Blogging can be fun, but it can also be complicated without the right tools.

However, many beginning bloggers become discouraged quickly, giving up in a matter of days, or maybe weeks.

That’s because they weren’t prepared with the tools they needed to avoid making blogging mistakes.

Here are some of the common mistakes beginner bloggers make that you should avoid from the start:

[box type=”important”]Mistake #1 – Text-Only Posts[/box]

Long posts can appear a bit overwhelming to blog visitors. Posts that contain text-only can also be slightly boring to the eyes. To make your posts more appealing to your visitors, add relevant, interesting images and videos within your content. Be sure to add alt-tags, meta tags and meta descriptions to your media. This will give search engines a better understanding of what the images are about.

In most circumstances, it’s best to only include one video per post. However, try adding at least one image per paragraph or two.


[box type=”important”]Mistake #2 – Not Listening[/box]

The success of your blog is defined by your audience. If people aren’t reading your blog, it’s considered to be a failure. And, if your audience isn’t interacting with you, or following your calls-to-action, your blog may also be considered a failure. This is a very important blog marketing concept that many bloggers simply don’t understand.

Never shut down your users’ abilities to leave comments. Instead, encourage comments as they allow your audience to interact with you, as well as your readers. Embracing comments will help your blog succeed.

[box type=”important”]Mistake #3 – Inconsistent Blogging[/box]

One thing no savvy blogger can dispute is that consistent blogging is the key to successful blogging. However, some bloggers get to a point where their creative juices just don’t seem to flow. That’s when it’s time to find something to inspire you. If you hit a bump in the road, don’t stop blogging. Just be creative about the content you publish. Some great content ideas include publishing infographics and videos.

In both cases, be sure to add some relevant commentary to your videos and infographics. Then, end your post with a question that will encourage your readers to leave comments in response.

[box type=”important”]Mistake #4 – Missing Opportunities[/box]

Let’s examine the idea above related to posting infographics and videos as content ideas. Your goal, even when your posts are short, should be to encourage audience participation and feedback. All of your posts should always be related to the mission of your blog. But, you still need text content that will intrigue your readers. That means that simply commenting on the content won’t do.

You need to write quality content related to the media that will pull readers in and create excitement among your audience. This is a great opportunity to use others’ media content to come up with new blogging ideas.

[box type=”important”]Mistake #5 – Not Utilizing Social Media[/box]

Another blogging mistake many newbies make is underestimating the power of social media. Social networks are one of the most effective forums for sharing your content.

Using various social media sites will help your content go viral much faster. Don’t let your personal fears and hangups about social networking stop you from creating a successful blog.You’ll be amazed by the amount of interactivity this will encourage among your readers.

 [box]Author Bio: This article was created by Chad Goulde for The Blog Builders. Visit their site to learn even more effective tools for blogging for those who want a successful blog.[/box]


  1. Alfred H.


    Wonderful post; you mentioned not so common mistakes and wrote off the hook. It is really so informative and I feel most of these mistakes I am doing. But now I will improve my blogging habits. Thanks!

  2. Vivek Jain


    Missing opportunities and not listening the people are the biggest mistakes that beginners bloggers do. I have also done the same mistakes in starting of blogging career but now gone are the days. I am not saying that I have become perfect but yeah know all the better practices to make perfect blog post now. Also, thanks for sharing this important and vital information.

  3. Krishna


    Great article chad. I did quite a bit of the mistakes you made as well. I would write these really long articles and then I realized that if I’m not willing to read a 2,000 word article why would my reader as well. Better to break it up into a short series and make it easier for the readers. ***And just a heads up I’m on firefox and your sidebar is showing up underneath the comments.

  4. Phoenique Farmer


    Great tips for anyone that has a blog or wants to learn how to blog properly.

  5. Reply

    This is a great blog and very engaging too. Excellent work that’s not really much coming from an amateur publisher like me, but it’s all I could think after enjoying your posts. Excellent writing style and teh way of presentations.

  6. Robert


    We are human.WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES.But we have to learn from our mistakes.In general sometimes mistakes makes us lear the right way of accomplishing certain work.’Blogging can be fun, but it can also be complicated without the right tools.
    However, many beginning bloggers become discouraged quickly, giving up in a matter of days, or maybe weeks.
    That’s because they weren’t prepared with the tools they needed to avoid making blogging mistakes.’

  7. mr alexis


    It is obvious that starting a blog is not easy.And we have to be carfeul of the mistakes that others had had when they first start doing that work.The above article is neecessary which gives us a view about this topic.Thank you for sharing this post. ‘Let’s examine the idea above related to posting infographics and videos as content ideas. Your goal, even when your posts are short, should be to encourage audience participation and feedback. All of your posts should always be related to the mission of your blog. But, you still need text content that will intrigue your readers. That means that simply commenting on the content won’t do.’

