SEOquake is an analytic SEO tool. It’s only available on Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers. However, its usefulness merits downloading one of them if you don’t already use them. SEO quake is a toolbar which you can install in seconds. It gives you vital information about any blog or website you land on.

The parameters are extensive, but some of the main ones are Google Page Rank, Alexa rating, number links on Bing and Yahoo the website has, keyword density, and whether there are no-follow links/do-follow links etc.

[box type=”green”]SEOquake Takes The Guess Work Out Of Blogging Research[/box]

If you want to guest post or comment on a blog it’s first of all best to search the blog’s PR, popularity etc. It’s difficult to do this by merely searching on Google. I’ve downloaded the toolbar on my Chrome browser and each time I search for something on Google my search results are significantly improved and detailed. Before I even attempt to guest post on a blog I can gauge what chance my post has of going viral or stagnating. SEOquake takes the guess work and the leg work out of your research because you can see all the information right below your SERPs – and in one go!
In addition, when researching for possible guest posting opportunities with SEOquake, you get the blog’s particulars and figures in half the time and with half the effort.  This enables you to be more productive – saving you time to do the important tasks of researching, writing and editing.

[box type=”green”]SEOquake Makes It Easy To Choose Which Blogs To Comment On[/box]

Many people use commenting as a way to get targeted traffic to their blogs. If you do this, you spend a lot of time reading posts so that you can come up with helpful insights and problem-serving comments. For your hard work and dedicated input, you deserve to at least to be rewarded with some clicks to your blog. Low PR and low traffic blogs will most likely not offer you this payback.

This is why it’s important to choose the right blogs on which to comment.

SEOquake is invaluable to me where this is concerned. Because this tool bar tells you the age of the blog in your SERPs, and gives you pertinent Page ranks (from which you could gauge the quality of the site), you’ll know if it’s worth commenting even before clicking on the homepage. This is a big advantage, not to be sneezed at.

[box type=”green”]SEOquake Can Be Set Up To Show Blogs That Offer Do-Follow Links[/box]

If you have a little tech skill you can set up SEOquake to show you blogs that allow do-follow links in their comment love section. CommentLuv is a plugin that gives back to your readers. It allows them to leave the link to their last (or popular) blog post when they make a comment on your blog. Many blogs allow these links to be do-follow.

Think of what this can do for your back-linking campaign. You wouldn’t have to write guest posts at all – just leave great comments and let them work for you. Obviously, knowing which blogs allow the do-follow links gives you the option to comment only on them as a way to build your traffic and Internet presence.
Armed with the information and statistics, your research time on the Internet could be cut down by half. This is definitely a tool every blogger should be downloading the SEOquake now.

[button type=”icon” icon=”j” color=”green” link=””]Download SEOquake[/button]


[box]Author Bio John Edget is a blogger and SEO professional. He offers varied tips on SEO and also guest posts for Pixelinternet.[/box]


  1. Rajkumar Jonnala


    I too use SEOQuake plugin for chrome. I do agree with you every time we visit a blog, we don’t need to check it’s rank. SEOQuake makes the job easier.

  2. sintu kumar


    Thanks for the wounderful post and i agree with you Seo quake is one of the best tool for to show dofollow links.

  3. Md sohail


    No doubt SEO quake is great tool for making our blog better. But the thing is while searching it show all messy thing and all, which we get forced to remove the tool.

  4. Kevin Gabbard


    SEOQuake was actually the first tool I downloaded, through a recommendation from someone that uses several different tools. It is a great way to find page rankings, and to see what is going on in your own niche in the higher rated pages.

  5. Carla


    I love using seo quake! This tool helped me find vital information as far as link building is concerned.

  6. John


    I am using Seo quake and one thing to say it’s time saving tool gives you almost details about blog that where is that blog stands.

  7. Hendarto


    I’m using SEOQuake for long time ago and till this time I’m still using it as its really good to support my SEO work. All the features really help me for identify my competitor, keyword density etc. In short…You have to use SEO Quake !! highly recommended.

  8. Aasma


    I haven’t tried this tool before, however I do use “searchstatus” toolbar in my firefox browser to know check nofollow or dofollow links.

  9. Amy


    very nice article you share. Seoquake is awesome tool. I use this tool and i also recommend this tool to all seo’s. Seoquake is best tool to find high quality sites. I like to search website through seoquake to learn new things.

  10. Mark Bennet


    I am using SEO Quake and it is truly useful. It gives the google page ranking of the various websites and not only that you can even get the Alexa ranking too. Plus you can know how much followers the website has got in Twitter along with the graphical presentation.

  11. Maja


    SEOquake is one of the main gift that is very helpful in SEO campaign.I love such tools to do my work.

  12. Ehsan


    SEOQuake seems like interesting tool. It really takes a lot of time to find the popularity of a blog, first checking alexa than pagerank etc.
    This tool is very helpful. Thanks for sharing it John.
    Does it shows only blogs states or any website’s?

  13. Rahul kuntala


    I tried it few weeks back. But confused with the messy things. It displays too much of site information in one column. I think I’ve to re-think about using it again.

    BTW I don’t know that SEOquake offers these many benefits. Thanks for sharing your views John.

  14. Kate


    Hello there I never tried this tool before, maybe this is the nest solution that I can use to help me blog for more and better, I really appreciate this.

  15. Simmeon


    Always nice to see the overall picture in one glance.
    I did have that installed a while back, not sure why I removed it.

    Will use again!

    • John


      You might need to go and instal it again, really it’s a nice tool for bloggers.

  16. Amrik


    Thanks John for so amazing link prospecting technique.
    I have been using some basic search queries for finding high PR links from a long time.
    Now this seems to be really wonderful which can help me out a lot to build quality links.

  17. Zeeshan


    Honestly speaking i never use SEOquake before but looks like that i have to install it if i want to know the details of the blogs.

    • John


      I bet you’re going to love it. It’s a great tool every blogger should be using.

  18. Samuel


    SEOquake is such an incredible tool I use and Highly recommend.

    I like to search blogs with it and find high quality pages to read and learn from. Good article.

    • John


      I’m glad you’re using SEOquake. It’s a great tool every blogger should use.

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