11 Plugins To Enhance Blog Comments

I know when bloggers write a new post with great contents they want lots of comments coming into that article. When a visitor reads the article he/she may take some things into consideration before making a comment. The readers will browser around to see what rewards they can get for making a comment.

For example, being a top commentator, they get do-follow links to their blog, twitter profile link, etc.

Well I use 11 great plugins on my blog so I get lots of comments on my articles and I am very happy for that. If you don’t have these plugins installed on your blog as yet, then you might want to add them.


Blog Commenting: What It Has Done For Me

Blog commenting is something that I have been doing before I even started blogging. I like to comment on posts after I have read them and give my input or to thank the writer for the tips and information in the post. This will also make the writer feel more enthused to write more.

After I started blogging I started commenting more. I venture out to find new blogs of my interest to read articles and make a comment, here there and almost everywhere.
