Do you have trouble increasing your page rank on Google?

In one of my previous article, What Is Best For Your Site: PageRank or Traffic, I stated that both are great for a site to be successful. I launched this blog 3 weeks ago and I have a page rank of 2/10. I am really happy with my page rank.

Page rank is calculated based on the number of back links that you are getting. In order to do that, participate on the techniques that generates back links like forum posting, blog commenting, article submissions, social bookmarking, classified ads, press release, link exchange, online groups and directory submissions.

I will be giving you some tips that I used to get my page rank of 2/10 in 3 weeks.

my page rank

Tips To Increase Your Page Rank

Quality Content

The first thing that you need to do is write quality content for your site. Search engines are very smarter than you think. If you copy other peoples articles, place them on your site and try to pass them as your own then you won’t get a good page rank. Search engines knows when you copy others info because the site you have copied from is already indexed on that search engine and will think your site is a spam.

Back Links

It is very easy to get your page rank up with back links from other sites and even better when these sites are dofollow.

  • Post on forums in your niche ans place your link in your signature
  • Comment on other blogs
  • Submit your site to directories
  • SEO Friendly

    Make sure that your site is search engine optimized friendly. Google loves sites that are seo friendly.

    For Example:
    Instead of

    This means when someone searches in google for “Google Page Rank” your site will show up higher in the search results because your site url has the google-page-rank in the url (

    Site Map

    Create a site map and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools. This way you Google knows when you have updated your site and will come back to index your new contents to the search engine.

    Thanks for reading

    What is your site’s page rank? How long did it take for you to achieve it?

    I hope these tips have help you to get a great page rank if you have not gotten any as yet. Leave your comments below


    1. Therm


      Kharim, first off, congrats on your success…i’m TRULY amazed!
      You mentioned SEO, do you think it’s reasonable to pay someone to do all your SEO for you? I got a company that I’m thinking about paying ($630 per month) to do our SEO for us. What do you think?

        • Therm


          Well, I’ve been talking with him over the last week about what I want done and what he can do. Do you have a set of things that you offer? And do you have other clients that you’ve taken care of already?

          Btw, it’s inspiring to see somebody from the islands get in on some of this online marketing (my parents are Guyanese).

            • Therm

              Idk man, it’s like I see you can already show that your stats are going up and what you did worked. And on the flipside he’s done the same and promised a lot.
              It’s like car shopping man, idk what to do and it’s all a lot of money.
              I’m going to look into what your ecourse offers.

    2. Reply

      Hey Shane,

      Thanks for sharing these pointers. Increasing search ranking is done by creating your site in the best interest of the consumer or user. Quality, fresh and relevant content is very important as are the site maps and seo friendly designs. Keep up the good work and the sharing!

    3. Tampa SEO


      The first couple of increases in page rank are pretty easy. Google just reset the pageranks so a lot of people have seen an increase. Some have also seen a decrease so keeping it up is important also.

    4. MrsMoody


      Congratulations Kharim, we have same ranks 😀
      .-= MrsMoody´s last blog ..Change admin username =-.

      • Reply

        Nice MrsMoody. I am now working on my Alexa rank. I want it to go low, like under the 100,000 mark.

        I am currently at about 750,000. I go down about 50,000 or more each day.

        • MrsMoody


          Oh good job Kharim, keep it up! 🙂 as to me, i sometimes disable alexa toolbar LOL just to avoid seeing my rank in Alexa, I want to concentrate more to my blog’s content and my visitors than PR. Cheers to your success!
          .-= MrsMoody´s last blog ..Change admin username =-.

          • Reply

            Thanks for your comment MrsMoody. I always check on my Alexa rank to make sure that it’s going down.

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