Using The Big F For Promotion- Facebook

You got a F. You should use it. I am not talking about the word fail or the f on a test paper. I am talking about Facebook.

Facebook has managed to become a standard for all other social networking sites. Offering a staggering amount of apps, games and extras, this Web site is currently the second most popular in the United States (Alexa, March 2010). That is one popular social networking site. When you consider the sheer amount of traffic this Web site reaches, you might start to get a few ideas. Learn how to use Facebook for promotion, and harness some of that popularity for yourself.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use social networking to drive more traffic to your pages and earn more income? Well, you can. Learn how to use Facebook in a way that will help you boost your Web site’s money-making abilities. (more…)

Are You Satisfying Your Readers?

Before I start, I would like to know. Are you satisfying your website readers? Do you know what they want? These are questions you should be asking yourself as a webmaster.

I often browser the internet for something that I want to find information online and often turn up unsuccessful. I find myself saying, “This is not what I wanted” or “What the hell is this???” because of the type of information I find on that webpage.

This now lead me to think, Are you satisfying your readers needs? I will be providing some tips on how to satisfying your readers needs and have them coming back to your site. (more…)

My Favorite 18 WordPress Plugins

Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. Plugins Directory has some 8,830 plugins and 81,433,552 downloads, and counting. That’s really great.

I have some WordPress plugins that I use on this blog to make it user friendly, SEO friendly, and much more. I am going to share with you my 18 favorite WordPress Plugins. This may seem like a large list but all I have to say is, the more the merrier. 🙂 (more…)

Link Exchange: Is This A Good Idea?

You know you’ve achieved a certain level of success with your website, or at least caught someone’s interest, when you open up your email to find a link trading offer from someone on another site. But is link exchange even a good idea, or is it just a waste of time?

Link Exchange
The idea of link exchange is simple enough. You have a website and someone else with a website contacts you and asks about exchanging links. What does that mean? (more…)

Making Money Online: Affiliate Marketing vs. Pay Per Clicks

Affiliate marketing and PPC (Pay Per Click) are the most commonly used methods of earning commission for webmasters, but which is the better market to play in? PPC is probably one of the most widely used within blogs and news magazine sites, however, where does affiliate marketing come in?

Affiliate Marketing
Usually when you hear of affiliate marketing, you hear that you only get paid for every successful referral made. Well…, the truth is, it’s true. (more…)