Google AdSense is a very popular blog monetization tool because it’s easy to join the Google AdSense program, easy to integrate a variety of ads into your blog, and ads don’t have to take up a lot of space.

It has worked really well here for me at and I am now waiting on my second Google Adsense check.

However, there are a few rules you must follow unless you want to get banned from the AdSense program and make no money at all. Following are five of those rules:

[box type=”yellow”]Don’t Boost Clicks Artificially[/box]

There are a number of ways that Google AdSense publishers (such as bloggers) can artificially boost the number of clicks on the Google AdSense ads that appear on their sites. Following are a few methods that might be tempting but are considered spam and are a surefire way to get banned from the Google AdSense program:

  • Clicking on AdSense links on your blog yourself.
  • Asking other people to click on the AdSense links on your blog.
  • Using any kind of automated process to increase clicks (whether you create the process or a third party does it for you).
  • Joining with a group of other people to click on AdSense ads on each other’s blogs or websites.
  • [box type=”yellow”]Don’t Display More than the Allowed Number of Ads on a Page[/box]

    Make sure you read the current Google AdSense Program Policies and only display the number of ads allowed on a single web page at all times.

    [box type=”yellow”]Don’t Fill a Page with Ads but No Original Content[/box]

    Any page on your blog that includes Google AdSense ads must include more original content than ads. In fact, Google considers displaying a page full of ads with little or no original content a form of spam.

    [box type=”yellow”]Don’t Create More than One AdSense Account[/box]

    It might be tempting to create completely separate Google AdSense accounts and publish ads from both accounts on the same blog in order to get around rule #3 above, but doing so is a violation of Google policies. While you can add more than one blog or website to your Google AdSense account, you may not have more than one actual account.

    [box type=”yellow”]Don’t Try to Trick People into Thinking AdSense Ads are NOT Ads[/box]

    Hiding text link ads within the content of your blog posts in an attempt to make people think they aren’t ads is a violation of Google AdSense policies. Bottom-line, don’t try to disguise ads in an effort to increase clicks.


    1. Kyle Stevens


      Everything about Adsense banks on the amount of traffic coming into your blog. And also the type of ads(Either text or Image). Point is, some people have close to 5000 daily visitors and end up with a few pennies like $5 to $10 daily. While others with less than that amount of traffic make makes close to $30 -$40 daily. Its all depends on how you place your ads and the impression in leave in the mind of your visitors. The generation of this days are weary of advertisement, promotions and free offers online. So and Image ad just screams ”Hey i am an ad, I am not the reason you are here, dont click me”. People wouldn’t click your ads if ads are scattered everywhere on your blog, especially Image ads. So what you need to do is to put ads in strategic positions and use mainly text ads. Others may say text ads would reduce the amount of ads being displayed daily on your blog, but it also helps improve your earnings. Ok, if you put a 480 x 90 rectangle(text only) on the sidebar, visitors are likely to click it without even checking if they are ads, why? because it looks like every regular link on your blog. So what you need to do is blend/design the text ads to have the same color as the link on your blog. Also, putting text ads(horizontal sky scrapper) directly below your Nav menu, is a sure way to improve click and inevitably increase your earnings!

    2. New iPhone 5


      ..basic tips for newbies…anyway…I dont see any adsense on your blog…are u running some adsense sites..if yes..whats your success mate if u can share..thx


    3. Andrew


      Thank you for these tips,

      I’m still unclear about how to attract more clicks. Are you able to kindly visit my site and provide some suggestions?

      I will happily place your link on my site 🙂

      • Reply

        The best way to get more clicks is to increase your traffic. That is the best and safest way to not get banned, also place ads where people can see them.

        Anything else?

    4. Reply

      So many people try to hide ads into their text – I can’t wait until AdSense catches up with them – it’s extremely annoying!

    5. Austin


      Is there a faster way to increase followers / money for a blog other then Amazon or G A

    6. G.N.R.S.U


      really helpful tips about adsense tips, i think i will do some changes to my blog’s ads showing method!!

    7. Austin


      love the site answered all my questions in the first 5 seconds. Thank you.

    8. petre


      Hi Kharim,

      These tips are really helpful for Adsense users and i think everyone should follow them! The thing that concerns me the most are artificial clicks, i once clicked on my own ad by mistake and now i fear that my Adsense account will be banned. Should i worry?

