What affiliate marketing strategy works with weightloss blog.

Weight loss is one of the most popular niches in the blogging industry, together with business opportunities, making money online, and blogging tips.

However, not all weight loss bloggers start a blog to make money. Many of them start a blog to record their weight loss journey, their high and low moments.

This article appeals to weight loss bloggers who blog for money and in particular to those who have chosen to make money as affiliates.

If you have chosen to monetize your weight loss blog, the following tips will help you to obtain the best results from your chosen affiliate programs.

Consider the Needs of your Readers

It is imperative that you put yourself in your reader’s shoes!

  • What are they looking for as they read your blog?
  • How would give them extra value as a loyal follower of your diet and weight loss blog?
  • Are your readers considering specific weight loss programs or products associated with weight loss?
  • What triggers a purchase for your readers? Is it in the form of a referral or in the form of an ad?
  • Are your visitors looking for specific products they have read about in your blog?

Tip 1: Always begin with your reader in mind and from there, choose the diet or weight loss products, programs, books or items that would add value to their surfing experience and assist them with their own weight loss goals.

If you can give added benefits to your readers with valuable, tested affiliate products, you will gain favour with your readers and earn some dollars as a bonus.

Choose Genuine Recommendations and Personal Endorsements

There are uncountable weight loss and diet services and products available on the market, not all of which are reputable or effective. It is unwise to think you can just add affiliate links to your blog without first testing out or researching the product or service you are recommending your reader to purchase.

Before I started promoting Nutrisystem and Medifast, two of the world’s most established home meal delivery and food supplement companies, I had spent several days studying about them.

If you inadvertently choose something to endorse that does not give your readers any real benefits, you could lose the reputation and trust you have been building with your weight loss blog.

Tip 2: These readers follow your musings daily because they resonate with what you say and so will feel they can trust you to provide solutions to their own weight loss problems.  Maintain that level of respect and trust by testing out all products you choose to promote, enabling a genuine and honest recommendation, which includes all pros and cons of your personal endorsement. This always yields the best results.

Link to Quality Products Only

Everyone wants to ensure they are purchasing a product or service that is going to work for them, as many will have purchased some kind of weight loss promise that did not yield results in the past.

Tip 3: If your visitors trust you will give them an honest appraisal of any products you promote, they are more likely to make a purchase from your blog. They will believe you have discovered the best products within the weight loss industry.

Live up to this honour by choosing only quality brands from companies that have good reputations and effective results from their products and services. Check that their sales pages are professional before you send your customers there.

Choose Contextual Deep Links

I deluded myself by thinking that my placement of an Amazon banner at the top of my blog, linked to Amazon, would generate an abundance of sales, making me a rich man. It was actually ineffective. As a blogging consultant, I always advise my clients to learn a lesson from contextual advertising and apply it to their affiliate choices.

Your readers are reading about weight loss and diet topics, will see an ad that relates to this, which increases the chance of them buying that product as opposed to seeing an ad for something out of context to what they are reading. The same goes for your affiliate links.

Tip 4: An ad banner on your blog does almost nothing to compel your visitors to click on the ad. Most visitors hate ads anyway. Instead place multiple links to your chosen affiliate weight loss products throughout your blog as these are relative to what your readers are looking for.

If you are blogging about a specific diet, imbed the link within that post to the sales page for that specific book or program.


[box]Michael Chibuzor takes interest in fitness, blogger’s wellness and effective dieting practices. He shares discount deals in a weightloss blog where he is a contributor. He writes blog posts about diet tips, blogging, social media, SEO and offers you the best weight loss coupon deals.[/box]

Image Credit: mercelat


  1. mandy


    hi Michael
    As i saw that a blog with health or fitness get more traffic to compare then others. your tips are also looking good. i got something new from here. many visitor get helped from your informative blog.. thnaks to share this one..

  2. surender


    Really a nice post.. thanks for sharing this..
    exercise and the healthy “diet” eating seems to have failed in the “weight-loss” endeavor, let’s get you some quick and effective tips to lose weight

  3. Tariqul


    Few days ago I launch a weight loss affiliate program on my blog and I got some response firstly but suddenly I can’t find any improve on my business. Please can you tell me the reason ? by the way the weight loss program was genuine and perfect for younger and older.

  4. Reply

    Hello Michael, I desire to open a new affiliate programs on my blogs but I was confused about the topics but after reading your details I am influenced by you & decide to open a Weight loss program and links only the quality product and also following desire of my readers. Thanks for your very informative share.

  5. Apu


    … thanks for this great post!!…i have been dealing with extra fat and weight problems.so very helpful for me… enjoyed every bit of it . 🙂

  6. karen


    Thank you for sharing these great tips on improving affiliate weight loss blogs performance, they’ll help me a lot, because this is exactly what I’m trying to do. Thanks again.

  7. karen


    Excellent post, I just learned a lot about weight loss products promotion, I was overlooking so many valuable things, as this is exactly what I’m trying to do. Thank you.

  8. Nicola


    One of the main things from my point of view is promoting things you really believe in and not something just for an affiliate commission or something like that. The public eventually ses through that anyway…

  9. Shawn


    The best weight loss programs are the ones that do not make you go on crazy diets. You will not lose weight if you are uncomfortable with the food you are eating. You will feel stressed about trying to remember what you can and cannot eat. Being stressed will not help you to lose weight. It might even make you gain weight. Thanks a lot…

  10. Anisely


    Thanks for the post. These are important tips for weight loss. I think Proper diet management & routine exercise keeps the weight in control.

  11. noel


    great tips! i love writing review for health product then add my affiliate links through the review. but what you specified in your article gave me another idea. i will now write an article on weight loss then add my affiliate link while following your advice. big thanks again.

  12. Andrea Smith


    I would have to agree on placing ads on contextual locations. In my experience, banners on sidebars rarely gets clicked and sidebars should be left for navigation

  13. Puneet


    You are right. Its useless to recommend bad products. Always recommend good products so that your readers will grow confidence in your recommendation.

  14. Ehsan


    Weight loss, abs and green tea etc are the topics which has millions of competitors and it is quite difficult to beat the competitors.

  15. Zeeshan


    Michael Chibuzor you have chosen the one of the biggest niche we have on internet. When it comes to weight loss Personal Endorsements and recommendations are very necessary.

  16. Samuel


    “What are they looking for as they read your blog?” that is the right question to ask right there.

    I am sure half of them are looking to find a new solution to a problem that keeps bugging them. Your blog’s purpose is for that.

    Nice article, Michael.

    • Michael Chibuzor


      Thank you for reading the post. Identifying your audience is key to succeeding online. Thanks a bunch!

  17. Azam


    You have chosen one of the very competitive in which it is very difficult to get the ranking and I think these techniques are milestone to get something good from weight Loss niche.

  18. Claire


    There are good and bad products out there so it is really important to follow your advice in linking to only quality products. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Becca


    Another great post! I’ve been in affiliate marketing but I am not familiar some of the tips you mentioned here.thanks for the tips.

  20. Aasma


    For affiliate marketing, you must choose best products as promoting bad products can easily reduce your trust among your audience and you could even loose them all.

  21. Reply

    Hi Michael, I think the weight loss niche is actually the biggest one online if I remember correctly. I think it was followed by online dating or something like that.

    I guess like most blog topics you almost have a real passion for the topic to get a blog going.

    There are good and bad products out there so it is really important to follow your advice in linking to only quality products. Once your rep is burned with a person, it would be really hard to get them to come back.

    • Michael Chibuzor


      Yes, weight loss niche is popular and easy to profit. Once you can beat the competition, you can easily build a profitable business from it.

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