On almost 96% of blogs that you visit on the internet, you will notice that there is a sidebar on the right side of the blog, on the left side or sometimes on both side. Even I use it on my blog.

This sidebar is a really important addition to each and every blog. It is important as the content/body of your blog and you have to make good choice of what you place inside your sidebar. You might not think that your sidebar doesn’t have that much importance, but think again.

I bet if you do a survey on your blog’s sidebar, you would be surprised on some of the responses that you get from your visitors because they take keen interest in what you place there.

So, What’s in your sidebar? What should be placed there?

15 Sidebar Items

  • RSS Subscription Feed/ Mailing List
  • Make sure your readers can subscribe to your blog through a feed reader or emails by putting your RSS subscription options in a prominent location on your sidebar. Most blogs place the RSS Feed at the top of the sidebar so that their readers can sign up easily.

  • eBooks
  • If you are promoting an eBook, the best place to hang it is on your sidebar. Placing it in your sidebar will make it visible on every page and this way they will be sure to see it. Write a short description of the book so this will make them want to download your book.

  • About Link or A Short Bio
  • The sidebar is a great place to establish who you are, so visitors will immediately understand your level of expertise or interest in your blog’s topic. You can do this through a link to your “About Me” page or a short bio that displays on your sidebar.

  • Networking Icons
  • Many bloggers use their sidebar as a way to promote their various social networking and social bookmarking activities. For example, you might want to include links to your Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg or other account profiles in your blog’s sidebar, or you may want to include your Twitter feed in your sidebar.

  • Twitter Profile/ Facebook Fan Page
  • You can promote your Twitter Profile/ Facebook Fan Page in your sidebar with some cool and easy to customize widgets.

  • Search Box
  • If your blog readers are not finding the information they want, why not include a search box. This will make searching easier for your readers by including it in your list of sidebar items.

  • Links To Archives
  • Another way to make it easy for your readers to find old content on your blog is through links to your archives (typically listed by month) in your sidebar.

  • Recent Posts
  • Make it easy for your readers to find your recent blog posts by including a list of links to those posts in your sidebar. This is a great way to encourage additional page views and keep visitors on your blog longer.

  • Popular Posts
  • Your sidebar is a great place to display links to your popular (highly trafficked or highly commented) posts. People will see those links and want to read those posts to see why they are so popular.

  • Recent Comments
  • Similar to including recent post links in your sidebar, you can also include recent comment links. Including recent comment links in your sidebar can encourage conversation.

  • Top Commentators
  • This will encourage your blog readers to make comments on your blog if you have a top commentators displayed in your sidebar. They will make comments just to make it to the top of that list.

  • List of Categories
  • To make it easy for your blog readers to find your old content, it’s important to create categories to archive your posts and include links to those categories in your sidebar.

  • Blogroll
  • One of the most important things you can put in your blog’s sidebar is a blogroll. Your sidebar provides many ways you can further promote your other blogs, websites or online businesses. In addition to a traditional blogroll, you can add links to your other blogs and websites in your sidebar.

  • Advertisement Space
  • This is another popular sidebar item, ad space. Most bloggers sell 125x125px banners on their blog.

  • Advertisements
  • Your sidebar can hold a lot of ads such as Google AdSense, Affiliate Links and more. Don’t overload your sidebar with ads, but do take advantage of the revenue-generating opportunities that your sidebar presents by including some ads on it.

    Group Discussion…

    The sidebar can be filled with anything the blogger chooses, but there are a variety of items readers might expect to find in your blog’s sidebar.

  • So what’s in your sidebar?

    1. Suresh Khanal


      The most important thing to place on right bar is “Advertisements” indeed 😆

      Ya, I noticed the importance of sidebar immeditely when I moved my RSS FEED and Subscribe by Email from Post area. The subscribers increased that I did not expect. That meant readers are really noticing what is displayed there. It must be the reason most of the ads appear there.

      Regarding Bio of author, because I’m publishing it below every posts, it will be Okey not to display it to the right bar, aint I right?

    2. Anne M


      Not a bad list – I like your suggestions. It really depends on the blog orientation though. My shopping blogs have even richer siderbars, while my web publishing blogs doesn’t have any ads whatsoever.

    3. Luqman


      Yes, sidebar is very important in every body and it should take/manage as part of the content. In most of my blogs, I have the following in my sidebar:
      1. Share & Enjoy
      2. Global Translator
      3. Recent Posts
      4. Archives
      5. Follow Me
      6. Calendar
      7. Categories
      8. Tags
      9. Recent Comments
      10. Meta
      11. Blogroll
      12. Advertisement Space

    4. Tek3D


      I just add some ad blocks and recent posts on my sidebar. I try to make it clean and simple so that readers aren’t confused.

    5. Peter J


      I’ve tried to keep my sidebar quite simple – Here’s what i have:
      Facebook follow
      Recent Posts:
      Popular Posts:
      Interesting Reads:
      External Posts:
      About me:

      I don’t think you need much more than that because things just become cluttered.

    6. Hieu Martin


      Hi Kharim, my sidebar include :
      Subscribe box
      Popular post
      Top commentator
      Search box
      Some networking badges
      125 ad banner
      Facebook like fan page

    7. Reply

      Hi Kharim, I just made some changes to my sidebar this morning and this is what I have:
      Top Commenters Gravatar
      Featured Video from my YouTube channel
      Amplify widget
      Some networking badges (Famous Bloggers and BloggerLuv)
      Latest posts

      Thanks for your ideas. I’m going to work on my About page next.

    8. Reply

      Hi Kharim, complete lists there, thanks for the effort.

      I mostly have them in my sidebar too, although, if i may add, i have random post too, its like popular post, recent post.

      Random post is randomized our posts, quite cool.

      regards 🙂

    9. Dee's Concerts and Events


      OMGosh.. I am constantly changing around the content in my sidebars.. and even the Header. Just figured out how to get Google Adsense in my Header where it kinda doesn’t look like ads, so super psyched about that..

      How are you faring in Jamaica.. My son is leaving on cruise for your neck of the woods and he heard you have some pretty big storms brewing.. Be safe. 🙂

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Dee. You site looks great with the ads at the top.

        Well Jamaica is great. Some rains on and off since the other day, but it’s all good 😀

    10. Hesham


      Nice post!

      As we run a multi-authors blog, we have some different elements on our sidebar! and I must mention that I have a widgetized header, sidebar and footer for max performance and save time!

      – 468×60 rotating Banner widget!

      – Email subscription box
      – 125×125 ads spots on top
      – Adage badge
      – 125×125 ads spots on middle
      – Great Pens widget
      – Interesting read widget
      – Sponsors links!

      – 728×90 Banner ad
      – Top commentators
      – popular posts
      – Recent contributers widget

    11. Ryan Biddulph


      Hi Kharin,

      Excellent list here, I think that I have them all covered.

      One widget which I’ve added recently is a chat box set up with Digsby. I’ve found it to be a helpful networking tool for people who want real time information.

      Thanks for sharing your insight.

      Ryan Biddulph

    12. Reply

      Kharim your brought a nice topic here and for me I also take advantage of widgetized footer to add all the elements ..
      Here are something which I use:
      1 Subscription box
      Recent posts
      Popular posts
      Facebook Fan page widget
      Category list

      Random posts
      About me

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