Google’s Panda Update – Why The *Quality* Of The Backlink Is More Important Than Ever!

If you’re at all engage in marketing online, you have more than likely heard how important *quality* backlinks are to achieving top rankings. That’s because since Google’s Panda update went into effect in North America earlier in the year there’s more emphasis being placed on the *quality* of the backlinks than ever. As a result […]

Got A Great Piece Of Content? Repurpose Your Research And Get the Biggest Bang For Your Buck!

If you’re just starting out in this business you’re probably splitting your time between creating content and trying to find ways to build backlinks to improve your ranking in the SERP. Starting a business is always tough particularly when it requires the kind of creative thinking that writing content involves. But you know you can’t […]

Competing For Google’s Attention – On-Page And Off-Page Optimization

I just had a post from someone who was trying to get Google’s attention. He had purchased SEOPressor and had invested a good amount of time and effort using it to optimize his web page. Understandably, he hoped to see a significant improvement in traffic to his website. What he did not understand was why […]