Are You Forcing Your Readers Away?

What if you wanted some advice or information from a friend and all he does is force and orders you to follow the stuff that he says, would you continue to go to that person for more advice? No, I don’t think you would.

Our blog readers are just the same. They come to our blogs for information to help them and if you boss them around they may never return to your blog for information.

Sometimes it’s best to use words of encouragement when writing post for our readers, they will appreciate it more.

What Comes With Choosing The Right Niche

If you are a new webmaster, blogger, or interested in becoming a site owner then you have to be careful when choosing the niche to start your blog or website.

Choosing the wrong niche could be critical in many ways.

Starting a site with the right niche is almost like choosing the colors to put on your house or the colors that you would choose for your curtains. I am pretty sure that it wouldn’t be a wise choice to paint your house red, unless you are really in love with hat color.

The same goes for starting a site. You wouldn’t want to start a site about something that you are not comfortable with, something that you don’t like or something that would never be of interest to nobody at all. This is where the importance of choosing the right niche comes in.

12 Powerful Rules Of Blogging

In order to make it BIG in today’s blogging world you have to follow certain rules in order to survive. Just about everybody is blogging because it seems to be the latest trend or some kind of fast catching fever, but not everyone can survive.

For you to survive and become a powerful blogger then you have to follow some rules and make sure you follow each.

I have come up with some 12 powerful blogging rules that you must follow in order to become a successful blogger.


Posting Time: How It Affects Our Blogs

I have been blogging for the past 4 months now and I have realized something different depending on the time that I post a new blog article, and I just realized this the other day.

I didn’t know that the time of posting a new blog article how it really affects my blogging community. I always though that once you post a new blog then your blog subscribers and visitors will eventually see the post and realize that there was a new article out. Well I guess it’s not like that.

When I did my very first guest post at Rob Rammuny’s blog, The Importance Of Being A Persistent Blogger, I realized that he published my article at about 12:00 am in the morning. I was thinking to myself, was he drunk or something. But my guest article got great response from his visitors.


Links Of The Week: Part 3

This post is a way of thanking my commentators and I reward them for leaving their comments by giving a link back to their articles.

Links of the week is a process in which I check the comments of the commentators for the week to see the links that they have placed in the comments using the comment luv plugin. I always check the comments that are made on my articles and visit the links left back in the comments.

After visiting these links I will read the articles, those that are well written with great tips will be mentioned here.

These links have really great tips to make you a successful webmaster and I want you to check these links out to help you to become more educated.


Links Of The Week: Part 2

This post is a way of thanking my commentators and I reward them for leaving their comments by giving a link back to their articles.

Links of the week is a process in which I check the comments of the commentators for the week to see the links that they have placed in the comments using the comment luv plugin. I always check the comments that are made on my articles and visit the links left back in the comments.

After visiting these links I will read the articles, those that are well written with great tips will be mentioned here.

These links have really great tips to make you a successful webmaster and I want you to check these links out to help you to become more educated.


WebMaster-Success Mailing List

This is just a small post is to inform you that on July 1st, 2010 I launched my mailing list.

This mailing list is to help you my loyal readers to become a better blogger. I will be sending out news letters to you giving you tips on how you can make your blog or website a success and at the same time help you make money online.

My mailing list won’t spam your inbox plus for those who join my mailing list will get great benefits of winning cash prizes and great themes to enhance there blogs. I will also try my best to work with you and your blog in order to help you to be successful.
