Reading other bloggers blog is something that I have been doing way before I started this blog or even thought about building my very own blog.

Now that I am a blogger, why do I continue to read other people’s blog?

Good question don’t you think. I don’t read their blogs to steal information, but to get inspiration, ideas and to create a friendly relationship with the other bloggers.

I have 4 valid reasons why you should be reading other blogs.


For me, I am inspired when I read other blog articles by other bloggers. I like to read their success story and this inspire me to do my best in this blogging world to make a name for myself.

I must admit that the person who really inspired me is Bilal Rammuny from Thanks Rob for the help that you have given me so far. πŸ™‚

New Ideas

When I read other I get new ideas for future post. I don’t steal their information and pass it as my own because that would be stealing, and that would be unprofessional.

What I do sometimes is dig through other bloggers archive and see posts that the blogger has already posted, read those post and I might write a post on that topic but I develop it in a different way so I can further educate my blog readers.

Helps Against Burnout

In one of my previous post I spoke about how to avoid blogger burnout and visiting other blogs help against this blogger syndrome.

In part I said: “Sometimes it’s best to take a break away from your blog to get your mind at ease. If you are always trying to find something to do about blogging then one day you will be burnt out.

Visit other blogs, make comments, participate in other non blogging activities and have fun.”

Gain More Traffic

When you make comments on other blogs, you gain traffic. A lot of blogs now offer do-follow links so you can gain some juice from their blog. Do-follow also encourages blog readers to make more and more comments.

CommentLuv is also installed on most blog these days. So when leaving a comment you can use the commentluv plugin to attach your latest blog post, or select from the latest 10 to include in the comment.

With my blog, I use the commentluv plugin and pick out the best articles of the week and award my commentators with link back to their articles in the links of the week.

Group Discussion

  • Why do you read other blogs?
  • Do you think it’s a good idea to read other people’s blog?

    1. Mansoor Bhanpurawala


      Great post Kharim! I like to read another blog, such yours, because i always learn new things.

    2. Elizabeth


      I definitely read other blogs because for me learning something new from other blogs are such a great idea to create a better blog.

    3. Ron


      These are some very strong point and the same person that inspired you inspired me. Its very important that we hear very motivation stories thru tough times the many go thru through out there lives .

    4. Cristopher


      quite correct! there is no sense in steeling info. At least if you want to get the same article for your blog it is a better way to ask for it. But just exploring the others bloggers experience and promotion methods – is the best way to improve your own skills.

    5. Valentine Belonwu


      Hi Kharim,
      The main reason we should read other people’s blog is to learn new tips from them, get more inspiration, make friends with them and also gain more traffic to our own blog by commenting to their own blogs.

    6. Reply

      Great post Kharim! I like to read another blog, such yours, because i always learn new things.

    7. Reply

      Hi Kharim!. Short and sweet post!

      I think the main reason we should read other people’s blogs is because we want our blogs to be read by other people too!

      Also, when you read and comment on others’ blogs, you build friendship with the bloggers.

    8. Joe Boyle


      I love reading other blog posts for inspiration and ideas. It also helps me get my mind off of problems I am having. Reading, as I’ve always been told, can bring me to whole new worlds. Why would that be any different for blog posts?

      Great article, Kharim.

    9. Hulbert Lee


      Nice post Kharim. The reason I read other people’s blog is to also feel motivated or inspired. There is such a big wealth of information out there that you just need to dig through in order to find something that’s really valuable. It’s a great idea to read other people’s blog for the sole reason of expanding your knowledge and helping each other build a community. It’s good to see you doing this and inspiring others to do the same thing!

    10. Justin Germino


      I try to read at least 5 other blog articles per day to gain insight into what people are talking about, I have about ten blogs on my RSS email that I consistently scan and visit if a topic is of interest. I do believe to be a great blogger you have to enjoy reading and visiting other blogs and keep an open mind as to what you can learn by seeing what works for other bloggers, examine their writing style as well as draw inspiration and idea’s. Plus it is just good networking to visit other bloggers and show them you enjoyed their articles. Like this article I enjoyed.

    11. Rob Rammuny


      Really honored to be mentioned here Kharim. You’ve been a great student and you’ve come a LONG way. Congratulations.

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