Google PageRank is a very important aspect when it comes to determining how popular your website, or each individual page is in Google’s eyes.

A good PageRank can help to increase traffic and in turn, this will mean more visitors, more leads, more sales and in the end greater profit. There are a number of tactics and tricks that you can use in making your PageRank better and as high as possible.

Below are some of the easiest and most effective options you can take.

Write Quality Content

For the better part of the last five years or so Google has placed huge focus on quality content. The search engine giant has made it clear that it would prefer content that is informative and helpful to people other than a keyword rich content developed for the purpose of SEO. Keeping this in mind, in order to improve your search ranking it is imperative to make sure that the content on your site is as high quality as possible. Take your time when writing content and focus on areas that may help your target market in one way.

Use Authority Backlinks

Authority backlinks are arguably the most important aspect that a SEO consultant can take in improving page ranking in Google. Power backlinks are very effective to an extent that you can even get ranked without any content in your website. You can get backlinks through a number of ways but the most common approach that many people tend to take is through leaving comments on niche specific posts and blogs. Authority links are very powerful and can prove a very good asset towards the best Google Page rank.

Monitor Website Better Uptime

The idea of giving your website better time is based on one very simple factor. Google over the years has shown profound preference to websites which are up and running 24/7 as this will have more value to its users compared to website which are not. It is also important to maintain your site and make sure that it is always running and not down all the time. This way, it will not only be easy for you to get a Page Ranking but you will also get a good one in the end.

Maximize Internal Linking

Internal linking is a very simple yet very effective approach in making your website ranks well in Google PR. The idea is simply putting links of other pages within the content of each page and yes, this is a very powerful SEO tactic. Websites such as Wikipedia have managed to use internal linking well and have ranked very highly over the previous years. The good thing is internal linking is very simple and takes very little time.

With these four tactics getting the best PR on Google may not be as hard as it seems. Although each and every tactic has its own strength, it is important to make sure that you combine the use of each so that you can rip the maximum benefits. Google page ranks speak volumes on a website and the need get the best PageRank is by all means well underscored.


SEO can help a tough game if you do not know what you are doing. If you want to learn more about Google PageRank or SEO in general, you can learn more about SEO here so that you can start dominating the SERPs as soon as possible.



  1. Reply

    Hi Chetan, I would like to add one thing to this list. Google also like to fresh and unique content. If you’re updating your blog regularly, Googlebot will crawl your blog regularly,which means Google is aware of your blog and love its content. crawling frequency really matters to increase the page rank. More you add up quality content, you will get more PR score.

  2. Shathyan Rajas



    Thanks for sharing some insight on how to increase Page Rank. Guess now the Page Rank update has been stopped and everyone is running behind Domain Authority. But the ways to increase Page Rank and Domain Authority will same.

    I would like you to write an article briefly on what does it mean by Authority Backlinks and how to find and do it.

    Thank You

  3. Gautam


    Pagerank is dead now and No one is trying hard for it.Everyone seems to have forgot about Google Pagerank and i think Google Also Forgot It.

  4. guilford man


    although there are many ways to increase the page rank but the most important thing is the content. A content should be unique and informative otherwise you cannot increase your page rank.

  5. Gerald George


    These definitely are all powerful SEO factors to help increase PageRank. Yet, there are many more techniques you can combine with these to get even better favour from Google.

    Writing quality content and getting backlinks from high PR authority sites without doubt will have huge impact on your PageRank.

  6. Ahmad


    Nice and clean tips for the SEO beginners… it shows the reality that things are not that complicated as huge thick books describe 🙂

  7. Kamal Goyal


    Awesome post to increase the page rank. My personal blog page rank is 2 currently and it will definitely help me to increase it. My target is to have at least PR5. Thanks again!

  8. Rohit kothari


    Very informative article you have shared.
    While going through the article, the best part I liked is the “Monitor Website Better Uptime”.
    Thanks for the share mate.
    I appreciate your efforts.

  9. Alex


    I have a big problem with my website which is in PageRank 2 for the last 3years. Everyday I work hard for the backlinks and I have the same PR, I will try this tips, thank you for sharing

  10. Reply

    I was searching for How to increase my sites Google PR over internet and I got your site and I have learnt alot from your post. So i have decided to post a reply. Thanks Kharim

  11. Riz


    Hi, thanks for sharing the simple yet effective ways but I’ve also read that the frequency of publishing the blog posts also effects the PR i.e. helps in getting a good PR, is that true?

