How To Test Your Market WithYour First Press Release As A Trial

A press release, when properly optimized and distributed for search engine visibility, can be a good source of traffic, depending on how newsworthy your press release is and how popular your industry (or rather, your target keywords) is. By tracking the traffic from your press release distributions, you can accurately measure the success of each […]

5 Exceptional Ways To Dominate Google Homepage With Less Efforts

Search engine optimization is difficult, isn’t that what they told you? Well, maybe you were misled. There is nothing as distracting as a wrong advice. I’ve been optimizing web pages since I registered my first blog in 2007. I don’t think it’s hard to rank on Google’s top 10; all it takes is a different […]

Why You Need Targeted Traffic To Succeed

This is a guest post by Nick.

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It’s an easy misconception to have when you are blogging that you need traffic NOW and it doesn’t matter where from. It’s an easy trap to fall into when your mindset is constantly to generate content, design and manage your page, and promoting your blog to get maximum exposure.

But it does matter where your traffic comes from, and if it’s not targeted towards your niche then its a waste of the viewers time and yours.

Here are some tips on why you need targeted traffic to become successful.


How To Get Targeted Traffic To Your Blog And Why Is Targeted Traffic Important

Targeted traffic is one if the best incoming traffic that you can have for your blog. This type of traffic takes time to build up but when you put out the hard work to get it, your blog will be more successful.

Targeted traffic can be summed up as visitors who come to your website because your content appeals to their needs. Having contents that is targeted to a particular set of people will attract them to your blog like bees to honey, and in time they will become loyal readers and subscribers.
