Would you believe it if I told you that I started out online with only $0.00 and now I am making $XXX.xx from this blog?

Really hard to believe isn’t it?

Well the truth is, I’m not lying and it took a lot of work to reach where I am today.

Starting a blog with a low budget may be challenging for many but it can work. I started with $0.00 and today I am making lots of profit from my blog.

How I Created A Blog With A Low Budget

First of all, I didn’t start with this blog. I had a few other sites and sad to say that I didn’t know what I was doing so all of those sites failed.

I first had a simple mobile site, it was a chatroom for mobile phone users. I then had a website catering to dog owners. I had static websites on various topics. I even had a forum.

All of those sites that I had were on free hosts. I was a newbie to creating websites and had no money to pay for hosting.

But what I did was to place a few ads on my other sites. I made a few bucks, saved it up and then I started this blog.

I had less than $100 to make this blog a success and I am happy to say that it is on that way to success.

Creating A Website On A Budget

Let’s say you have $100 to start your website or blog, what are the things that you would purchase?

Write down the things that you would get for your website or blog.

How many things would you buy for to start that site?

Would you purchase 3 things to start? 4 Things? Or 5 things?

Well for me, I would only purchase 2 things to start my site. I would purchase a domain name for my site and also reliable hosting.

This is the exact same thing that I did. Domain for 1 year cost on an average $10 and for host per month is about $5, $10, or more…(depending on the hosting package that you choose). I purchased hosting for about 6 months. I build on my blog, work with the other free resources that I had, made a few more bucks and this is how I got to where I am today.

Use Coupons With Your Budget

couponsWhen you are ready to start your blog with whatever budget that you have, why not search for coupons online to help you stretch your money a little further.

Using coupons can save you a great deal in having to spend much money and you can also get other things that you need to carve your website the way that you want it.

What you can do is find some coupon codes site and see if there are any coupons which you can use to help cut back on your spending.

People even use coupons to in supermarkets, in a clothes store and other places, so why not use it online to help you start your site.

Low Budget Means Little… OR No Advertising Opportunities

In order to make money from this blog I knew I had to get traffic to it. But with a low budget, how would I able to advertise my blog so that I can let people know that I have created a blog?

Well this is where guest blogging and blog commenting comes in.

Guest posting and blog commenting plays a big role when it comes to getting targeted traffic to your blog. One thing that you should keep in mind when doing both is to do it on a regular basis.

If you only do one guest post per month or only one comment on a blog per day, then you wouldn’t get the real results that you want to see. You have to be constantly doing these things (guest posting and blog commenting).

Write the best quality guest posts as well and leave a link or two back to your blog. When commenting, leave up-building comments and also reply to your comments when you do a guest post.

In Conclusion…

No matter how low your budget is, you can still create a blog or website, work on building it up and making it successful.

If you need a blog you can check out my free blog installation services and I will help you to create one and work with the budget that you have.


  1. Reply

    This is very valuable post for all online beginners. I will forward your post to my office staff’s.

  2. Tom


    Thanks for sharing great tips. We can buy a domain at very cheap price but if you want to make a successful website then you should have some invest on that, like a programming part, designing part etc….

  3. Prakash


    Yes I too think the same, If I have to invest 100$, I would prefer to go for a domain and reliable hosting. This down’t take too mush money to start a blog.

  4. Luis


    Great post, Kharim. Starting a blog on a budget is not a hard thing, and alot of people have to if the blog is an extension of an already expensive company they have just started. Great tips, thanks for sharing with us.

  5. Sudipto


    Hey Kharim,
    Nice post and Thanks for sharing these tips with us. Yes, coupons really helps in starting a website by saving money and guest posting is the best way for promoting our blog and it also helps in making links with other and also drives traffic to our blog.

    • Reply

      Hey Sudipto,

      Yep coupons are a must use if you want to save money while working on a budget. Also free methods of promotion is a must.

      Thanks for the comment.

  6. Audra


    Thanks for sharing this post. I have planned to change my blog into website.
    Now my question is, whether it’s good to change my blog into WordPress or to a new website. Please advise me asap.

  7. Jason Mathes


    I liked your post alot. It is funny how we tend to have to fail ourselves before we learn how to do it right. Advertising? What is that? I have to do a ton of self promotion as I don’t have any type of budget for advertising right now!

    • Reply

      Hey Jason,

      I totally agree with you pal. It is very hard to use money on advertising now a days if you have to work with a budget. So using all the free means of promotion is required.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  8. Reply

    I have read your blog post and have a couple of questions.
    So is my blogspot blog better off being pointed to my own domain name? And where are some good places to advertise my blog?

    • Reply

      Hey Gavino,

      Well if you make money from your blogspot blog then you can get a domain name for it and hosting as well if possible. You can use Facebook, Twitter and guest blogging which is really effective.

      Thanks for the comment.

  9. jackie S


    Thank you for this article. Many of my friends always ask me do you need a job to start a blog/website? They ask me if they need to know how to code or if they need programming skills. I told them no. However, owning a domain name, hosting, and internet connection is required and its not expensive.

    I remember starting out blogging in the past. I knew I could afford all the above but getting the right niche and content for my clients or readers was the most challenging thing ever. As of today, I am still challenged since I am a photographer who offers a photo booth rental services. What can I blog that will bring my value to my readers.

    I really like you blogs and I’ve subscribed! I am here to learn more.

    • Reply

      Hi Jackie,

      Nice to know that you love blogging.

      Blogging is not hard but as you said coming up with content is one of the most challenging things for bloggers, and I can attest to that.

      Well since you are a photo blogger, you can blog about photos that you have taken, if possible do video tutorials, photoshop tutorials would be great and you can create a YouTube channel to show off more of your work.

      Blog about different cameras, lenses and so on.

      Thanks for the comment.

  10. Reply

    Kharin, Great post. It is a matter of planning well to succeed. The budget might be lean, but if you plan your priorities well and discipline yourself to implement your plan, you would definitely achieve good result.
    Once you have gotten your domain name and a hosting plan, you can build your WordPress blog using a free theme and free plugins to start with.
    You also have social networks like facebook, twitter, pinterest, Google+, bizsugar, stumbleupon, etc that you can use to promote your blog apart from using guest posts.

    • Kimsea


      Absolutely, agree Efoghor Joseph Ezie! I post and become a failure when I start my first blog because I never learnt about what is blogging. Well, it is a business we have to plan and budgeting our business. Well, talk comming with plan all. Anyway, this tips is awesome. Thanks for sharing, Kharim.

    • Reply

      Hey pal,

      You are so right about that. That’s the same things that I did with my blog. I started off with free stuff and used social media for promotion.

      Now I am able to manage on my own.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

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