Wouldn’t it be great if you can do guest blogging and get paid to do it?

Well if that’s what you are thinking then the 500USD Guest Blogging Contest is where you need to be, which is hosted by Brian from BlogEngage.

If you enter this guest blogging contest then you stand the chance of having a share of $500.

The last time I entered the BlogEngage Guest Bloggers contest, I won $100 (5th place) and I was really thankful for the cash.

See how you can stand a chance of winning even more than I did.

How To Enter And Win

These rules below are excerpts of the original guest blogger guideline.

  • Post Guidelines
  • 1. Guest posts must be at least 450 words, not to exceed 1000 words.

    2. You may have as many links as you wish in the body of the content. However, please limit links to your projects or websites to your bio. Absolutely no affiliate links allowed.

    3. Your bio must have a Gravatar. Please use a picture of yourself and not a logo.

    Keep your post relevant to the overall theme of this blog. You can write about any of the following topics Making Money Online, Blogging Tips, Traffic, Design, Social Networking, SEO, Marketing, Technology and other industry or niche specific topics you think blog engage members would be interested in reading.

    All awards and prizes will be delivered 15 days after the contest is closed. As already stated a valid paypal account will be needed to accept any money prizes.

  • How To Win
  • You must be a member of the blog engage community

    You must write about the contest including the contest sponsors links When done e-mail me the link (admin (@) blog engage dot com

    Register for an account here and fill out your bio info Also please get a gravatar if you don’t have one.

    Contact me admin (@) blogengage dot com letting me know your username

    We will review your account and upgrade it so you can write for the blog

    Write your post, save it and it will be reviewed and published

    Write a post about the contest to help spread the word in the blogosphere. Your post (contest submission) will be judged First on quality of the content and style of the post.

    Add Sponsors links to your post using the correct anchor text and make sure the links are do-follow. This is extremely important and your post won’t be eligible to win if you haven’t fulfilled this requirement. The sponsors are the ones making the cash prizes possible, so show them some link love.

    A high value is placed on the number of and quality of comments received on your guest post. Also, be sure to interact with and respond to your commentators. This will help you win! Ambiguous and/or spammy comments will not help you.

    Spread the word about your post through all your social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, Sphinn, etc. A high value will be placed on number of Tweets and overall social media promotion.

    Sponsors Of The Contest

    Business Blogs

    HomeAway Holiday Rentals

    My Blog Guest

    Virtual Assistant

    Guangzhou Web Design

    Conversion Optimization

    Lab Coat

    Go And Enter

    I encourage you to enter this guest blogger contest. You will not only have a chance of winning some cash but this will also give you some exposure to gain some great blog traffic.

    Thanks again Brian 🙂


    1. Mika Castro


      I am surprised about this. I never tried guest posting contest so far. However, after reading this, I want to take the risk. Please let me know if there are some challenges will come along.

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