Online Photo Sharing: Defining the Right Path

Sharing digital photos on the internet has opened the door to great personal and business improvements. While serving as a good way to share memories and events with friends and family, it has also helped businesses in product and service promotions while bringing the human quality to the face of business campaigns. However, we need […]

Using Your Readers For Promotion

Did you know that you can use your blog readers to share your blog or post articles with others on the web? This is where promotion and free advertising comes into play. This might be a short article but this will definitely help your blog in the long run and save you a greatn deal of advertising work.

How Can I Use My Readers For Promotion?
There are alot of “quick share buttons” on many blog these days. I even use them on this blog. Well these buttons make it easier for your readers/visitors to share your articles or your blog. They can tweet your articles on Twitter, share it on Facebook, stumble it on Stumble Upon, etc. (more…)