation other people’s copyright) with several thousands of daily visitors, yet google refuses to respect their authority because in actual sense, their contents are other people’s products.
      So PR is still a way of letting you know that a site is respected by Google for its quality content and for the quality of back links it has.

  17. Reply

    Very Nice article. Though these are basic things that everyone is supposed to know and follow but its these that we so often miss or neglect and that’s what, i suppose, differentiates a good blogger from a great one…

  18. Kayla


    Interesting comment regarding the age, I didnt know that. I thought it accumulated over time as I rarely see a pagerank on a new site but after a few months I often see the green bar move along a little, after a year I might get a PR 2 or 4

    • Reply

      My Business Success Guide got PR2 in the first 3-4 months and then went to PR3 in about 1 year after it came on line. PR is not about age. Some get at least PR1 in the first month if they are lucky that Google update falls within that period. Other factors add up to increase your blog’s pagerank.

  19. Reply

    Thank your for the helpful information, I found this article via G+ by Kharim Tomlinson.

    With the many blogs and websites I manage, I have found Page Rank seems to mean less of late. I have ranked ahead or behind regardless of page rank.
    This said, it seems all you need is a few could higher PR sites linking to bring up the PR of your own site and increase its position in Google Serps.

    Another interesting finding of late is newer sites, often of rather questionable or spammy content will jump ahead, but then sometimes later fall back in Google.
    Even newer sites of my own that often quote some of my older higher authority sites will jump ahead of the authority site.

    • Reply

      Yeah Carl,
      It is possible to fool Google sometimes with these blackhat stuff and sometimes by just getting links from authority sites without enough content on your site. But like you also observed, this does not last for too long because Google soon finds out those PR scores were awarded in error; so they bring you down to the right place they think you belong.
      If you get your PR in the right way, Google would not reduce it just after a few months, except you are no longer updating your site. I lost my PR2 sometime ago because I did not update my site for a long time.

  20. aaadfg


    Very Nice article. Though these are basic things that everyone is supposed to know and follow but its these that we so often miss or neglect and that’s what, i suppose, differentiates a good blogger from a great one! Thank you for this lovely piece of information.

    • Reply

      A lot of bloggers know these facts. Unfortunately, so many people are in a haste to make it; they want their PR to increase fast, they want their traffic to grow so they can start earning money as soon as possible. This makes them vulnerable to faulty teachings.
      The moment they get someone promising them higher pagerank within 24hrs (which would never be), they fall prey.
      This link building stuff everywhere is nothing but a way of trying to take the short cut to success.

  21. Koj T. Tajo


    Hey Efoghor. A real bold post. When the world is recommending those tips, you are claiming these bold statements. Wow!. Hope I can add upto your assessment as I too have a new blog. Not much links and simple domain. Just waiting for a Google Update for PR.
    Regards 🙂

    • Reply

      Knowing the truth and having the boldness to say it is what makes me an authority in my field.
      I would recommend you concentrate on adding quality content at least once a day or once on alternate days. If you do that for the next 2 months, Google would not ignore your efforts.
      If you must add links, be sure they are from trusted and respected sites.

  22. Reply

    Elana, with 18 backlinks your site is PR2. One of my sites has just about 9 links and it is PR3. That is exactly what I am talking about. Those links are not even special. When you have quality/authority content, Google respects it and scores your site high. There are some sites with hundreds of backlinks yet they are not as ranked as yours.

  23. Abhishek


    Well to be frank I was really not aware of these facts about Google page rank and today for the first time got to know it. Thanks a ton for sharing this bro, you rock 🙂

  24. Reply

    Saqib, Concentrate on delivering quality content because Google rewards content above back links. Besides, it is the content that would retain your readers, not back link.

  25. MELBiN


    I see..I have a blog with more ranking, less link back. And a blogspot blog with more link backs, less ranking. Trully, content is king. Weldone.

  26. Alex Thompson


    I have been in link building field since one year, As per my experience building links with quality contents is not enough, we need to build links using the high page rank sites too.

  27. Elana Winfrey


    Efoghor, you just gave me hope AND let me know that I am on the right track. My website is 10 months old and ranked PR2 as of 2 months ago. I didn’t know this was a good thing—I’m very excited now. I’ve got about 18 Alexa back links and really thought this should be where I focus. NOW, I think I simply need to blog more and work on other types of content. The back link work is frustrating I must say; so now I am relieved. Thank you so much…..

  28. saqib razzaq


    Well, I’m stunned to read this post. I have been working long to build backlinks and now I’m being told that links don’t matter….Oh Gosh! But thankfully I have high quality content so in next PR update I hope to get what I want.

    • Reply

      Anis, It’s good to know you learnt something new from this. My intent while writing this post, was to see that it truly helped a lot of people gain some kind of new knowledge. I believe if you follow the few suggestions listed here, it would really help you improve your Google page rank in the next update in May 2013.

  29. Carl


    That’s absolutely true. I would like to add, that PR was locked, depending on niche, this probably happened around the end of 2007. I have also seen websites with 2-3 backlinks with very high PR in my career. About domain and age, well I would disagree a bit with that, for instance .edu, .mus, .gov domains get high PR by default, I am also owner of 8 years old .ws domain with 0 internet marketing or SEO done with PR4.

    • Reply

      Carl,Thanks for your comment. that is exactly the point I am trying to stress here. Instead of providing quality content for their readers, a lot of bloggers are busy building backlins, thinking it is what would make their blogs rank higher. Once you have what provides quality information to readers and your blog naturally begins to receive traffic, the rank would follow.
      Sometimes the traffic is not high but Google sees your content as authority content, it would give you a higher PR.
      As for domain age, you are right because .edu, .gov domains rank higher also because they are seen as authority sites.

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