This is a guest post by Ryan. His blog focuses on helping other people make their blog successful based on his experiences. You can visit his blog at

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Every day, approximately 90,000,000 searches are performed on Google.  Also, studies have shown that 97% of users never get past the first page. Getting ranked high on the first page in Google for highly searched terms is essential in driving targeted traffic to your site.

In this post, I will teach you how to get your website in the #1 spot for high traffic keywords!

1. Backlinks

For those who don’t know, a back link is simply a link from another website.  In my opinion, building back links is the most effective way to increase your ranking in Google’s results.  There are a couple of ways to go about building back links.  One would be to exchange links with other people in your niche.  One problem with this is that it is not a one-way link.  Google values one-way links much more than 2-way links because it shows that a person enjoys your content enough to link to it, rather than two people trading links.  Another way to gain back links is to comment on blogs and sign up for forums.  Remember, 1 relevant, high PageRank, one-way link is much better than several okay links.

2. Excellent Content

Flawless content is another important factor in getting your website to the 1st spot in Google.  Even though writing great posts impacts your rank in Google indirectly, it still plays a huge role in the overall success of your website.  For example, if you write good, original content, a visitor coming to your site may link to you because your advice helped them.  Excellent content will eventually get your site ranked high one way or the other.

3. Time

Let me start out #3 by telling you that it will not be possible to beat out a website who has been around for a number of years and has a high number of back links.  They have much more authority than you…  Its a David and Goliath situation (Except this time David doesn’t defeat Goliath 🙂 )  Google takes a domain age into account and will value older ones more than a site that’s just been around for a year.  You can check your competitors domain age and other info at  All in all, an older domain has much more authority and probably will outrank you in Google.

4. Title

The 4th most important thing in getting your website ranked high is the title of your web pages.  When you are titling them, be sure to be very specific, as it is the most important thing on page that will affect how Google views that page.

For example a site with the title “Fishing” will rank lower in the results for the term “Bass Fishing”, than a site with the title “Bass Fishing”.  This is assuming that they have the exact same content, backlinks etc. and the only difference is the title.

5. Keywords

These days you will hear that keyword density does not matter as much as it did a couple of years ago.  This is true, but you should still try to mention the keyword a couple of times in your paragraphs.  This will confirm that the post is staying on topic, and you’re really writing about that specific keyword.

In Conclusion…

Follow these tips and I guarantee that your website traffic will increase because of the free, organic traffic from Google.


  1. Reply

    Hi Ryan,

    Yes, quality backlinks is golden to increase your ranking. But of course it is best to provide quality content so that SEO can happen naturally (getting additional backlinks, referrals, ranking for that keyword etc.)

    And I really agree on what you mentioned regarding keyword density. Spot on!


  2. Alex watermelon


    1) backlinks with keyword-anchor (to get on the top by certain keyword)
    2) content – it’s nice if it’s unique and very interesting. But practice shows that it’s not necessary should be unique, it can be reposted or rewritten or translated. But it still should be interesting and relevant
    3) keyword optimized content
    4) optimized TITLE – should contain the keyword
    5) optimized meta tags and description – should contain the keyword
    6) optimized h1 tag – should contain the keyword

  3. Reply

    Fabulous post, I completely agree with what all you have explained here. This is really true getting ranked on Google is not that easy. Thanks for the share. Nice Info!!!

  4. Mike


    I think title is very important in Instant search era. If your title is catchy, chance is people will click to your link more than your competitor who has a poorly-put title.

    Backlinks are still important and are likely #1 factor on SE

    • Ryan


      The title is very important because it catches a persons eye. You’re also right on with backlinks being the #1 factor in SEO


  5. Ivy


    Wow… such an informative posts. Actually, I am still new in this SEO field, and upon reading your posts really gives me a clear view on how SEO works. thank you and hoping to see more informative posts in the future.

  6. Droogs


    I’m glad you mentioned time because that’s one thing that people get frustrated with; they want instant results but it really does take some time.

    One of my blogs took 2 years to finally hit page one on Google for its major keyword; did I give up because I wasn’t there within the first week? No, I kept creating content and now it’ll bounce between 3 and 2 😀 – keep it up and I’ll hit #1 eventually; give it time.

    • Ryan


      Yep. Time is a killer for me. You have to learn to be patient and to understand that ranking high can take a long time.

  7. Biodun


    Good post, this are basis of SEO but it worth to read it over and over to see where are lagging behind and needs correction. Getting related relevant link is important, having unique quality content and not stuffing keywords as the damage is more than the good it will do.

  8. Reply

    Thanks for the post Ryan,

    I wish I read this article 2 weeks ago when I started blogging, these 5 methods are exactly what any blog needs to succeed in ranking high in search engines.

    I focused mainly on the first 2, I think Back-links and Quality content helped my blog take big ranking jumps when I participated more on other blogs and shared my ideas/views.

    Also back-linking helped in another way because people that used those links to get to my blog found the content interesting and of good quality which is why they keep coming back.

    I’m going to start focusing on the other 3 methods.

    Thanks for the great post. 🙂

  9. Slava



    “Every day, approximately 90,000,000 searches are performed on Google. ”

    That’s a very old stats. Google hit 400mln queries in 2006, right now it’s projected to be about 2bln (2 000 000 000) queries per day, maybe much more.

    • Ryan


      Haha thanks for feedback.

      Yeah…sorry about those stats. Must of gotten them from a very old source.

      Thanks! Next time I’ll remember to do my research better!

  10. Thiru


    Nice write up Ryan. Getting higher rank on Google is the major object of all SEO people. Thanks for making their work little easy by giving valuable tips. Great work.

  11. Reply

    It’s probably been way too long since I really looked at or even thought about Google Page rank on my blog. Sad part is that even while I type this I have no idea what my PR is, at one point it was a PR4 then PR3 then who knows what.

  12. Richard


    Hi Ryan,
    These are useful tips. I actually have been focusing the most on my content, and putting the other SEO stuff secondary. However, I try to find a good title. I don’t think that hurts and it really focuses the reader on what the rest of the post will be about.

    • Ryan


      Thanks Richard!

      I’m glad that you put content first and SEO second. If you do that, the backlinks and the high rank in Google will follow.

  13. Robyn from Sam's Web Guide


    Hey Ryan,

    Nice guide. I will add something about time; a younger site can rank better than older sites if it consistently provides new content targeted at specific keywords and topics while an old site that is hardly updated will lose its rank.

    Also, a good way to gain quality one-way links is through guest posting on high ranking sites.

    • Ryan


      Thanks for reading my post!

      Yes, a new site can outrank an older site if they consistently update their website and work harder than the other person.

      Thanks for the feedback! 😀

  14. Reply

    Hey Ryan, just the post that i needed lol!

    I guess i should take a look again on my “keywords density”.

    Thanks for pointing it out, it is so useful.

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