Did you know that you can use your blog readers to share your blog or post articles with others on the web? This is where promotion and free advertising comes into play. This might be a short article but this will definitely help your blog in the long run and save you a greatn deal of advertising work.

How Can I Use My Readers For Promotion?
There are alot of “quick share buttons” on many blog these days. I even use them on this blog. Well these buttons make it easier for your readers/visitors to share your articles or your blog. They can tweet your articles on Twitter, share it on Facebook, stumble it on Stumble Upon, etc.

Installing them on your blog is quite easy. Below I will list some services where you can get these buttons to install your blog with a few clicks of a mouse.

How Does This Work

Take it that your blog has some 500 unique readers. You have great articles on your blog and they have enjoyed reading this article. At the bottom of this article there is a tweet button which makes it easy for this reader to share your article on Twitter. He/She can share your blog post to their Twitter followers. His/Her Twitter followers come over to your blog, likes the article as well and decides to share it as well. This is where you in turn benefit and gain more readers.

I also added some cool buttons to my side bar on the right at the top making it much easier to share. If you like it you can download them below and add them to your own blog. Just copy the HTML code and paste it in the area where you want to show these buttons. You will also get a folder with the icons, upload that to your server as well.

Click HERE to download the easy share HTML code and images
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Group Discussion

Do you have these “quick share buttons” on your blog? Are your readers sharing your articles or blog after reading them?

Leave your comments in the comment section below, let me know what you have to say 🙂


  1. Glen


    Great post Kharim! Personally I use the addthis, TweetMeMe and Buzz this button. They have been working really well so far.

    Your right your readers are a great way to promote your articles but I usually think of it as a bonus, have your own promotion done first and if you get a retweet or a buzz then you have made a bonus, that’s the way I usually think of it.
    .-= Glen´s last blog ..Forum Software Review – vBulliten =-.

    • Reply

      Thanks for your comment Glen. Doing your own promotion is the first step. Your readers would come second after reading your article they can feel free to share it.

  2. Jarrod


    Great ideas! That’s the good thing about social networking, is that it’s there to help you. I hear so many people say, twitter is not for me I can’t get down with “all this social networking” but if they really understood the leverage that it provides, then it would make a change in how they promote not only their online business but their everyday business.

    Great post!
    .-= Jarrod@ Optimistic Journey´s last blog ..It’s Okay =-.

  3. Reply

    Thanks very much Jarrod. Exactly my point, Twitter is a great place to promote your business online.

    Thanks for your comment. 🙂

  4. MrsMoody


    Very informative post, but there are some social bookmarking bars that i personally don’t like when i visit a blog, your blue bar under my browser window, for example LOL 😛 just my opinion, of course everyone has different taste 🙂
    .-= MrsMoody´s last blog ..Change Page order WordPress =-.

  5. Reply

    Thanks MrsMoody for reading and commenting.

    I guess you are talking my platform bar. lol you can always turn it off by hiding it 🙂

    • MrsMoody


      LOL yea, i didn’t know it 🙁 now i know, thanks!
      .-= MrsMoody´s last blog ..Change Page order WordPress =-.

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