  8. rahul


    yes only posting was my mistake this article is really gonna help me!! thanks thanks

  9. Raheel Mushtaq


    These days you need to cover up everything from social, to pictures and make the post more interesting to get shares and many other stuff as well.

  10. robert


    ‘Blogging can be fun, but it can also be complicated without the right tools.
    However, many beginning bloggers become discouraged quickly, giving up in a matter of days, or maybe weeks.’no? BLOGGERS should not give up!! all people should have the desire to continue and acccomplish their dreams whatever it was.

  11. Farrell John Conejos


    Hey Chad,

    I really want to commend you with this because not everyone has the guts to share this for the sake of beginners. Logically speaking, competition is now really high since many have started to show interest in blogging. Others choose not to share anything so that beginners will have a hard time to adjust, what you did is you’ve shared your thoughts and experience so that beginners won’t do the same mistakes like the others did. Very informative and helpful post.

  12. Felix Lee


    For beginners in the blogging industry, it is very important to read tips and advice from the experts. There are many bloggers who failed because they do things their own way instead of listening to the experts.

  13. sherman smith


    These are definitely a great list for beginners, but the one that struck me the most was number #1. Just text based blogs really doesn’t bring out the personality of the blog, as well as the author. This is where learning “sales copy” can benefit beginners. I do recommend reading “The Ultimate Sales Letter” by Dan Kennedy, even though it’s talking about sales, you still have to sell yourself to your readers.

    Thanks for sharing Chad!

  14. Chetan Gupta


    And 6th mistake which mostly new bloggers do is they do not work hard on their blog. they always think for the money generating from the blog. They thinks that how much time will it take to generate money but they don’t know that generating money from a blog is not so easy. It needs hard work, dedication and creative mind which is most important for any new blogger. By the way, thanks for these tips.

  15. Sudipto


    hey Chad,
    Nice post and thanks for sharing this post with us. Yes, inconsistent is the big mistake which beginner bloggers make and they also not use social networking site for promoting their blog. This post really help all the newbies.

  16. vipin


    i have been following your blog for last 1 month. The seo techniques you have mentioned are excellent. I am new to blogging and wanted to build some quality backlinks for my new blog. I shall be highly obliged if you share some cool tips to build strong backlinks. In return i’ll provide you link to my site for your site.
    Please help a newbie.

  17. Timmy


    basic but important and nice tips.thanks for sharing it is very useful tips for beginners.

  18. Jun


    Thanks for this helpful blogging tips, I will surely don’t do this for us to improve my blogging.

  19. Pavan Lipare


    Hello Chad
    Great article.
    I am agree with your view about “Not Utilizing Social Media”. Many blogger are not using the social media. They don’t understand the importance of social media.
    Social Media is best way to collect the audience. Once you get the audience your PR increases. Social media is one of the best way of Free Advertising

  20. sudha


    Hi Chad,
    Social media is a very important too that many newbie miss out. They do not give it importance from day 1 and later realise it when they have missed some great readers. Nowadays the craze of images and videos is increasing and they need to pay attention to it. Nice checkpoints.

  21. Mark cullen



    Wow amazing post, well the i agree with all your mentioned mistakes of beginner bloggers, i guess i learned some points too.


  22. Chavol


    Being a new blogger, I have learned something today. Although, being new, I kinda disagree with, “it’s best to only include one video per post.” Now, that would be a lot of videos to watch! But, the rest I agree with.

  23. Reply

    Chad, you are quite right. Writing text-only blog posts without pictures has a way of minimizing the number of people who read your blog. People love pictures; they create some visualization effects in the minds of those who read your post. I made that same mistake in my early months of blogging, until one of my blog readers made the observation.

    Not engaging your audience, I would say, is the worst mistake any blogger would ever make. The moment your readers get frustrated and leave, you are on your own.

  24. Pete


    Great information at right time, As I have just started blogging so will keep a note, its smart to learn from experience guys instead making mistakes like amateur in the blogging world, Thanks for sharing

  25. Petr Bednarik


    I think many people still underestimate social media. Social networks are a source of traffics, and also help with SEO. Strong social signals and Google authorship strengthen the position of the site.

  26. David


    It is about being relevant. Beginner bloggers are often overwhelm and overzealous about developing the site. Once a blogger learn how to adjust to the rhythm of things, there will be small successes even at the start.

  27. Prakash


    We should avoid inconsistent blogging. We should use social media also. Thanks for sharing this great info.

  28. Rajendra


    thanks for this post and I think mistake are blogger can dispute is that consistent blogging is the key etc….

  29. Jane Stevens


    Thanks for sharing your important complement. I think the new blogger should be learn from this post. It is friendly for them.

    • Reply

      hi Jane Stevens, you are right this articles gives newbie bloggers to inspiration to make their blog as brand with avoiding these above mistakes.

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