I love blogging and making money online. I love BlogEngage and guest posting. With all these love combined then I could have the chance of winning $1000 in the BlogEngage guest blogger of the year (2011) guest bloggers contest, you can also stand a chance in getting this $1000 in your pocket as well.

If you are a regular user of BlogEngage like me and most of the great bloggers on the blogosphere, then you would have noticed that Brian has held lots of guest bloggers contest and paying out over $500 in hard cash every month to the winners of these contest. I have entered these monthly guest bloggers contest and I have won some cash prizes for almost every month that I entered.

I would like to take the time out to thank Brian, the owner of BlogEngage, for the wonderful oppertunity of guest posting on his blog and getting paid. I remember at one point I didn’t have any money to pay for hosting and this would put my blog offline, but with the help of BlogEngage monthly contests I was able to pay for hosting and cover my other bills online.

Sponsors Of BlogEngage Contest

HomeAway Holiday Rentals Business Blogs
My Blog Guest chicago marketing agency
Yoga BlogSpeed Lux

With the help from these kind sponsors the BlogEngage contest was possible. Please take time to visit these sponsors website listed below.

Vote For Me On BlogEngage


I would love to win the $1000 cash prize at the end of this year in the contest, but I can win if you help me.

I wrote this artile: 5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

I would really appreciate it if you could do something to help me. If you would like to help me win this cash prize please check out the list of things below.

Vote It On BlogEngage

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If I win this cash prize then I would share it with you. Yes I would! I would do this in the form of a WebMaster-Success.com guest post contest. I would love to host my own blog contest and I can do it if you help me to win the BlogEngage guest bloggers contest.


  1. Davis


    Love the way you work on winning this contest. This is certainly a great way to get those votes rolling in a short amount of time. Best of luck to you Kharim! Hope You do win this!

  2. Megan Brown


    Congrates…..I am also going to join BE as time came for this and I am ready for it.

  3. Reply

    That’s an attractive amount but I’m sure more important than the material amount bloggers participate to expand their passion for writing. Its really good to see the blogging community as a well-knitted community voting and promoting each other. I wish you all the best and I’m sure you’ll win it!!

  4. Thiru


    Really great blog kharim.. dont worry our support always with you , i ll tweet and share this post.. good luck.

  5. Marketing Philosophy


    Best luck Kharim, I will certainly vote your article at BlogEngage!

  6. Reply

    Kharim, this is a nice way to drum up some votes! I loved your article and I love Blog Engage too. Best of luck to you my friend!

    • Reply

      Thanks Ileane, trying to do a bit of promotion so that I stand a chance of winning. I really need some funds to take care of some bills and other stuff.

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