Step 1 - Theme Options

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

Step 2 - Setup Slider

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

Step 3 - Create Homepage

To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.

10 SEO Mistakes When Translating Your Site

Whether they are expanding into new markets or simply recognizing that their customers speak more than one language, businesses translate websites to better reach their target audiences. Their goals are to ensure that blog posts, product descriptions, landing pages, and other content are both readable and meaningful. One of the potential drawbacks of all this […]

3 Common Blog-Writing Mistakes –– And How to Fix Them!

Make no mistake, blogging is tough. Not only is blog-writing an exercise in self-discipline, but it’s also a highly competitive field that solely rewards the most prolific and dynamic professionals. And since blog-writing is a public activity (i.e., outsiders can and will read your posts) it’s especially important to limit the number of goofs and […]

4 Sure Fire Digital Marketing Strategies To Stay Head and Shoulders Above The Rest

There is no exaggeration that we live in a digital world and looking from that perspective it is imperative that your business should have an impressive presence in the digital world. It can be said that digital marketing is the real future of marketing owing to the added advantages it has to offer to the […]