part-time blogging

When it comes to blogging most of the bloggers today have a secular job or have schooling activities to take care of. Do you think that blogging can work for such persons?

Blogging takes up a lot of time especially if you really want to become a successful blogger. This is because blogging is challenging due to the amount of blogs being created on a daily basis which makes it hard for your blog to stay on top. But can you make blogging work for you even though you have a busy schedule? Yes it can.

In this article I am going to share with your 5 tips on how you can make blogging work for you if you are a part-time blogger.

Create A Blogging Schedule

If you are a part-time and you really want blogging to work for you then you have to create a schedule so that you can have time for blogging.

Most time we are so busy or at times forgetful that we don’t even remember that blogging is on our list of agenda to do. So having a schedule can help greatly where that is concerned.

Here are 5 tips that you can use if you blog part-time so that you can still become a successful blogger.

Create A Blogging Schedule

1. Writing Contents For Blog

One of the most important activities in blogging today is content writing.

If you have a blog and you don’t write then blogging surly isn’t working for you. So in a case like this, what do you think you need to do?

You have to create a writing schedule.

Setting time aside to write contents for your blog while you have a busy lifestyle will work out greatly.

As mentioned in my previous blog post, you don’t have to write a full blog post in a single day. If you are busy you can put that blog post writing on pause then continue later in the day or another day if things get too busy for you.

As for me, I work Mondays to Saturdays on a 9 to 5. As you can see great time management is required on my part to make blogging work for me. I may start a blog post now and finish it tomorrow.

If you follow this writing tip as a part-time blogger then blogging can work for you.

2. Blog Commenting Strategy

If you leave the comments lonely on your blog then your blog readers will think that you don’t value their opinion. They will think that you don’t value the time they have took to come to your blog and read what you have written. Not only that, but they will also think that you don’t appreciate their comment left on your blog.

Blog commenting is a great way to make your blog come alive, especially if your reply to comments let by your blog readers.

Not only commenting on your blog, but also on other blogs in and out your niche.

You should set aside time to make at least one comment each day. Blog commenting helps to build links to your blog, gives you exposure to other commentators to build your blog traffic and at the same time you can get ideas for new blog posts.

If you find time to make a comment each day then you and your blog can benefit greatly.

Their are basically 30 days in each month, so if you make 1 comment each day then at the end of that month you would have created 30 links for your blog. 2 comments each day would be a total of 60 links to your blog.

The more links you have pointing back to your blog then the more traffic your blog can get.

It doesn’t take long to leave an up-building comment on a blog, all you have to do is read the blog post  that sparked your interest, comment along what you have read and understand in that post.

Remember commenting is now a part of blogging these days so you have to make sure to include this in your schedule as well.

3. Blog Promotion Strategy

Without traffic then your blog is noting but a lonely street.

When a blog has tons of traffic on it then there won’t be any lonely streets. Your blog will come alive like the streets  of Las Vegas.

But in order for that to happen then you have to find time to promote your blog, you have to develop a blog promotion strategy.

Most time people think promoting a blog is hard, but for me it is quite easy and really fun to do.

Where most people do wrong in promoting their blog is that they think that sharing their blog post link on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ is going to make all their friends and followers come to their blog.

No this won’t work.

This is why having a promotion strategy works.

You need to know your audience and what they like. You have to craft your headlines or titles in a which will encourage them to read. You have to also know what time your audience is mostly online.

4. Engaging With Others

When it comes to promotion for your blog, engaging and regular communication is a great way to do so.

But remember that you are a part time blogger, so how will you make this work when you have a tight schedule.

Blogging is not all about you writing articles for your blog or your blog alone. You have to be engaging with other bloggers and also your blog commentators. You have to engage with them by replying to comments left on your blog and also comment on other blogs as well.

Apart from blog commenting you can join blog promotion group on Facebook in which you can participate in group discussions. Facebook groups are awesome when it comes to engagement so as to build up your blog. You can get traffic and also great ideas for your new blog post.

