You work your pants off to come up with creative content ideas for your website or business blog. You have an arsenal of SEO tools that help you identify the right keywords, increase page load speed and reduce bounce. While all these are effective measures that can boost your website high in search results, you are probably neglecting one important aspect.

More often than not, webmaster neglect to optimize their images, including their logo. Here’s the thing: Google needs to understand what your website is about so that it can rank you for the right keywords and phrases. The more specific and relevant your website is, the better the chances of showing up high in search results. That means that every element of a web page plays a crucial role in telling Google what your business is about.

Without further ado, let’s see a handful of simple tricks to optimize your logo starting today:

  1. Use Alt Tags

You should add alt tags (alternative text) to every image on your website, starting with your logo. Some people can’t load images while others use screens readers to learn what an image is about, so Google uses the alt tags to describe the image.

Google also uses alt tags to „read” a picture and understand what it represents, so that it can show it in search results. Make your logo “readable” and clear by writing an alt tag that uses your targeted keywords in it.

  1. Rename Your Logo File

Another important rule that you should keep in mind when adding your logo design to your website, is to use your keywords as your file name. Don’t forget that Google ranks images as well. So, by optimizing your logo, you increase your chances of getting organic traffic to your site.

Instead of using a generic name, such as „logo.jpg,” include some of your keywords in the title and description. For instance, if you name the file “remodeling-home-newjersey.jpg,” you spoon-feed Google the information that you are offering remodeling services for homes in New Jersey.

  1. Get Used to Dashes

Did you notice how I filed “remodeling-home-newjersey.jpg,” by using dashes instead of underscores? While you may have traditionally separate words with a simple underscore, Google has been programmed to read dashes. So just by switching habits, you’ll score a better ranking in no time.

  1. Compress Your File Size

The smallest the logo image size, the fastest it will take your page to load. If Google detects that your website takes more than three seconds to load, it will automatically choose to rank it lower in search results.

For best compression results for your logo, I recommend the next three sites that deliver images in an optimal size:

  1. Link Your Preferred Domain:

The domain you let search engines link to is your preferred domain. For example, you can have Google index and show in search engines. Your logo should also be linked to your preferred domain so that when people click on it, they are automatically sent to your home page, which is what you ultimately want.

Without a doubt, there are many factors that you need to take into consideration when optimizing your website. While you might think that some things are more important than others, the reality is that every element is a piece of the SEO puzzle, your logo design included.

It won’t take you more than ten minutes of your time to implement the tips from this article, but it can win you more traffic and, ultimately, more customers.


  1. Reply

    It is not only about logo optimization but these rules go perfectly with any HTML image we show on our site. Image alternative text, image title and image file name must be optimized with proper keywords with words separated with hyphen. Image file size optimization, image EXIF data removal and image dimension optimization also help in overall image and site speed optimization. Even image sitemap files may be another good option.

  2. Reply

    Thanks for sharing nice information, but I have 1 questions: Can I have nice logo without any design experience?
    Could you guys recommend me any good free service to design logo??

  3. Harper


    Hey Kharim,

    Thanks for amazing tips.Well it was very necessary to optimize the logo. I know this 4 tips but i never know about “Compress Your File Size” after reading this I learn new things today.



    For a SEO , logo can take a real good place to get traffic or mark a sign for your site…

  5. Reply

    These are truly awesome tips Kharim Tomlinson! Not only did I bookmark this post and take a ton of handwritten notes, I’ve actually gone ahead and put two of these tips into practice while “studying” it.
    Thanks a lot for sharing with us !

  6. Jenny Rev


    Hey Kharim

    Great Post Dear !

    But Is it really necessary to Optimize Logo? I know the Alt tag under images is an important thing, but isn’t it added automatically when we put logo in WordPress blog using theme customizer?

    I may be wrong ! I don’t Know !


  7. Reply

    Well I’m not a designer but seems like I really liked these tips for optimizing logo design. I must say these are important steps to gain more traffic.


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