My Favorite 18 WordPress Plugins

Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. Plugins Directory has some 8,830 plugins and 81,433,552 downloads, and counting. That’s really great.

I have some WordPress plugins that I use on this blog to make it user friendly, SEO friendly, and much more. I am going to share with you my 18 favorite WordPress Plugins. This may seem like a large list but all I have to say is, the more the merrier. 🙂 (more…)

Link Exchange: Is This A Good Idea?

You know you’ve achieved a certain level of success with your website, or at least caught someone’s interest, when you open up your email to find a link trading offer from someone on another site. But is link exchange even a good idea, or is it just a waste of time?

Link Exchange
The idea of link exchange is simple enough. You have a website and someone else with a website contacts you and asks about exchanging links. What does that mean? (more…)

Making Money Online: Affiliate Marketing vs. Pay Per Clicks

Affiliate marketing and PPC (Pay Per Click) are the most commonly used methods of earning commission for webmasters, but which is the better market to play in? PPC is probably one of the most widely used within blogs and news magazine sites, however, where does affiliate marketing come in?

Affiliate Marketing
Usually when you hear of affiliate marketing, you hear that you only get paid for every successful referral made. Well…, the truth is, it’s true. (more…)

Tips For Starting A Blog

You might have seen some blogs as you surf the internet and owners might brag about how cool their blogs are. You might be thinking to yourself that you would like to make a blog yourself. No problem, these simply guideline will have your blog up in no time.

Choose a niche for your blog

Choosing the right niche for your blog is perhaps the most important choice you can make BEFORE starting a blog. Choose the wrong niche, and it’s very unlikely you’ll ever succeed.

Find the popular blogs and websites in your niche, study them closely, and visit them regularly.

Get to know the authors and regular contributors. Comment on these blogs regularly so they can get to know you too. (more…)

Does More Content = More Traffic?

I have seen this topic on a couple of forums lately. More Content = More Traffic? Which means more sale. Really interesting topic. For me, my answer is that “it depends.” It depends on your niche.

But let’s get down to the meat of the matter.

The Mistake
A lot of new web masters think that if they create a website and just throw some contents on it then they will have thousand of visitors. But I would like to know: who did they really write these contents for? For themselves or the readers?

The Solution
One great page with good content is (more…)

What is RSS/ RSS Tips

There are a number of ways you can subscribe to, or get automatic updates from any site. You can do so via RSS News Feed.

What is RSS?
RSS or “Really Simple Syndication” is a technology used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites. RSS is best described as a “news feed” one subscribes to. These days it is rare to find a website not offering RSS feeds.

In the “old days”, the only way to keep track of updates on a website, was to visit (more…)