5 Tips On How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog From Guest Post

You can get traffic to your blog by participating in guest posting on other blogs in your niche. But you can gain lots more traffic if you guest post on a blog that is high in traffic or if it has more traffic than your blog, which is also in your niche. Guest posting has been very popular these days and it continues to gain more popularity because it is one of the easiest ways to build backlinks, get loyal blog readers, subscribers, get comments on your blog posts and also to get other bloggers to guest post on your blog.

Getting traffic from guest post is one of the many reasons why bloggers choose to do guest blogging. Not all guest bloggers know how to milk the traffic that they deserve from the guest post that they contributed, but I will show you how to get more traffic.

In this post I will show you how you can get double or more traffic from your guest blogging article.


Questions That Most New Bloggers Ask And Answers Which Benefits Them

Everyday there is a new blogger entering the blogosphere and I love to see people converting themselves into a blogger. This new blogger can be compared to a young child, this is because they often have lots of questions to ask. A young child might ask the mother; Where do babies come from? Why is the sky blue? What are stars made of?And the list goes on and on. Bloggers are just like that. They often have questions about blogging and searching for answers to which will help them to become a better blogger.

I’m always getting email, Twitter tweets, Facebook messages and blog comments from new bloggers asking all sort of questions.

In this post I will share some of the questions that new bloggers ask and provide the best answers to them.


10 Steps You Should Be Taking To Build Up Your Blog

All the top bloggers have done lots of hard work in making their blog a success, and they can now comfortably sit back and earn money from their blog.

What about you as a blogger? Are you doing what it takes to build up your blog, or are you sitting back and hoping for a burst of traffic to just come flowing to your blog? Sad to say that if you are lazy to blog then you will never have the chance of becoming one of the top bloggers. You first have to do the work before you get paid.

Think of blogging as working. If you don’t work then your boss will fire you and hire someone else who is will to do your work. With blogging if you don’t blog, your visitors will find another blog that provides the information they need. Get the picture? Yes you do.

This post will help you by means of 10 steps that you should take if you want to build a successful blog.


10 Cool Ways To Get Blog Post Ideas

In order to write a blog post I am sure that you have to think and do some hunting. All of us as bloggers has to go through this process at one point or another to get blog post ideas.

Even if you aren’t a blogger and you write articles for a newspaper or for some other reason, you have to brainstorm and come up with ideas for what you want to write. Sometimes getting ideas can be really a difficult task at times. You have to make sure that your ideas will satisfy your reader or solve your reader’s problem.

I have some 10 cool ways to come up with blog post ideas to keep your mind working so that you will have tons of blog post ideas.


8 Things To Do Before You Start Blogging

In my previous post I gave you 5 Reasons to Start a Blog, so if you now have a reason to start your blog well I am now going to give you some follow-up tips on things you should do before you start a blog.

Before you start anything you first have to do some preparation if you want your task set ahead of you to go well. It’s just the same with blogging. You don’t want to make any mistakes while blogging because it can be really frustrating at times.

So, here are 8 things that you should do before your start you blogging.