For the internet marketer who uses content as his main traffic fuel, you will agree with me that indeed content is king. Content has been a very powerful means of getting traffic to a business website/blog on the internet and as much people that have been able to snatch this opportunity are successfully driving more leads and prospects towards their business.
But it’s quite unfortunate, not all content is powerful enough to command traffic. Some are just mediocre that they are only there to keep the blog updated, while others are so powerful they go viral immediately they are published.
What differentiates these two forms of content from each other and how can you make yours stand out? This article will answer these questions and more related to article marketing for you.
[box type=”red”]Research Before Writing[/box]
The process of writing your article is the most crucial aspect of it. How you get your ideas, what are the facts supporting them and how much of research you do can make or break your marketing efforts. Before you conclude on a topic, you must have conducted a reasonable degree of research on that topic and be sure you have a dependable understanding of it.
Let your articles have links in them, pointing to sources you took your ideas from, and let these sources be reputable ones. An article, well written and of a reasonable length backed-up by points from external sources will weigh more on search engines than the one which was hastily written.
If you haven’t been doing research before writing your content, let your next article be well researched and study the outcome.
[box type=”green”]Spend Time Proofreading And Editing[/box]
Another major part of content creation is editing and proofreading. If your articles are well edited and proofread for errors, it will spell on it after it’s published. Though, your readers might not leave a comment that your article is poorly edited unless it’s extreme, they will treat your product/blog by what they read on it.
If you don’t want to give your readers (or prospects) the impression that the product you’re marketing to them is crappy, you should spend enough time editing and proofreading your articles for errors.
Misspelled words, wrong use of grammar and bad punctuations are some other things Google now looks into to decide which articles it ranks better.
[box type=”blue”]Target Their Problems[/box]
Finally what the article you are writing on your blog does for the people reading it will determine how often they will come back to it. If your readers are all up on the hill looking for weight loss tips, and you are busy writing about how to make money, they won’t take your article serious and would only close the tab once they land on your blog. Though making money is very important, but in this case, your readers will only consider going for your tips after they’ve lost some pounds :).
In case you are finding it difficult knowing what your readers want from your blog, just run a poll asking them what they want to see treated on your blog. Your results should determine what you write next on your blog.
[box]Author Bio: James is a freelance writer, who is currently guest posting for leighmans, you can click here to know more about them.[/box]
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