Brian from Blog Engage has launched the 2nd guest blogging contest which started on April 16, 2011 and runs right until May 31, 2011. I am so excited about this contest and that’s the reason why I am blogging about it so that you can join it as well.

In the first contest I came at second place and got $150 USD. I would like to thank Brian for hosting the contest, thank the sponsors and I would also like to thank the persons who commented on my article and voted as well.

Winners of this contest will share a total of $500 USD.
1st Place: $250 USD
2nd Place: $150 USD
3rd Place: $100 USD

If you enter this contest then you will be entered into the 1000 USD to the best guest blogger of 2011 contest.


How to Win?
To win the contest you must get as many points as possible by tweeting, engaging here at blog engage, Linkin in votes, facebook likes, comments and sponsor reviews.

Tweets, 1 point up to a max of 250 points
Linked In Votes, 1 point, up to a max of 500 points
Facebook Likes, 1 point, up to a max of 500 points
Engages at Blog Engage, 2 points, Unlimited points
Comments that provide value, 2 points Unlimited Points
Sponsor Reviews, 10 points per review. max points based on unique content.

Contest Sponsors
The contest has no paid sponsors. Below you will see the links of all of the blog engage contest sponsors, those who commented on Brian’s famous bloggers contest article about traffic generation have automatically been added as our contest sponsors list free of charge.

Links to our contest sponsors


Ana Hoffman from Internet Marketing Tools
Kimberly Castleberry from WordPress and Facebook Marketing
Justin Germino from
Amogh from The Funky Chunk
Don Power from
Kavita from
Latief from Simple Blogging Tips
Sheila Atwood from newbielifeline
Matt Conlon from Matt
Aswani from
Kharim from Free Blogging Tips
A. Tatum from maddencorner
Tuan from Technology News
Omer Greenwald from webtechwis
Aybi from social media for business
janwong from
Robert Bravery from integralwebsolutions
RowenaBolo from AsianMarketer
Ileane from basicpodcastingtips
David Leonhardt from SEO consultant
tonyknuckles from 113tidbits
Cosmin Stefan from themilliontwister
Joyce Oladipo from joyceoladipo
Jon from Essex Portal
Jon from jonalford
Mavis Nong from attractionmarketingonline
Dahlia Valentine from That Internet Marketing Thing
Jan Rossi from getyoustartedemarketing
Janet from The Natural Networker
Dennis Edell from Direct Sales Marketing
Vijayraj Reddy from Make Money Online
Alex from Jocuri from jocurile
Tony Hastings from thetop10blog
Neeraj Rawat from expertsgalaxy
Kristi from Blog Marketing
Mani Viswanathan from DailyBlogging
Alex from make money with amazon
Estava Morioka from estavamorioka
Shiva from Webmaster Tips
Robert Dempsey from Internet Marketing Strategies
kbharath from Techntricksonline
Steve from Lifestyle Design
ndreas from Online Advertising
Saket Jajodia from SJbn.Co
Bican Valeriu from smarketools
Wong Chendong aka The Bad Blogger
Nishadha from Make Money Blogging
Dave Grimes II from thesisready
Devesh from Blogging Tips
Matthew from Home Based Internet Businesses
Paul Salmon from Technically Easy
kirapermunian from geekster online
John Paul from Blog Resources
John from
Michael Aulia from
Daniel Snyder from fireproof safes for data
Deepak from Lead Generation
Nicholas Wind IMer from cashflowduplication
Sarah Lam from writingconsultation
Catarina Alexon from catarinasworld
MtnJimFisher from outsourcing
Peppy from The PeppyWrites Chronicles
Felix Albutra from Blogging Access
Gloson from social media and blogging tips
sajeev kumar menon from sajeevkmenon
Argie Monroy from Live Life More
Andrew Williams from The Billionaire’s Butler
Memoirs of a Single Dad from Memoirs of a Single Dad
Gera from SweetsFoodsBlog
Togrul from Income Streams
Jennifer from emptypockets01
ptaylor98 from ptaylor98.jottit
Doc Sheldon from
Goran from Black Hat Source
Ninure from Ninure da Hippie’s Blog
Christine from
Sarah from templatefaerie
Alison Moore Smith from Affordable Web Design for Small Business
Dave Lucas from
Sean Supplee from
DazzlinDonna from making a living online
Pablo Lara H from
Tia Peterson from
Dr. Rus Jeffrey from General Sarge
Sietse from
Blazing Minds from Blazing Minds
Typhoon from make Money Online
Kiesha from WeBlogBetter 
Bryan Hollis from News for Bloggers
Harleena Singh from FreelanceWriter.Co
Tristan from Blogging tips
Andi from
Dr. Hansjörg Leichsenring from
Big Cajun Man from
Imran from shariffdotorg
Melinda from
Martha Giffen from
Dani Nir-McGrath from
Pit from
TS Redmond Mize from Element Content
Raj Agrawal from Upcoming Technology
Ryan Hanley from Albany Insurance
Kev From
Dana from Cell Phone Reviews
Michele Welch from new biz blogger
Josh Thompson from Boom Serve
Ryan Biddulph from Home Based Success 
Fletcher T. from
Jimi Jones from Jimi Jones
Dwight from


  1. Kate Brown Wilson


    To be honest I am new to this kind of activity, how I wish that I can blog enough and join some competition like this, easiest way to earn money.

  2. Adrienne


    Hey Kharim,

    Well, I was able to join Blog Engage a few weeks back but will confess that I don’t even know how to get started on that site. Have pleaded in the forum for help and have not received one reply. Wish I could get in on this and start being more active but I have no idea how to start. Maybe you can point me in the direction that can be of help to me. Would love to participate or even help out my fellow blogging buddies.

    Thanks for your post, love contests and helping my friends.

    Have a great day!


    • Reply

      Hey Adrienne, sorry to be just replying to your comment. Sure I would love to help you out in understanding BlogEngage. Please contact me for what you need help with. Thanks for the comment.

      Please I am also asking you to make one more comment on my other article:
      5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

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