  12. Simona


    You have named and described the classic ways to increase Google page ranks that bloggers should use constantly, as it is mandatory to have a good ranking in order to get traffic. People usually forget about internal linking, even though it is very, very effective. Thank you for your article!

  13. vishan sahu


    very nice trick to increase the page rank of a web site i applied it to on my web site and i got +ve result.
    Thanks so much for this post…very nice post ..i really appreciate your work..thank you so much again and looking for new post..

  14. himanshu


    Internal linking helps a lot to stay your reader more within the blog.

  15. Olamosh


    whao, thanks for this great tip, will implement them ASAP. Great write-up. Thanks for sharing

  16. piyush001


    yup man this is really nice article to make your blog’s page rank up..
    i like it.. thanx for sharing with us..

  17. Reply

    Content is a key of success then the high quality content is very important. You give us very useful tips. please keep sharing

  18. nike


    Hi Really thanks for information.Content is most important one according latest Algorithms.And second one is Internal link also.Could you please alert me for latest Technics and tips.I will be waiting for your Great posts.

  19. AdMamu


    Very nice and very useful, also the need of the hour. With such a stiff competition in web, the page rank is the most important aspect to give focus for any new online blog/website.

    Thanks for your time and effort.

  20. Mahendra


    I was read many article on Seo , They was give me some special tips. In this article i get many awesome and useful information of Seo. Its very useful for me Please keep share it

  21. Reply

    Amazing Article, i did feel good when i was read your post. i have heard about this tricks but i have not ever tried. but i must use it and sure we wil get +ve results. Thanks a lot for sharing with us.

  22. Reply

    Natural link building is the only safe way to promote the website . IT is true that it takes long time to get high rank on the search engine through natural link building but it is the only safe way to to get high rank .
    I would suggest to all to use natural link building method to get high rank .
    Thanks for sharing good information.
    Best reagrds,

  23. Reply

    This is extremely amazing content on how to increase our Google page rank. Authority Back-links are really best for increasing page rank, i have created authority links for my site i hope that will work and i can see improvement in my website page rank.

  24. Smith


    One of the tricks to increase the Google page rank is to get good recognition from the people by creating back links with attractive information and photos will make the people to view the website often and the updates should be given to know increase the page rank and the social network plays

  25. Lee


    Thanks for the very educational/informative article. I have a fairly new website and being a newcomer to soe, it’s not easy to understand the right way to go, so I appreciate the clarity of your piece.

  26. Ryker Nguyen


    Thank you for sharing great article about to increase your Google page rank. I just like the helpful info you supply to your articles. I’ll bookmark your blog and check once more here regularly. I am slightly certain I will be informed lots of new stuff right here!

  27. Alex


    Thank you for your tips!
    I think i will try through your post to increase my PR 😀
    Hop it work for me. thank you!

  28. Ariful Haque


    yes this is the best way to increase page rank.carefully utilize this process bad seo can damage your page rank.

  29. Sajesh


    After Google Penguin and Panda update Content is King and authority backlinks displays the link profile quality of your website backlink profile. Content and authority backlinks are vice versa means if you published quality content then naturally authority sites would loved to link with you naturally. So it will be counted as natural link building in the eyes of Google and you will be able to get the link juice which will gonna help to increase the Google Pagerank.

  30. Mahesh


    Thanks for sharing great article about to increase your Google page rank.this means lot to me

  31. Dan


    I believe and I know that making it to the top ranks in google’s searches or any other searching engine’s results is very important if you want to be visible online. Therefore you must learn and do whatever it takes in order to get there. Thank you for sharing this with us. Many people will find this interesting and very useful. Cheers!

  32. Sana


    The page rank of a site is because of two main factors that are quality contents and quality back links. By acting upon these activities I have achieved PR4 of new sites in one step

  33. Jackson


    These options are promisingly looking incredible to enhance Google page rank. I totally agree with you that we must go with updated, unique and fresh content. Content must be helpful and informative. Internal linking is also one of important feature for that and according to me, quality link building services are the best of option to increase traffic and page rank of site.

  34. Stacey


    Thank you! This is exactly what I need for my blog. A little page rank and you will benefit from it big time. Thank you again for giving us simple yet effective tricks.

