What do you do with your blog post ideas?
Really interesting question. But how would you go about answering it? Well let me help you out a bit. The other day I came up with an idea for a great blog post but I didn’t write it down. So what did you think happened? I totally forgot what I wanted to blog about.
This is where I now got the idea to write a post on What To Do With Your Ideas…
For that great idea that I came up with for writing that blog post seemed like I just threw it in the trash. But that’s not what really happened. Since I started blogging I have started doing lots of reading and thinking in order to come up with new blog posts.
Write Down Ideas
As soon as an idea come to your mind for a new blog post the best thing to do is write it down.
Why write down ideas as you they come to your mind?
I have 3 reason why you should write down blog post ideas.
- Helps you to not forget what you wanted to write about.
- Helps keep your blog post organized.
- Help with more ideas.
Great Idea To Blog Faster
I recently saw this post at WeBlogBetter.com entitled Speedy Blogging Tip where Kiesha spoke about how you can write blog posts quicker.
Here is an excerpt of the post:
To help you blog a little faster:
Create a quick outline for several future posts. Open up 3 or 4 plain text windows and create the skeleton of a post for each one. Then return to these posts each day and attempt to fill in the gaps of as many as you can in one sitting.
Don’t worry about the exact order and organization, just get ideas down.
You can read the full article here…
Group Discussion…
Tej Kohli
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Extreme John
Kharim Tomlinson
Emerson Dunnings
Kharim Tomlinson
Daniel Sharkov
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Nasrul Hanis
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Joe Boyle
Kharim Tomlinson