Tips On How To Sky Rocket A New Blog

My blog is doing really great and many bloggers are really impressed with the achievement of my blog so far. I am also happy with this level of achievement and I am going to be achieving many more great things to come in the future.

This is because I have put in a lot of work into this blog because I am determined to make my blog a success and to educate others on how they can make their blog a success as well.

In this post I am going to share with you what I did to get this blog off to a really great start. Getting this blog to where it’s at now was a lovely but challenging journey.

First Step To My Success

In order to get this level of success you have to take the word free out of my mind. This is the reason why I am on a WordPress self hosted blog. There is nothing better than self hosted and this is one of the 5 common mistakes new bloggers make.

I remember being on free hosting and waking up one morning to find my blog deleted with all my blog posts. All my articles were gone, never to be seen again. So my tip for you is to stay away from free hosting of all sort.


What To Do When You Are Not Blogging.

What to do when you are not blogging?

I am pretty sure that every blogger isn’t constantly blogging. Bloggers must take time away from his/her blog to avoid the blogger burnout syndrome.

If you are always blogging then one day you will burnout and have little or nothing to write about. Also if you blog everyday then your readers don’t have time to read your blog posts because you have flooded their inbox or rss reader with tons of posts and they don’t have the time to put the information to use that you have written in the blog post.

To avoid this you have to blog less and take the time out from blogging, do some other activities. There are lots of things you can do when you are not blogging. I am going to share a few things that I do when I am not writing blog posts.


Bad Blogger, Good Blogger: Who Are You?

There are many types of bloggers in the big blogging world, but only 2 will be mentioned in this post. These are the bad bloggers and the good bloggers.

I know this might seem kind of strange to you but it’s true. There are good bloggers and bad bloggers in the big blogging world.

Good bloggers builds up themselves, their blog, their readers and are very successful most of the times. But what about the bad bloggers? The try and break everything apart including their own blog.

How do you tell the difference between a good blogger and a bad blogger? Well let’s dig into this topic some more and tell them apart.


Is Blogging For You

How To Know If Blogging Is For You?

A lot of people are starting blog everyday and this will continue for a long time to come.

People start blog for a hobby, for a business or just because everybody is doing it. But is blogging for you? How do you know if blogging is for you?

Well, I have been blogging for the past 3 months now and I know that blogging was meant for me by my level of success and what I have achieved so far. I started this blog to educate others about webmastering and how to be successful at it.

I have been in webmaster world for over 4 years now where I used to make websites and I know how to drive traffic to a site, how to build an audience, how to write unique content, and how to make money online.

In this blog post I will discuss 3 factors to know of blogging is for you.


Blog Commenting: What It Has Done For Me

Blog commenting is something that I have been doing before I even started blogging. I like to comment on posts after I have read them and give my input or to thank the writer for the tips and information in the post. This will also make the writer feel more enthused to write more.

After I started blogging I started commenting more. I venture out to find new blogs of my interest to read articles and make a comment, here there and almost everywhere.


My Blogging Schedule

A schedule is simply a timetable of an organized to do list. This is usually set out in tabular form, providing information about a series of arranged events: in particular, the time at which it is planned these events will take place.

Many people set a schedule so that they can keep on a time track and perform tasks on a timeline.

I have come up with a great blogging schedule which allows me to complete a set of blogging task that I regularly do on a day to day basis.

I hope you can learn from my time table and also set out your own so that you can manage your time better and still find time for your blog.


We See Things In Black And White…

This is a guest post by Jaime-Ann Laidlaw from Carte Blanche Freelance

If you would like to become a guest author for WebMaster Success, please read the guest post guidelines page and sign up.

Well, that was a little abrupt but hey – copywriters do see things in black and white – TEXT.

Anything that benefits your business, benefits you.  The same is said for many things in your life, but your business is how you make your living and you want it to be the best that it can be.  It will come to a point that you are going to need that little somethin’ somethin’ as they say.Something not too big or overly flashy.
