Targeted traffic is one if the best incoming traffic that you can have for your blog. This type of traffic takes time to build up but when you put out the hard work to get it, your blog will be more successful.

Targeted traffic can be summed up as visitors who come to your website because your content appeals to their needs. Having contents that is targeted to a particular set of people will attract them to your blog like bees to honey, and in time they will become loyal readers and subscribers.

How To Get Targeted Traffic

  • From Related Blogs
  • One of the best ways to get targeted traffic to your blog is from other blogs related to your blog. Blogs which shares the same niche as yours are perfect for getting targeted traffic. Blogs in your niche which are higher with traffic is makes it even easier.

    Here are 3 great ways to get targeted traffic from other blogs:
    – Blog Commenting
    – Guest Posting
    – Buy Ads On That Blog (if the owner sells)

  • From Related Forums
  • Forums are normally filled with people engaging in discussions and helping each other out. Why not join in the discussion as well… This is also a great place to capture some targeted traffic for your blog. When you sign up to a forum, make sure that you follow the rules of the forum, add you link with a short description about your blog and posts as much as possible on the forum. This was you will get lots of traffic and with all that posting that you are doing, this will help to build up backlinks for your blog as well.

  • From Search Engines
  • In order to get targeted traffic from search engines you have to make sure that you use the right keywords which best describes your blog. Not only that, you have to use keywords on each article that you write for your blog.

    When using keywords it’s always best to use long-tailed keywords. This means instead of using one word, you can use a phrase.
    For Example: You write an article about Google Adsense. You don’t want to just use the words Google and then Adsense. You want to use words such as, how to increase Google Adsense revenue.

    Think about what people would type in search engines and use those phrases as keywords.

  • From Social Media and Bookmarking Sites
  • I love social medial and social bookmarking sites. Why? Because they are full of people searching for everything including your blog. That’s why.

    I have gotten lots of traffic using social media sites and I am going to continue using it. One of my favorite social media sites to use is Twitter. It’s so easy to tweet a site link and if you have lots of followers then you can attract them to your blog. You can also use hashtags to kinda describe your article and this will only result in more traffic.

    Why Is Targeted Traffic Important

  • They Make Comments On Articles
  • When you target a set of people who comes to your blog, most of the times these are the ones that reads and comment on our articles. These people who are targeted to our blog will also take the time to go through your archives, search for other articles, take the time out to read and leave kind comments on what they have read.

    To keep these kind of people coming back to your blog you have to make sure that you respect them and also to make a reply on their comment, thanking them for leaving such comments. This will let them know that you as the site owner care about them.

  • They Purchase From Our Affiliates
  • The best ways to make sales on affiliate products is if you have a high number of targeted traffic coming to your blog. Have a product of interest, explain how you have used this product to make your blog better or how it has personally helped you, then making a few sales on this particular product won’t be so hard.

  • They Subscribe To Your Blogs
  • People who you target with your blog is normally the ones who will subscribe to our blog. They want to follow and keep up to date on what you are writing about. When they come to your blog it’s like you don’t have to ask them or force them to subscribe to your blog. They are the ones that will hit the subscribe button and can’t wait for your next update. So be sure to make your RSS button or email for visible for them to see.

  • They Give Us A Reason To Blog
  • Without people who are really interested in our blogs, which is the targeted traffic, sometimes it wouldn’t make sense that we continue to blog. When you find people who take keen interest in your blog it motivates us to continue blogging. This is what drives me to blog knowing that you, my loyal visitors, have interest in my blog.

    Thank you. 🙂

    Group Discussion

  • Now that you know that targeted traffic is really important to your blog, what steps are you taking to acquire this type of traffic?
  • What other tips you have for getting targeted traffic?

    1. Laur


      For me the best sources of targeted traffic have been PPC and SE traffic. Forums are also very great, I especially like Warriorforum.

    2. Reply

      You’re absolutely right – you can get widespread traffic to your site all day long, but most of those will not return, or take the time to read or comment. Targeted traffic is well worth the effort to attract.

