Things To Consider When Buying Ad Space

Whenever you are going to something, there are some things that you must consider whether it be product or services.

When you walk into your local super market and take a soda pop out of the vending machine, do you consider the size, it’s expiry date and look at it in detail? Well you should.

In this article I will help you to consider some things when you are about to advertise your website by purchasing ad space, because buying ad space is something you must choose wisely because I don’t think that there is a refund policy on this type of purchase.


My Traffic Is Low. What Should I Do?

If the traffic is not coming to you, the only thing you have to do is go get the traffic.

If you made a site, nobody but you knows about it. You cannot just build a website or blog and write articles and expect people to come swarming to it. You have to go promote the articles that you have written, tell them that you have something information to offer to them on your site, because this is the only way you will get traffic.

How do you effectively get traffic to your blog?

In this article I will show you how I get traffic to my blog, from social media, forums, and by commenting.


Promotion – Is It Important?

Promotion is another important factor of blogging and is really important for building up your blog. Apart from quality content you need to promote your blog to gain traffic to make your blog a success.

There are a number of ways that you can promote your blog. Through social media, blog commenting, buying advertisement space and the list goes on.

In one Oxford dictionary, the word promote means “to publicize and sell (a product)”. If you want to make money online as a blogger, no doubt, you would have to publicize your blog and get people to buy the products that you recommend to them.

But which is the best way to promote your blog and affiliate links?


Using Your Readers For Promotion

Did you know that you can use your blog readers to share your blog or post articles with others on the web? This is where promotion and free advertising comes into play. This might be a short article but this will definitely help your blog in the long run and save you a greatn deal of advertising work.

How Can I Use My Readers For Promotion?
There are alot of “quick share buttons” on many blog these days. I even use them on this blog. Well these buttons make it easier for your readers/visitors to share your articles or your blog. They can tweet your articles on Twitter, share it on Facebook, stumble it on Stumble Upon, etc. (more…)