Step 1 - Theme Options

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

Step 2 - Setup Slider

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

Step 3 - Create Homepage

To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.

5 Considerable Features For Magento Store To Rule In The E-Commerce World

E-commerce is the new hot cake which has got its rein fixated on the insightful investors. Basically, it is a business prototype which enables the customer to build a trade utilizing the power of the internet. It promotes the execution of all the four marketing compartments of consumer- business, business-business, consumer-consumer, and business-consumer. The actual […]

Top 5 Small Business SEO Tools to Get the Effective Results

You have hired an eCommerce website development company to build an attractive website to promote your online shopping business. After including the necessary content in place, you are waiting for potential customers to flock to your website for their purchases. However, you realize that your website does not have the kind of visibility you had […]

7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Businesses

With the change and evolution of modern day technologies, small and medium organizations are doing all that they can to keep up, which can be said valid for whatever remains of human society. Physical organizations are either changing their plans of action to an online one or reinforcing existing marketing efforts with digital marketing strategies […]