    3. Nicholas Scott


      If you are new to online business you are probably thinking that you need more traffic to succeed, but the fact is that in order to succeed, you need targeted traffic. Targeted traffic and targeted visitors are more likely to buy something, subscribe to your newsletter or opt in for any type of service you offer as they already expressed their interest in your niche.

    4. Saurabh Nagar


      Nice article man, i am living the kind of days any wanna-be-blogger would…keep up the work mate!! cheerz

    5. Richard


      Very interesting article the content is very informative , knowing the targeted traffic to your blog is important. To drive many readers or people on your online website business. Thanks

      traffic grab bonus

    6. Robert Dempsey


      Great points Kharim. Trying to catch all fish with your net is a losing proposition to be sure. So really your article also implies that a blogger (or any site owner really) should know pretty specifically who they want to come to their site.

      What do you think?

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Robert. You can’t specifically know who you want to come to your site. All you want is traffic to which your content will appeal to them.

        • Robert Dempsey


          Then where does your targeting come in? In marketing you bring in the people you want to come, otherwise you are trying to get everyone, which is a waste of time. For instance, Apple is not trying to appeal to everyone on earth with their products, only a segment of the population.

          • Reply

            As I said, you want traffic to which your content appeals to them. That would be the targeted traffic.

            I thought you meant which specific people you want.

            You want people who are interested in your niche.

            • Robert Dempsey

              Gotcha, sounds like our communication lines got crossed. Yeah getting specific individuals, not so much.

    7. Bit Doze


      I think that guest posting is a very good way to gain some targeted traffic, thanks for sharing this info.

    8. William Tha Great


      Hey Kharim,

      Thanks for the awesome post my dude!

      Targeted traffic surely is the best traffic, because it’s the traffic hay makes things happen around your community. Everyone should focus on targeted traffic, but the truth is many people simple don’t. They try to attacting traffic from everywhere then they are left un happy when things don’t turn out the way they were hoping.

      You make it very clear how to at tart targeted traffic and I totally agree, because those are the methods I’m am using to attract my targeted traffic and it’s turning out great!

      Thanks again!

      God bless,
      William Veasley

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment William.

        Not just any traffic is good for our site. We want to get traffic that likes our contents and who will want to stay on our site and read our articles. Thanks for the comment man 🙂

    9. tushar


      i use the blogs and forums of my niche for this purpose and for me, till date, it has been the only source of traffic for me

    10. nazimwarriach


      I already love to make relevant comment on high PR blogs to get targeted traffic and now after reading your article I will also install Twitter and Facebook Like buttons on my blog to share my articles on these social networks.
      And I am totally agree with your statement that we should respect our readers because due to these visitors, our blog and websites are there.

    11. Dana


      So far, the best targeted traffic source is the search engine. However, I also agree that blog commenting is a good source of targeted traffic but as you said, the commenting must be done in the related blog.

    12. Reply

      Yes targeted traffic = loyal readers who will continue to come back which will equal more ad sales or product sales for the blogger. Its a win win for everyone.

    13. Reply

      Hey Kharim,

      When it comes to targeted traffic, my vote definitely goes to the search engines. That is of course if the keyword you are getting clicks from is relevant enough to your site’s content. It’s a fact that when it comes to affiliate marketing for example, most of the buyers are coming from the search engines.
      If related traffic means comments to you, then commenting and guest posting on other blogs is a great technique to apply. I stopped commenting just for a week and comments’ numbers felled down immediately.

      Good stuff mate! Keep it up!

    14. Reply

      Hi Kharim, I like the “WHY” part of this post, it’s really important for bloggers to remember what their goals are. As far as affiliate income, for me it’s coming from a mix of search traffic and social media. But I’ve made contact with some awesome bloggers like yourself in forums and communities like Blog Engage. Thanks for the tips.

    15. Ryan Biddulph


      Hi Kharim,

      All great tips here, and your Whys are even more important.

      Getting targeted traffic saves you and your prospects a great deal of time.

      Thanks for sharing with us.


    16. Tuan


      Most of my affiliate sales are from search engines, so I believe that SEO is the most effective way to get targeted traffic.

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