How To Deal With Negative Listings In Search Engines

This is a guest post by David Smith. He works for a conversion rate optimization company. David enjoys writing on SEO, landing pages, conversion optimization and affiliate marketing.

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Search for keyword “cash4gold” or “Cooks Source Magazine”. Can you see something common in search results? Yes, the negative listings in search results. Well, we all know that both these companies are scammers and they deserved it. But sadly, many legitimate businesses are going through the similar phase. The reasons for these negative listings can be different – over demanding customers, angry employees or unethical competitors but the result is same – tarnished brand image, negative reputation and huge loss of potential customers who just go away after looking these negative listings.

If you are also stuck with negative listings that appears in search results for your company name or your own name then this article is for you. Then this article is for you, here we will cover some effective tips on dealing with such negative listings.


The Good And The Bad Of SEO

One of the most popular Internet marketing techniques used in today’s modern trends is SEO. Search Engine Optimization, or mostly known as SEO, is an Internet marketing technique mostly used to increase a website’s traffic through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, or Bing.

Though successful compared to other forms of online advertisements, SEO involves a lot of work. Because it works with how search engines index a webpage or website in their search result pages or SERPs, SEO specialists or experts wide array of techniques and methods for search engines to believe that their websites are legitimate for a specific search query. And like other forms of Internet market, according to many SEO experts, this technique is also known for its good and bad techniques.

How To Increase Your Page Rank

Do you have trouble increasing your page rank on Google?

In one of my previous article, What Is Best For Your Site: PageRank or Traffic, I stated that both are great for a site to be successful. I launched this blog 3 weeks ago and I have a page rank of 2/10. I am really happy with my page rank.

Page rank is calculated based on the number of back links that you are getting. In order to do that, participate on the techniques that generates back links like forum posting, blog commenting, article submissions, social bookmarking, classified ads, press release, link exchange, online groups and directory submissions.

I will be giving you some tips that I used to get my page rank of 2/10 in 3 weeks.

my page rank