There is no point in having a great blog if no one reads it. It’s not enough to simply write your heart out and expect everyone to take notice. You need to drive people to your blog.

You need to tell the world and his dog about your blog and the people that you drive there? Well you need to get them to come back again, to follow your posts and keep up to date with what you are doing.

There are a number of different ways that you can achieve this, some are so simple they are practically common sense methods. For example the best way to spark an interest in your blog is to make regular posts; keep it updated so that the content is always fresh.

The best way to keep on top of the regularity of your posts is to set yourself a writing/posting schedule. Make a plan and make sure that you stick to it.

Blogs that are updated regularly get much more traffic than blogs that are only updated occasionally. A new post once or twice a week should be enough to see your blog following start to grow. It is all well and good to promise a new post every day, but it can be hard to accomplish.

Take Your Blog Into The Real World

When most writers think about attracting followers they think only in terms of online marketing and the online traffic that it generates. Start thinking about the real world possibilities. Make sure that all of your friends, neighbours and work colleagues know about your writing as they can help spread the word too.

If you have a niche blog try contacting your local newspapers to see if you can submit articles to them that are also relevant to your blog, and include a link to your blog at the bottom of your piece.

Incentives and offers are also a great way to get followers and get people involved in the life of your blog. You could host a monthly giveaway or have a follower of the month incentive programme.

Solidify Your Profile

Every time you post a comment on someone else’s blog, your Gravatar and a link to your profile/blog will be posted next to your name. Make sure that you fill out your profile to look as interesting as possible as this will make people want to see what you are all about. Include links to your blog or other web pages that you have in there and come up with a really memorable tag line.

Make connections with other bloggers, comment on their posts and make them real comments, not just a link to your own. Say something interesting or useful, their followers will read their blog regularly and see your comments and hopefully follow the link back to your blog.

Guest Blogging

Many blog sites open up their blogs to guest bloggers, once your blog has been posted on their site you have the opportunity to grab referral traffic from your link or signature at the bottom. This works two ways: you promote your guest post on your own blog and include a link which is a great method of cross blog promotion.

In all of the cross promotions that you do you are working towards building and solidifying your brand, creating a real and memorable online presence, over time develop a tag line that you use on all of your posts as well as a logo so that you and your work becomes instantly identifiable, this logo and tagline should also be used on any social networking sites that you belong to, and of course everything should link back to your blog.


About Author: Laura Ginn is the owner of writing company, Ink Elves.  She knows that owning a blog site can present a number of challenges, not only in keeping the content fresh and updated but also in growing a reliable band of followers. However she recommends that one of the best ways to accomplish this is with unique and well written blog content that people simply want to read.



  1. Sagar nandwani


    i think idea of adding related posts because it gives readers the chance to go deeper into your blog while still following a similar train of thought. It’s also a good way to breathe new life into some of your older posts they might not readily find because they are buried in the blog. If it’s evergreen why not let it work for you.

  2. Krishna


    yes these are the things i am searching for! Thanks for posting this. I really don’t know that my usual way is not effective, but thanks to these everything will change. Looks like I am much a newbie when it comes to SEO and besides I could hardly do any SEO’s.

  3. Jan Christian


    Your definitely right! guest blogging is really one of the most effective way for us to get more traffic as well giving us a good backlinks

  4. Marina Carlos


    In general, to gather more followers you have to do alot of things starting from what you write first till getting followers you know and you don’t know.we can say that if we choose the right topic and the right way of posting it we will succeed at first.And if we have alot of friends we have to invite them to visit our blogs.

  5. robert


    When most writers think about attracting followers they think only in terms of online marketing and the online traffic that it generates. Start thinking about the real world possibilities. Make sure that all of your friends, neighbours and work colleagues know about your writing as they can help spread the word too.The point that is illlustrated here is trying to make your writing known in your family and friends.

  6. nabil


    Having great blog and no readers doesn’t mean anything. So, you have to drive people to your blog. And to do so you have to choose the right headlines, the right content like images and the topics that are people are interested in.In order tio get the attention of others you have to bring them what they love ,what they are looking for.

  7. Tom


    Thanks for sharing such a valuable post. I have just created a blog so it’s very useful for me.

  8. Reply

    This is really helpful for beginners like me in blogging. Thank you for giving pointers and advice, I really think they are helpful and I am looking forward using them.

  9. Kristine


    I would love to try all these. Who wouldn’t want tons of blog followers? 🙂 Mine was just few, so I could use all these tips. 🙂

  10. Reply

    I totally agree with you expeciall on guest blogging.
    I try to post on friend’s blogs as much as I can because it is a win-win activity for me and for the host. Most of the times I gain visibility and a link, the blog usually earn a lot of inbound traffic, social shares & co.

  11. malik


    I will definitely follow your advice as number of total subscriber on my technology related blogs are very less.

  12. Vlad


    Well no doubt guest blogging will be great and natural strategy to increase blog following..

    thanks for the awesome tips.

  13. Sudipto


    NIce post and Thanks for sharing these tips for increasing blog following. I think guest blogging is the best way for increasing blog following and it helps in promoting our blog and also drives traffic to our blog. We have to update our blog regularly also for increasing blog following.

  14. Pulkit Syal


    Updating our blog daily is the best method I think. It really helps to increase the blog traffic to a great extent. And thanks for sharing other points too.

  15. Carl


    It is tricky and I think every possible strategy should be used to gather more followers and loyal readers. Of course there are not shortcuts and it takes a lot of time and hard work.

  16. mr alexis


    “There is no point in having a great blog if no one reads it. It’s not enough to simply write your heart out and expect everyone to take notice. You need to drive people to your blog.”This is great post!! i like it so much! thank you for sharing!!bloggs should be good ones how? THROUGH choosing the right contents and the right images

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