How To Turn Your New Blog Visitors Into Loyal Blog Readers

Converting a new visitor to your blog into a loyal reader can be quite challenging, if you don’t know how to do it correctly. Lots of top bloggers turn new visitors into subscribers on their first visit, having them coming back to their blog each time a new blog post is published.

This is what we as new and upcoming bloggers should try to accomplish, because first impression always gets more attention. The first time a new visitor comes to our blog we are not there to greet them, like business people do in their offices. We have to set our blog in a way which speaks for us so that we can get a firm hold of our first time visitors, and eventually hoping to convert them into loyal blog readers.

What does it really take for you to get new visitors to become loyal readers? Please follow the tips below on how to do so effectively.


5 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make

Mistakes are always being made on a daily basis.

Millions of people make mistakes and this happens in the blogging world quite often.

There are a lot of people coming into the blogging world because they think that blogging is easy to do, almost everybody id doing it and making a great deal of money just by blogging. Millions of people are blogging about this and blogging about that, but how many of these bloggers successful in their blogging journey?

I have listed some 5 common mistakes that new bloggers often make and fail to correct them.


All You Have To Do Is Make Blogging Into A Habit

The best way to keep on blogging is to make it into a habit, something that you will continue to do for a long time on a regularity.

One Pocket Oxford Dictionary (the 1992 eighth edition) describes the word habit as a “practice that is hard to give up” and the word habitual as “done constantly”, and we all know that practice becomes perfect if it is done constantly.

If you make blogging a habit then you will be blogging for a long time to come always having something to blog about and doing it perfectly. Making blogging into a habit is like developing passion for it, in my own words I would say passion on steroids. Now this means you would have extra passion for blogging, never wanting to give it up. The only way blogging is going to work is if you naturally have the passion which motivates you to blog.

But how do you really make blogging into a habit so that you can make it truly make it work for you?

Please continue reading these tips to make the best out of blogging.


Want To Win A Share Of $500? With The BlogEngage You Can

Wouldn’t it be great if you can do guest blogging and get paid to do it?

Well if that’s what you are thinking then the 500USD Guest Blogging Contest is where you need to be, which is hosted by Brian from BlogEngage.

If you enter this guest blogging contest then you stand the chance of having a share of $500.

The last time I entered the BlogEngage Guest Bloggers contest, I won $100 (5th place) and I was really thankful for the cash.

See how you can stand a chance of winning even more than I did.


Boost Your Subscribers List Without Getting Any Additional Traffic

Building a subscribers list is not an option..

It’s mandatory to build a list if you want to run a long-term
profitable blog..

Wouldn’t it be awesome not having to work your butt off digging
for new traffic generation methods, but converting the maximum
out of your current visitor streams to subscribers?

But Frankly..I get puzzled whenever I see lots of bloggers
struggling to build a decent subscribers list and not able to
take a forward momentum to earn the kind of income that they’ve
dreamed of.

That’s pretty frustrating…

How To Attract Guest Bloggers To Your Blog Like A Magnet

Have you ever seen how some spilt milk attract ants like magnet by just lying on the floor or the kitchen counter without even doing anything? Wouldn’t you like it if your blog acted like that spilt milk and attract guest bloggers to it ready with guest post to submit to it? Most definitely you would.

Guest blogging is a great way for getting traffic to your blog. But how to you get guest bloggers to your blog? There are a number of things that you can do as a blogger to get guest bloggers, but in this blog post I will be focusing on the most effective way of getting guest bloggers to your blog and actually submitting a guest post.


How To Get Targeted Traffic To Your Blog And Why Is Targeted Traffic Important

Targeted traffic is one if the best incoming traffic that you can have for your blog. This type of traffic takes time to build up but when you put out the hard work to get it, your blog will be more successful.

Targeted traffic can be summed up as visitors who come to your website because your content appeals to their needs. Having contents that is targeted to a particular set of people will attract them to your blog like bees to honey, and in time they will become loyal readers and subscribers.
