SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has lots of guidelines, rules and affecters. One thing that will affect your SEO in a significant way is links. The most powerful links come from other websites (other domains), and this is the reason that lots of people buy links. The problem is that there are only very few circumstances where Google will find this acceptable. In Googleโ€™s eyes, almost all of links should be organic. They should have been created by other people in order to identify the significance of your website. If they find out that you are buying links then they will often punish your website or simply remove it from their search engine results.

SEO without links

It is not very difficult for a computer program to figure out if you are buying links. If you think about it, the commonalities in your own links and the links purchased by other people are going to be glaringly obvious to an empirically based computer program. So, here are a few ways to improve your SEO without having to buy links.

Upload unique content on a regular basis

This is one of the oldest search engine fuels. The point is not about the content; it is more about new and unique content. Obviously, modern search engines have to account for the fact that some information that is relevant now will be relevant in a few months, years, decades and even millennia (if we consider gospel literature).

So, if you upload good, usable and unique content, then it will always count in your favor. But, uploading new and unique content on a regular basis is going to help to increase your SEO, because search engines consider new information more relevant and useful than old data.

The theory is based upon the theory that we stand on the shoulders of giants as we progress, even though philosophers such as Nassim Taleb claim that modern research is nothing more than a curation and dilution of facts (think about that the next time you are reading an article that have been re-written innumerate times).

Create URLS and stick with them for a long time

Your domain is your original website name, and a URL is used to create other pages that contain the domain name and then a bit extra to identify the web page. Pick and choose them carefully for two reasons. Firstly, if you start deleting them here and there, then eventually you are going to have error 404s appearing everywhere. It is not good for your SEO if you have Google pointing at several pages that do not exist.

Furthermore, if you keep your URLs for longer, then they grow in credibility in the eyes of Google. Google will pay more attention to older web pages than newer web pages. For the website and subsequent web pages to have been maintained for such a long time, the search engines assume it must hold something of importance. For that matter, if you update your pages on a semi-routine basis, then you will increase their SEO value.

Update your web pages on a regular basis

If you do this then Google will perceive your website as well maintained and therefore useful and so will rank it higher up the search engine results pages.

Stick with one domain name for a long time

The older domain names will always rank higher than the newer ones. This is especially true if the pages or the domain has been updated regularly throughout the years.

Create content that people will link to

If your content is good or useful enough then people will link to it and your SEO value will go up.

Do an on-page SEO audit of your website

This is a simple process where you go through your website and check that it is conforming to all current SEO guidelines. It will help you to identify where your website is weak and where you are doing well.

Have ten keywords in each web pageโ€™s Meta keyword tag

Just having one or two may seem like a good idea, but Google is aware that more than two or three keywords are going to be present in a website. In addition, if you only have two or three in your Meta tags, then you are clearly not using all possible synonyms.

Add meaningful titles to each web page and have keywords embedded within

The titles will draw people onto your site, and the keywords will help to rank your pages a lot higher up the search engine results pages.

Create SEO friendly URLs for each web page

Each URL needs to be both SEO friendly and user friendly. You should have keywords in the URL instead of just page numbers and symbols. One or two readable keywords are all you need for a reasonable SEO benefit.

My name is Robert. I represent the web-site worldsystems, which can help you to solve all problems with software development and SEO.


  1. Reply

    i often visit your blog, as usual this post always has lot so some advanced s.e.o optimization tips and GOOGLE ALWAYS LOVE Real Links not the links which are paid ๐Ÿ˜€ ..

  2. charan


    buying a links means literally you are killing your blog / site , blogging is a long term career and it involves several thinks one which you have mentioned on – page optimization plays a vital role from title to image tag.. sticking for a single domain for a long time the reputation will increase , but point is how serious is our content is it unique or not its very important… thanks for the post.

  3. Brian


    This is a nice blog post…Uploading new and unique content on a regular basis is going to help to increase your SEO, because search engines consider new information more relevant and useful. Thanks for sharing a unique blog commenting.

  4. John Zee


    thats right .if we stick to one domain for long ,, links can increase .. But some high PR directories paid submission also.
    I have seen many links from unknown sites and people are coming from there .. i cant see my link on that site .. I dont know how it happend ..!

