When I first started out in the blog world, I used to think that I lack good writing technique. But I soon resolved this problem and it was very easy to do so. I was really concerned about my spelling, my grammar and style of writing in paragraphs.

For each of my blog post I try my very best to write over 400 words. 400 words may seem like too much but when you enjoy writing, 400 words is like nothing to write within a couple of minutes. I do this be using an introduction (state what the article is about), the body (which gives full information of the article) and then the conclusion (which would be a group discussion) to have my readers/ visitors engaging in a discussion. If you lack good writing skills this article was dedicated to help you develop an excellent writing skill.

How To Become A Great Writer

Becoming a great writer is one of the easiest thing when blogging. When I started, I normally read lots of articles on other blogs to see their style of writing. These bloggers write in paragraphs. Short sentences with great key points. This was not hard to do.

The best way to develop a great writing style is observe great writers, analyze their writing style, how their sentences are being structured and how they move around a particular subject with ease. Read different articles written by different authors and analyze their writing skills. By doing this, you will begin to acquire a unique and natural writing style of your own.

You must maintain different types of writing skills for different kinds of readers. When you start writing keep in mind your potential readers. For example, writing for children is quite different from writing for an adult. If you improve your writing style people will start recognizing your efforts, which will make your articles more popular among your readers.

Tips For Good Writing Skills

  • Do Some Reading
  • In order to be a great writer, the first thing that you have to do is read. Without reading then you can’t write, that’s why it is important to do it. Do lots of reading to gain some knowledge. Read different articles from different authors to see their style of writing. Read different types of books, novels and magazines to see the style of writing.

  • Do Some Writing
  • If you want to develop good writing skills, you’re going to have to write something at some point. Plan what you want to write about and then make a sketch of it. Read it back to yourself or someone and see where necessary adjustments are needed.

    I normally think up of a title and base my article on the title.

  • Publishing What You Have Written
  • If you think you have done a very good job on writing an article no doubt you would like to share it with others. Ask kindly of your readers to give a feed back on what you have written. You their feedbacks and make necessary adjustments to your article.

    In Conclusion…

    When writing, always make sure that your readers understand what you wrote and gain some knowledge out of what was written. Write in short paragraphs and make sure every sentence brings across a point. Reason for writing in short paragraphs is because most readers skim through articles and don’t read the whole thing. Use correct punctuations where necessary.

    I hope these tips have helped you to become a better writer. 🙂

    Group Discussion

    How did you do when writing your first article? Was it good or bad? And have you able to write excellent articles?
    Leave your comments below


    1. Jill Mendez


      These tips really do help a lot. I was beginning to write a blog and was advise to look up on some blog on how to develop good writing skills.

    2. Efendi


      I am impressed how you become good writer though starting from blogging. I do love gaining writing ability by reading article like you have written, good grammatical order and easy to catch…What a wonderful process to be like this.

    3. Reply

      I would just add in addition to writing short paragraphs – try to make sure the beginning of each paragraph draws the reader in.

    4. Translation Agency


      Great tips!!!!Definitely its very important for reading and writing to become a good writer and writing skills are very necessary.Its very important to read different contents and see the style and context of writing and than start your writing.

      • Reply

        Yep without writing that means you can’t read so you have to do both in order to beomome a better writer. Practice makes perfect so practice to write everyday.

    5. Donna


      Writing is definitely an art… practice, critique,practice, practice and then critique a bit more. The author of the article has provided the essence of becoming a fine writer. Now, individuals can follow his advise and move forward with their writing. good luck!!

    6. Reply

      Writing is like developing any other skill, you have to dive in there and do it. Then, when you are finished, you have to let others read what you have written. Ask your readers for feedback, then be brave enough to take that feedback without offense and learn from it. You can learn from reading others, too. However, be careful not to lose your own style by trying to hard to emulate the style of others.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment and the tip that you provided. I love to write and this is something that every blogger and author should enjoy doing as well in order to become successful.

    7. Atul Vhale


      Thumbs up ! for you covered topic as everyone face to this problem. Same I am also not very well in writing. When I was very new in writing blog post, Oh God ! I always think I can’t write, What to write? My friends always encouraged me to write continuously whether it is right or wrong and then confirm it by your friends. Same I started writing articles when I complete my task, I was giving it to my friends to edit it. He was explaining me where you can improve and how can you write in better style. I would say here reviewing your writing it would be definitely improve your writing skill.

    8. martin slattery


      do you have any tips for how to organise your writing plans,, i struggle alot with the planning stage and end up feeling very stressed,, i have a great learning capacity , im studying for a masters degree but my writing lets me down compared to my other work

      • Reply

        What I do is write the headline first and getting the idea of what I want to write about. Gather the main points and then write the article. As simple as that.

        Anything else that I can help you with?

    9. Reply

      Thanks for the comment David.

      I write articles in Microsoft Word sometimes. But you can install a plugin called Proof Read to make sure you made no mistakes as well if you write articles from your WordPress admin.

    10. Tej Kohli


      Even I am also always try to write something unique content and I take lots of inspiration after finding the content from Google Blog search ,, But try to write always unique

    11. ronald


      I will do this in more of my future post . thanks for the article keep up the good work and you know the rest . 😀

      • Reply

        Thanks Ronald. Keep reading and then the writing will flow. Oh you got a nice theme for your blog now 😉

    12. Lucian Apostol


      When i wrote my first article on my current blog, i wanted to be a good one and i spent hours delivering an article containing about 4000 words and 20 images. I wanted it to be big, to be catchy. The truth is that article was seen by much less people than my 200 word articles that i write these days. This happens because now i have much more readers and visitors that i had when i started the blog. Even if it is on the resource page and featured post he is not that popular.
      .-= Lucian Apostol´s last blog ..Top 10 Premium WordPress Templates =-.

      • Reply

        Wow that’s alot of words. 4000. Omg Lucian. I like to get straight to the point when I write a post. Try to keep it sweet and simply.

    13. Kimi


      I change my name Lol. Good tips for writers Kharim, but i suck at writing 🙁 I am learning though, thanks for posting it!
      .-= Kimi´s last blog ..Add thumbnails in WordPress =-.

      • Reply

        Oh hey Kimi, nice name change. Thanks for the comment. All you have to do as I suggested, read different types of articles from different authors. This will help you in writing excellent articles.

    14. Jarrod


      Great tips Kharim! This gives me more ideas on becoming an even better writer. Thanks for sharing!! Keep up the good work.

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