Step 1 - Theme Options

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

Step 2 - Setup Slider

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

Step 3 - Create Homepage

To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.

Does More Content = More Traffic?

I have seen this topic on a couple of forums lately. More Content = More Traffic? Which means more sale. Really interesting topic. For me, my answer is that “it depends.” It depends on your niche.

But let’s get down to the meat of the matter.

The Mistake
A lot of new web masters think that if they create a website and just throw some contents on it then they will have thousand of visitors. But I would like to know: who did they really write these contents for? For themselves or the readers?

The Solution
One great page with good content is (more…)

What is RSS/ RSS Tips

There are a number of ways you can subscribe to, or get automatic updates from any site. You can do so via RSS News Feed.

What is RSS?
RSS or “Really Simple Syndication” is a technology used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites. RSS is best described as a “news feed” one subscribes to. These days it is rare to find a website not offering RSS feeds.

In the “old days”, the only way to keep track of updates on a website, was to visit (more…)

What do you blog about?

Are you a blogger? Are you passionate about blogging? Are you new to blogging and want to try it out? The question for today is “What do you blog about?”

Blogging seems to be taking over the Internet little by little everyday and everywhere. Almost every other site you come across is a blog and (or) has a blog on it. Celebrities are doing it, teenagers in high school, and just about everybody else. But as a webmaster “What do you blog about?” (more…)

Tips for new webmasters

Starting out as a new webmaster, no doubt you want to be successful at it. In order to be successful, I encourage you to read these three powerful steps below:

Tip One: Choosing a domain name and getting a hosting account. I know as a new webmaster you might be tempted to go for free hosting. Free can be good but not when it comes to hosting a website. Free hosting can be dangerous! Imagine making a website or blog for free you have written great contents and one day all of that is gone. That’s what happened to one of my blogs. So I urge you to (more…)

5 Tips for Using Twitter to Grow Your Business

1. Make a profile. Fill it out completely, providing a good description of your business, and a link to your company Web site. You may want to set up two or more Twitter accounts – perhaps one as a customer-service channel, and another as the main company page.

2. Listen & learn. At first, don’t post much… just search for Twitter users in your sector who have a lot of followers and watch what they’re saying. Follow them – some will follow you back and you’ll start to build an audience. Locate influential Twitter users such as Rob Rammny (@robrammuny) or Lisa Irby (@2createawebsite) and read their Twitter tips. (more…)