Lots of bloggers do guest posting in order to get traffic to their blog/website and also guest posting for backlinks. Bloggers also blog to make money online so they can make a living or make extra money to help pay the bills or anything that they want.

If you enjoy guest blogging and making money online then the BlogEngage guest blogging contest is here. If you enter this blogging contest then you have the chance of winning a share of $650USD. This is a lot of money and it will be shared between 6 winners. All Blog Engage members can enter and have the opportunity to win any prize offered in this contest.

This contest runs from March 16th, 2012 to April 15th 2012. If you wish to enter then you should submit your guest post to the BlogEngage contest now. 

[box type=”blue”]The Current Best of the Guest Blogger Sponsors[/box]

This contest was made possible because of these wonderful sponsors, you can check out their sites below.


Holidays In The UK


Entertainment Tonight

Travel Press Release

Buy PLR EBooks

Hot Tub Reviews

Home and Garden Link Directory

Wholesale Sachet

Home and Garden Blog Directory

Professional Greenhouses

Professional Greenhouse Kit

Small Greenhouses

New Orleans Saints

Compost Bins

Greenhouse Reviews

Louisiana Internet Marketing

Blogging Tips – Make Money Blogging


Food Poisoning

Diablo 3 Dueling

Diablo 3 Tournaments

Diablo 3 Directory

Diablo 3 Leagues

[box type=”note”]Vote And Comment On My Post[/box]

I have also entered the BlogEngage contest and I would love it if you commented on my article, tweet it, like it on facebook and also vote for it in every possible way.

My article: How To Draw More Attention And Traffic To Your Blog Posts


  1. Reply

    Blog Engage is one of the top most destination for guest blogging contest and many people are quite addicted to guest blogging there

  2. Bryan Ring


    No contest, I lose! Impressive list though, I must say that! I am no writer, you have been to one of my sites..lol Good Luck to all that are entering.

  3. Reply

    Hye Kharim Nice List.
    Thanks for the List. I cant able to join BE Contest this month but on next month i’ll join.
    Amit Shaw

    • Reply

      Thanks Amit for the comment. Well I guess you could comment and vote for my article: How To Draw More Attention And Traffic To Your Blog Posts

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