  35. hanatashi


    Then the guest blogging is still the best, right? Someday i will perfect my English to do this job.

  36. Fatima


    Website uptime is very crucial in ensuring the success of your Google page rank. You have highlighted certain useful tips which can dramatically increase the Google PR. Thanks for the share.

  37. Reply

    That was a good read! Very nice blog. It helps a lot of bloggers like me. Your blog is very commendable. Thank you!

  38. Reply

    Now solely i buy clear clarification regarding page rank sure enough i’ll attempt to follow your recommendation

  39. Reply

    These are some of the amazing tips which can aid in increasing the page rank. In my opinion, the quality content is one thing which can aid in increasing the rank of the page. Thanks for sharing the tips.

  40. Luke Hill


    Yes, definitely a good Page Rank helps you to bring traffic for your site. The first and fore most thing to be kept in mind is about the content of the page which should be unique and should be able to attract a number of readers as “Content is King”. thanks for posting this article.

    • Gautham Lurk


      I agree with you partially, but i don’t really think content plays a role in PageRank, it’s all about links.

  41. Vivek Jain


    The way you have described are the practices, which you have to do everyday. Also depends on your skills and quality. I liked the back link concept very much and you can do guest blogging also to become authority. Thanks for sharing this knowledge with us!

  42. Gautham Lurk


    Interlinking also helps in increasing the Pagerank? I always thought it was only the inbound links

  43. Reply

    I agreed with second points. build backlinks from high authority sites. as we know Google panda and penguin update has lined up. so we need to focus on quality works except quantity works. thanks

  44. Naomi Jefferson


    Though increasing page rank is indeed very important, people should always remember to follow the ethical steps. I would not recommend anyone to follow for the thousand backlink package that you will see everywhere. Backlinks are best when generated manually with quality anchors.

  45. hiren


    Your post is quite informative for me as I got to know about some new methods for increasing the PR. I will try these methods for my blogs.

  46. Reply

    Contents are king, I believe that to get trust of Google and for increasing PR contents must be unique and original.

  47. Jarvis


    I agree with the write quality content comment. Since Google are now constantly changing their ranking algorithm , the only safe way to build trust is to create a high quality website.

  48. Reply


    Thanks for sharing great article about tips to increase Google pr to your website. This is very useful information for online review readers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this.

    Sekhar Reddy.

  49. Reply

    Page rank is something that everyone want to increase but it is not easy, your post really help to get page rank and I like the point internal linking of website help to increase page rank of your site.

  50. Lucas


    Thanks for the comments guys. If anyone has any questions, do let me know.

  51. Laura


    Some SEO experts say that Google Rank is influenced only by the number of links. However, I agree with you – content must have something to do with the PR’s evolution. A website needs active links, both do follow and no follow

  52. Reply

    Now only I get clear clarification about page rank surely I will try to follow your advice..) Thanks for posting!

  53. hiren


    i recently start my new blog and its PR 0 are you sure to increase internal back link is any affect to increase PR?

  54. Aassif Billah


    Write unique and good content and get backlinks (not from the linking networks). Try to produce content which will be linked through other people (link baits).

    But mostly content is the key 🙂

  55. Pramod


    High quality posts /content and high quality backlinks are geniune suggestions to improve the pagerank .. Very useful post for all website owners.thanks for sharing it .


  56. mansi kaul


    Hello Dear

    really this is amazing tricks really and i am totally satisfied with your post and i think quality content is must for your blog so create always quality content and i appreciate with your all tricks so thanks for sharing me

  57. Krishna


    Very helpful for me because pagerank update is near.. so i optimized my blog to get good pagerank…

  58. Charlie


    I have one website that took me about 1 1/2 years to get a PR3. Yes, as the article states – simple tricks. They are simple, BUT, very time consuming processes. But, in the end – you get rewarded. Still working on going to the next level, and then the next, and . . .

  59. Reply

    Google page rank is depends upon your content Quality content with site can help you to earn god page rank.

  60. Reply


    Thanks for sharing great article about to increase your Google page rank. This is very useful information for online review readers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this.

    Michale Kallis.

  61. Kamal


    Awesome tips to increase page rank,thanks a lot for sharing,need more interesting posts like this…

    • Chetan Gupta


      Hey Buddy
      Thanks for sharing this detailed information with us. But i want to share some extra tips to increase your Google Page Rank.
      Chetan Gupta

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