Twitter is a great place to engage with bloggers as well. You can join conversations with a #hashtag and, this as well will help to grow you and your blog.

Participate in forum discussions is the best way of engaging. With a forum you can share your view point with others on a particular topic and boost your blog while doing so. Most forums will allow you to add your signature to your forum profile with a link leading back to your blog. The more you participate in forum discussions then the more links you would be leaving on that forum to your blog.

A great way to build links for SEO for your blog.

Even though you might a lot of time to engage with others, but dedicate at least 10 to 15 minutes for engaging with others, this is a great way to grow your blog.

5. Take Time To Relax

If you work and blog part-time one thing that you definitely need is some relaxation time.

Serious burnout can come your way if you don’t rest.

Taking some time to rest and relax can help your mind to rejuvenate so that you can be able to write great articles for your blog.

In anything you do always remember to rest, you will be able to perform at your best when you are well rested.

Take Care Of Important Things First

If you work or have other things to take care of around the house it would be wise to take care of those thinks first.


This will leave you with added time for blogging. When you start blogging it is best if you don’t have any thing else to rush off to accomplish.

When it comes to blogging you can become more successful if you concentrate on blogging alone. So taking care of other stuff and then dedicating the rest of your time to blogging works best for you.

If you blog part-time though you might have to find a strategy which works best for you. All you have to do is create a schedule and be sure to stick to it. Doing so will help to make blogging work for you.


  1. Reply

    Awesome post in which you provide complete detail regarding blogging. That how can we give some time to our blog in our busy schedule for the betterment of our blog.

    Thanks for sharing nice post.

  2. sneha


    Hey thanks for guiding by your post. I think i should work upon my promotion strategies and look outside facebook too. Thanks for realising me my mistake. Great work.

  3. Mansoor Valli G


    This is a great article for part-time bloggers like me.I had been looking since long back regarding how to get my blog going apart from my studies.But this article just boosted up my confidence .The above stated steps are also very simple.Especially the take care of improtant things first and take time to relax are great.

    • Reply

      Hello Mansoor,

      I hope that my article will help you to get your blogging up and running.

      If you create a schedule then this can be very beneficial to your. I try to stick to my blogging schedule and this is what helps to to find time for blogging.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  4. jack


    nice post….I would also suggest that making use of guest posting opportunities on other blogs

  5. Kostas


    Hi Kharim. You offer some great tips for those getting started with blogging. I would also suggest that making use of guest posting opportunities on other blogs can be a great way to get your name out there when you are not a prolific blogger.

    • Reply

      Hi Kostas,

      You are so right about that. Guest blogging will help to give you some exposure to other blogs and will help you to get guest posts for your blog as well.

      So when you are busy you can easily publish guest posts from others bloggers so it helps with the up-keeping of your blog.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  6. Junalin


    Really appreciate you discussing this post.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

  7. Tech84


    I do agree on the taking care of the important things first part, when you do work at home there tends to be a whole lot of distractions around you. So instead of writing that awesome post you had in your head, your stuck watching spongebob… lol

    • Reply


      Yes you are so right about that. I often get caught up watching videos on YouTube, texting or chatting online or something.

      But if I write my blog post, networking with others or reply to comments first which is more important then that will leave me with more free time to relax a bit.

      Thanks for the comment.

  8. Reply

    Nice tips mate, Seems like I’ve been following all the listed steps for my blogs and of course I’m a part time blogger and I’m enjoying it.

    • Reply

      Hi Carla,

      Yes you are right about that. I have been using Facebook groups to boost my blog traffic and it is working really well for me.

      So that is my reason for also making a group to help others promote their blogs as well.

      Thanks for the comment and all the best to you.

  9. I. C. Daniel


    Taking a break, relax time, walking around, fresh air, play with friends really helps.

    • Reply

      Hey Daniel,

      You are so right pal. When you work and blog at the same time it can really drain you. So taking a little break will help to rejuvenate your mind so that you can come up with new blog posts again.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

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