  5. Sarah


    Your article is good! But many people also doing paid seo and they are little bit successful. I am thinking that if any one buy links from big website like yahoo directory, business directory, direktory, vikingdirectory etc all these websites are valuable.

  6. Reply

    I am on a budget, especially since I did not set up my blog to make a profit, more to get my experiences based on my profession “out there”.

    So any tips I can get to get this blog higher on the serps is greatly appreciated.

    What I have found though from my stats, is that many of my newest posts jump up in Google and then slowly get less traffic.

    I constantly updated my original content, as another friend recommended [I might add, from the same profession as me], but I have not seen this help at all. In other words, every post I have written to date is not the same as it was the day I published.

  7. Tom


    After panda update, Content is king. Unique and quality content is very useful for any website. Without buying links we can promote our site.

  8. Kelly


    It’s nice to know that I don’t actually need to buy links. It’s a relief. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing! We owe you a lot!

  9. Calra


    I love this post! I’m happy to know that it is still possible even without buying links! Yey! Yey! Yey! I’m so happy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Shirish Dhungel


    Quality contents will surely leads to blogging success.
    Thanks for reminding me.

  11. Sandra


    Now that I know I don’t have to buy links, I will definitely try it out. I’ll go for the gold! Wish me success on it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Reply

    paid links is really not the real way of link building if the links are of low level PR they will drag you down to search engine .Stay safe follow white hat ways deploy links which look natural to search engine

  13. Joy


    I did not know that this is actually possible. It is so cool! Thanks for such a helpful post!

  14. Reply

    I think that you are right overall but sometimes buying links is the only way to win in a competitive SERP.
    There are particular keywords that are extremely competitive (like casino related keywords, hotels, adult related, etc). I dont think that traditional-SEO would be enough if you want to rank “online casino” & co

  15. Sudipto


    Nice post and Thanks for sharing these important tips with us. Without link building, SEO is quite tough job to do but these tips really seems interesting and I am surely gonna apply them.

  16. Vlad



    Well we should consider building natural backlinks rather than buying likely by guest posting.


  17. Sharma


    Hi Blogger it’s an awesome strategy to improve SEO for website and every one should follow these, but I feel the meta keywords are now not working properly.

  18. Sarvesh Darak


    Yes i agree with all your mentioned points,

    Some of the people are buying links to improve their seo in a short time but they are neglecting the fact that we can easily achieve the goal to improving sites ranking by performing some of steps. (probably mentioned in the post)

    thanks for the tips btw

  19. mansi kaul


    Hello Dear

    its very nice post and i am very impress really SEO is one of the best way of promotion really and use only short and meaning full domain name, so thanks for sharing me

  20. Prakash


    Yes these tips are good, but without link building getting good rank on search engines is really tough task. On page seo is somehow important for our blog posts, but off page SEO works better.

  21. Audra


    Thanks for posting this valuable comments to improve sites which has been described in step wise. Usually for developing my websites, I use to spend more money to buy links. Really, I have wasted lots of money. I will analyze my website with the steps given by you and I will check in my next update.

  22. Himanshu Jadli


    before reading this article i am thought for buy some baclinks but after reading this article i am so happy that now my money is going to save in my account and my my blog is also going to rock .

  23. prabhat


    well, some great tips but i have a doubt here about the meta tags. as after panda and penguine Google has removed the meta tags from the SEO. so why should we consider them. i dont use meta tags, meta keywords and meta description but still i am getting tons of traffic from search engines

  24. Steven Papas


    Thanks for your post. I just wanna know how to create SEO friendly URLs ???? Can you describe a little more??

  25. Reply

    Nice points there about not removing older pages from the equation. I have been reading a lot about spring cleanup for blogs but If it is necessary to delete an old page I would rather do a .htaccess redirect so that atleast something is saved.

  26. Farrell John Conejos


    Hey Robert,

    There is no doubt that Google is very strict in terms of links for SEO and your post is timely for me and for everyone who struggling for links. Well, to be honest, what you suggested is already common now a days and I’ve almost tried it all though except for one and that is, updating web pages in a regular basis. I’ve been busy enough to not update my web pages in a regular basis. But I will try my best to check and update it in whenever I can. Thanks for sharing this informative post.

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