How Joining a Group of Motivated Bloggers, big deal? Read this out!

What better example can I quote to prove the power of team-work other than the latest Facebook – Instagram deal? A committed group of only 4 guys uplifted in their destinies in a way never seen before. Who knows, it may be your turn now? Groups like Bistro MD and Diet to Go also work for the well fare of bloggers.

In our day to day life, we hear numerous quotes on the strength of teamwork. And those are true, indeed. Joining or forming a group of similar professionals can help you gain financial success, while making you stay fit. Wondering how? Read on to know the secret.

[box type=”yellow”]Motivated Bloggers: Sharing of Different Ideas and Suggestions[/box]

A group of minds always work better than a single mind. You can brainstorm your minds in regular get together and share ideas on staying fit. Moreover, your colleagues will always have something useful for your business as well. So, it is like hitting two birds with the same arrow. Get together in a group of 5 to 7 bloggers and sit on weekends to share a happy time together, discussing weight loss tips, healthy diet and business ideas etc.

[box type=”blue”]Motivated Bloggers: Tour of your favorite Tourist Destination[/box]

Having a walk with nature is an appealing way to remove all stress and work pressures. Plan a trip to hill station or a beach with your group. And when you come back from the trip, you can feel the magical energy that you always needed to concentrate on your work. Make it a point to leave all your online attachments like Computer, Internet etc at home so that you make the most out of your group outing. 

[box]Motivated Bloggers: Continuous Motivation and Push[/box]

Self-motivation is difficult to find, especially when your day is jam-packed with workloads. In such an event, your group will act as a source of motivation to keep going with your commitments. Moreover, set a goal and make resolutions together. We used to fix a penalty for anyone who moves away from the fixed goals, be it related to diet, weight loss or business. I still remember loosing 4 kg weight in two weeks, the first time I made such a group.

[box type=”red”]Motivated Bloggers: Partnership Ventures[/box]

Aha, this one is something catchier. You will soon find your friends coming together with you to make a mutually benefiting business deal, or partnership venture. For example, you are a website designer and your friend is a writer. You both can have a good time earning commissions from Google adsense by developing websites together or brining more visitors through latest coupon code display on your blog.

So, if you haven’t though of any such thing earlier, it is high time you did so. See more friends this weekend, and shortlist the ones with similarities that you are looking for to get apt partners. Start forming a group today and who knows, you will be making the next deal with Facebook at your own terms! I hope this article have cleared all doubt of being in Motivated Bloggers!


This article is offered by IrfanS iddiqui who also writes for, a site that offers energy performance certificates (EPC) in Belfast and Northern Ireland.



  1. Wanda


    Wonderful tips. Thanks for sharing. As they say 2 heads are always better than one! Discussing and sharing your ideas always results in a better shape and design of your thoughts.

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      Aha! That line won my heart. Seriously you made a wonderful comment here. 🙂

  2. Chiranjeev


    Nice Post on the advantage of joining groups. The point you have covered via this post is really awesome. Motivated blogger is really very helpfull for niewbies.

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      Thank you so much for stopping by and making your comment on my article. I hope my post have benefit you.

  3. Joe Boyle


    About two years ago, I was added to a chatroom on Skype with some prestigious bloggers including Nicholas Cardot. It was in that very chatroom that I learned the basics to what became my very first success stories. In that chatroom, we not only shared motivational ideas, but also code to improve one-another’s websites, and shared posts from eachother’s blogs.

    In general, you can learn a lot and benefit immensely from being in a group of bloggers. The great potential is simple – if one goes big, so do you.

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      It was nice reading your story you gained success from, Joe. I wish you may get more success in future also.

      Discussing in groups help you gain lot of information which one can’t gain individually so don’t think that if you know something you would not share with others as this may cause loss on you but this will help you learn something beneficially from them.

  4. Reply

    I completely agree with you. Well i have joined many group in facebook and have really it has inspired me very much. I was a writter and mow i am a blog owner and all because of these groups. Thanks for sharing the article.
    Sanjib Saha

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      Maintain quality there and you will achieve more than that from what you are doing to from what you want to do in future. Thank you for stopping by and posting your awesome comment.

  5. Swet


    Hii Irfan, thank for this useful information. Yaa its true that “A group of minds always work better than a single mind”. These all points are really very effective for bloggers to achieve success.

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      A group of top minded people can help you achieve great success that’s true. I hope you have liked my article?

  6. Reply

    Irfan Siddiqui i am very new to this field and i want to join the professional bloggers group. Please tell me where can i find these bloggers.

    • Reply

      Waqas Welcome to Blogging Arena Mate. There are lots of group you can join. I highly prefered to join LinkedIn Groups. You can learn so many things from there from Begging to Pro.
      Nice post Irfan. Thanks for sharing this mate.

      • Irfan Siddiqui


        Thank you so much for making a reply for him from me. And it ws pleasure reading your comments on my each guest post. 🙂

        Waqas, If you are in FB you can join blogger blogger lounge a place where you can share your matter with 100s of top bloggers. Else amit is not wrong.

  7. Jolie


    I agree that two or more heads are better than one. The right group of like minded people can encourage and motivate, for sure.

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      No one is genius in today’s world as one can find everything on internet similarly one can’t well explained these issues hence requirement of group is needed.

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