Well today has officially marked 3 months since I launched this blog and it has been a really great journey. I would like to thank all my blog readers, subscribers, commentators for helping me to make this possible.

The third month is way better than the first 2 months by far and the reason is because I have put out the necessary effort to make this month a great success.

As usual I have drafted up my statistics to show you my level of achievement. Please check them out and tell me what you think for a 3 month old blog.

My Ranks

Alexa Rank

I have always been determined to bring my Alexa rank down and I am doing my very best to do this.

Last month my rank was 384,680 and this month I have managed to bring it down to 232,416.
So this is a great difference for me in these rankings.

Page Rank

My page rank is still at 2/10 and I am thankful for that.

Traffic Statistics

  • Total Visits: 1541
  • Unique Visitors: 935 Absolute
  • Page Views: 7569
  • Pages Per Visit: 4.91 Pages
  • Average Time User Stays: 4 minutes 40 seconds
  • Bounce Rate: 2.21%
  • New Visits: 57.62%
  • These are some really great stats comparing to last month, see last month stats below:

  • Total Visits: 1218
  • Unique Visitors: 577 Absolute
  • Page Views: 5,274
  • Pages Per Visit: 4.33 Pages
  • Average Time User Stays: 7 minutes 09 seconds
  • Bounce Rate: 37.68%
  • New Visits: 45.24%
  • Posting

    For the month of May, I madeย 15 posts just like the previous month I had also made 15 posts.

    For the coming month I will be posting more often and asking my blog readers to questions so they don’t feel left out. I will give you a chance to ask me questions and I will write a post specially for you. To stay updated to these great articles, please subscribe to my rss feed.

    Thanks To All…

    I would like to thank my visitors, readers, commentators and everyone else who helped to make this possible.

    I will continue to deliver great articles to help you make your blog a success. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Daniel Sharkov


      Your statistics are very good and I have to say that the increase over the last month is pretty decent. The way things are going, you will be getting higher and higher. We will see what will happen when the next PR update comes.

    2. TechDubDoob


      Good job with your results buddy. Now it’s time to do more in order to see even more growth. Keep the ball rollin.

    3. Murlu


      Excellent job and major congrats Kharim

      Hopefully you can take all of this data, see what caused the increase and optimize it so your next report will be even bigger ๐Ÿ™‚

      Good luck!
      .-= Murluยดs last blog ..5 Best Benefits Of Working Online =-.

    4. ronald brown


      This is what real work is you are advancing at a fast pace . Keep up the good work as always .

    5. Natalia


      These are some very impressive and inspiring stats. I’ve added you to my reader because of them ๐Ÿ™‚ My blog is just a little younger than yours so I know I can learn a thing or two from you! Keep it coming… I haven’t dug into your older posts as yet, but just as a side note, I’m looking for info on technical stuff… improving Alexa rankings, reaching more visitors etc. Always great to find other Caribbean bloggers! (got you through Sam’s Web Guide by the way)

      • Reply

        Hey Natalia thanks for coming by and leaving your kind comments, I really appreciate it.

        I will be sure to provide some articles on what I do on a daily basis to keep up great stats. You can check my older posts, they are loaded with tips and valueable information. Thanks for subscribing as well. Where in the Caribbean you from?

    6. Reply

      Didn’t visit your blog for 2 days, i already miss a few posts ๐Ÿ˜€
      That’s awesome list for a young age blog, good job so far, thumbs up!
      .-= Kimiยดs last blog ..โ€œBack to Topโ€ Button WordPress =-.

    7. BRATZ


      All I can say is congratulations. For a 3 month old blog, you are really doing it great! I mean, you have put so much dedication and attention for this blog of yours, and it really reflects! Congrats Kharim!
      .-= BRATZ@DressUp Gamesยดs last blog ..Alice Cute Styling =-.

    8. Reply

      wow. you got an improvement there. congrats kharim!

      I guess I should improve my blog too or I’ll be left behind! ๐Ÿ˜€

    9. Tim Sighter


      Congrats on the success you’ve made. I will be looking forward to the more frequent posts and the continual growth of webmaster success.

      Oh, and loving the stats. Your bounce rate this month was outstanding!
      .-= Tim Sighterยดs last blog ..Why Should You Guest Write? =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Tim Sighter. I will delivery more quality contents as the days go along. I will also be interviewing some bloggers.

        Keeping my bounce rate low and my traffic up was really easy for me ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks

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