Just look around your locality. You see almost all tech-savvy people are browsing the Internet on their mobile devices. Due to the rapid advancement of mobile phones and Internet technology, most of the people prefer browsing the global Internet on mobile devices rather than sitting before a laptop or a personal computer. This trend has made it mandatory for website owners to make their sites responsive to multiple mobile devices because of Google, the world’s leading search engine gives more importance to responsive websites when it has to display results to users.

Digital marketing professionals optimize websites with the latest SEO tricks to improve their visibility on the web, get more traffic and leads. HTML websites have become a thing of the past and they don’t meet the growing needs of a knowledgeable audience.

Optimizing an HTML website for search engines and people is a mind-blowing job due to frequent change in Google’s algorithm. Do you want to take your HTML website to a new platform? Need to get some respite in your SEO exercise and ensure the best performance of your website? If yes, then HTML to responsive WordPress design comes to your rescue.

As a matter of fact, HTML to WordPress conversion is a technique to take your HTML website to the WordPress platform easily and effortlessly. It helps you a lot in your SEO exercise. Just have a look how it works:

1. Your Website Becomes Fast

Fast loading websites are liked by both search engines and people. While looking for the best results for the entered keywords, Google selects fast loading websites/web pages and discards the slower ones. After HTML to WordPress conversion, all unnecessary files, outdated content, junk extensions/add-ons, messy code, broken links, etc, are removed. The website developer revamps your site totally and keeps only the necessary elements that are likely to take your web-based business to a new level. This makes your website super fast, allowing visitors to access it easily on the web.

2. More Traffic From Small Screens

As discussed above, the number of mobile Internet users has surpassed their desktop counterparts. So, it’s very important for entrepreneurs to catch the huge volume of traffic coming from small screens. Post conversion, your website becomes responsive to all mobile devices. So, visitors can easily access your website on different mobile devices. This creates limitless chances of lead generation.

3. Excellent Site Usability

Website usability is one of the most important factors used by Google to determine the ranking and relevancy of sites. The responsive web design makes it easier for visitors to access your website 24*7 and navigate from one page to another. Consequently, visitors spend more time on your website and get engaged with your brand. Always keep in mind that excellent usability score leads to visitors and increased conversions.

4. Improved Consumption Of Web Content

A great content is of no use for website owners if it is not read by the targeted audience and shared/downloaded in maximum numbers. When visitors land on your site, they read the available content and go away. While operating HTML websites, suggesting a similar content to visitors is very challenging for non-technical persons.

As website bounce rate matter’s a lot in SEO exercise and the ranking of websites, WordPress offers you plugins to show the related posts based on the current entries of visitors. It improves the consumption of the content up to a great extent which improves the SEO ranking of your website on all major search engines.

5. Elimination Of Content Duplication

Content duplication is a major problem on the web. There are many digital marketing professionals who use, duplicate or syndicated content in website optimization to gain unfair advantages over their competitors on the web and earn great revenues continuously. Google hits this unlawful practice hard with its regular updates.

If your website is loaded with duplicate content, Google can blacklist it from its SERP, which is a big blow to your web-based business. Using WordPress plugins, you can easily do away with the content duplication issue on your site and make it more valuable for the targeted audience.

6. More Social Sharing

Social sharing of your site’s post plays an important role in its ranking on the web. Just remember More social sharing=Decent ranking on all search engines. WordPress offers several plugins to automate your SMO activities and generate leads comfortably through different social media sites.

7. A Helping Hand in SEO

WordPress website optimization is not an easy job as assumed by many novice individuals who start their blogging life to dominate the web with their thoughts/products/services and get the financial advantage. Different WordPress plugins allow you to perform various SEO activities rightly and help your website rank well on all search engines. It saves you time and energy, boosts the SEO results, and multiplies revenues greatly.

Concluding Remarks:

HTML To Responsive WordPress Design offers a great value to website operators. They can easily take their HTML website to the WordPress platform and improve its SEO ranking easily by applying only a little effort.

Author Bio:

Brandon Graves is obsessive about WordPress and all the latest updates associated with it. He writes informative articles on various WordPress issues such as HTML to WordPress conversion, PSD to WordPress conversion, etc, for tech-savvy individuals. Follow him on Google Plus to get instant updates.

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