Increase Internet Sales Conversions By 30% Using Presale And Follow Up Method

No matter whether you are a vendor or an affiliate, your first priority is always getting better conversions.  You make every effort from split testing everything from email subject lines to colors on your pitch page order buttons to try to bump up your conversion rate even ½ point. So why is everyone obsessed with […]

Effective Affiliate Marketing Tips And Tricks That Really Works

Affiliate marketing can be a big source of revenue, and this is what ALL the top bloggers use to generate income from their blogs. The key to maximizing your earnings is engaging your readers as soon as possible. Unlike PPC ads where you are paid for impressions or clicks, affiliates are only paid when/if a specific action is performed. The action might be a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, but regardless, you are not paid until you’ve compelled your readers to act.

In my one of previous article I mentioned affiliate marketing as one of the ways to make money from your blog in 2011, so this article will focus on affiliate marketing and how you can make money with these great tips.

Here are 8 GREAT and EFFECTIVE affiliate marketing tips…

Making Your Blog Into A Business

If you have a blog and you are planning on making money from it, you would no doubt want to look at it as a business. Therefore you will need to treat it like a business.

business is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers.

As bloggers we are all (whether we consider ourselves as bloggers or not) business people. You may not realise it yet but like all businesses you probably have bills to pay (hosting, domain renewal, etc.) and getting income (from advertising, affiliate marketing, etc). Many of you reading this will be operating on a small scale at the moment it will help you enormously going forward if you get yourself into good business habits.