    9. Reply

      Thanks Kharim for your tips. It’s remaind me again some basic policies of this adsense programs. Check Adsense TOS regurally will give us more understanding about this program.

    10. Trey


      Great tips i never knew you only could put a limited amount of ads on page i always wondered why some ads didn’t show.

    11. dude


      What if you asked a PIN code for 3 times, but havent got it? Google has not an adecuate support service which we can ask a question… I can`t get a PIN for a year and only way what i see – create a new account and ask PIN code again…

    12. Marketing Philosophy


      Hi Kharim,

      Noone should try to boost clicks artificially nevertheless i disagree about not trying to make ads look like they are part of your content because if you don’t you will get a very low click throu rate…

    13. AJ Clarke


      These are some great tips Kharim. I think the biggest problem is #3. A lot of people try to put tons of ads everywhere on their site instead of focusing on quality content. The problem with this is that this won’t increase clicks rather decrease return visits and increase bounce rates.

      Another suggestion is to do a lot of testing. Different ads in different locations can have significant changes in earnings. It’s impossible to test around and see what works best for your blog.

    14. kavita


      nice tips on how to use google adsense efficently. i like that point that don’t display much ads what some sites do is display much ads and their content is less.

    15. Paul Salmon


      Basically, if you follow the AdSense TOS, then you should be fine. The last point is one that was used a lot in the past – especially on spam or made-for-adsense type sites. You can alert Google of these types of sites, and they will go and ban them.

      To avoid accidentally clicking my own ads, I conditionally prevent the ads from showing when I view my blog within the theme. I replace the ads with images so I know how the site will look/react when the ads are displayed.

      • Reply

        That’s very true Paul. Once you follow the rules then you can never go wrong. Great tip on avoiding clicks.

        Please I am asking you kindly to leave another comment on my other article
        5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

    16. SEO


      Thanks for the valuable blog. We found everywhere that Google ban the AdSense due to the “Artificial Clicks” to make more money. This blog will be great to help the bloggers and AdSense running folks.

      • Reply

        Glad that you found interest in my article and I thank you for commenting.

        Please I am asking you kindly to leave another comment on my other article
        5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

    17. Reply

      Although it is a bad idea to trick people into clicking ads I think there is no harming in making the ads look like content. Otherwise you will see very poor click through rates.

      • Reply

        There is no harm in blending your ads, even Google encourages us to do so. Thanks for the comment.

        Please I am asking you kindly to leave another comment on my other article
        5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

    18. Reply

      Thanks for these basic AdSense -tips. It was new to me that someone tries to get two separate AdSense accounts in order to have 6 ads on the same blog. It sounds weird to me.

      • Reply

        You’re welcome and thanks for the comment.

        Please I am also asking you to make one more comment on my other article:
        5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

    19. nazimwarriach


      Hello Kharim,
      As you are doing business with Goolge so you must be fair with them and should not do or promote spam in any way.
      I have two questions from you:
      If I revisit my pages again and again to check page design and speed… Is it OK?
      If any publisher click ads of an other publisher, what about it?

      • Reply

        Great questions Naz. I don’t think it is right for you to ask other publishers or anybody at all to click on your ads. For revisiting your own blog, you can take the Adsense off when making updates so that you don’t stand any chances of being banned by Google. Thanks for the comment.

        Please I am also asking you to make one more comment on my other article:
        5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

    20. Thiru


      Hi Kharim,

      Its been a long time to visiting your blog, but still glowing with your own way contents. Yes, we do not take risk anymore on adsense, because google clever than us.

      • Reply

        Thanks again for your visit and comment. It would be really bad to get banned by Google.

        Please I am also asking you to make one more comment on my other article:
        5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

    21. William Tha Great


      Hey Kharim,

      Right on brotha! Creating mulitiple adsense accounts is fools play. That won’t get you any closer to making more money through adsense. It might very well be tempting but, there’s no shortcuts. You have to put in the work to get the results. Produce original content and drive traffic to your site that way you boost your odds.

      God bless,
      William Veasley

      • Reply

        Thanks for visiting again William. Original content always attracts more visitors and with your Google Adsense visible inside your post will help you to generate more clicks. Its not wise to make multiple accounts because Google will also ban you and delete those accounts.

        Please I am also asking you to make one more comment on my other article:
        5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

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