5 Reasons to Start a Blog

Blogging is becoming more and more popular everyday. Most website owners are now converting over their existing sites into blogs. Why is this so?

Well for one thing blogs are really easy to update, plus you need little or no programming knowledge to start your own blog. Here is a video that I did in one of my earlier post showing my blog readers how to install your very own blog in 5 minutes.

In this post I will give you 5 great reasons why you should start a blog.

How To Make Blogging Work For You

You can do anything once you put your mind to it.

Now is this statement true or false? In my opinion I would say “it depends” and I would love it if you agree with me on this one.

For Example: If you tell yourself that you can fly, without wings that is, then you would conclude that this would be highly impossible. And if you say that you can become one of the best bloggers if you put your mind to it, then you would say that it can happen. Now do you agree with me that the answer to the question is “it depends” on what you put your mind to then you can achieve it.

In this post I am going to show you how to make blogging work for you if you really put your mind to it and also put in the extra work.

5 Great Tips To Awesome Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is now slowly taking over the blogosphere and if you have not done it as yet, the I want to know what are you waiting on? If you haven’t done your first guest post as yet, then I will help you out a bit by giving you 5 awesome tips on how to become a great guest blogger.

Guest blogging is pretty simple. All you have to do is write, write just as you would write for your own blog and put out the best.

Please check out the 5 tips that I have provided for you in this post to help you become a great guest blogger…

Posting Time: How It Affects Our Blogs

I have been blogging for the past 4 months now and I have realized something different depending on the time that I post a new blog article, and I just realized this the other day.

I didn’t know that the time of posting a new blog article how it really affects my blogging community. I always though that once you post a new blog then your blog subscribers and visitors will eventually see the post and realize that there was a new article out. Well I guess it’s not like that.

When I did my very first guest post at Rob Rammuny’s blog, The Importance Of Being A Persistent Blogger, I realized that he published my article at about 12:00 am in the morning. I was thinking to myself, was he drunk or something. But my guest article got great response from his visitors.


Why Should You Be Passionate About Your Niche?

Being passionate about the niche that you have placed your blog in is really important if you want your blog to be successful.

No doubt you want your blog to be successful else you wouldn’t have made it in the first place. So this is why you should be passionate about the niche that you want to blog about.

I must say that I have found myself in wrong niches when I just started blogging and being in the wrong niche made me fail to accomplish achievement in that niche. I have now found myself in a niche that I am passionate about, blogging, which I must say that I have had great success with it.

A lot of new bloggers often found themselves in the wrong niche when starting out a new blog and can be a waste of time if you made a blog on a particular topic that you absolutely know nothing about.

So why should we be passionate about our niche?


5 Tips On How To Get More Blog Comments

On almost everyone of my blog posts I have some good amount of comments. Why is this so?

Am I making comments under fake names? No.

Am I asking others to leave comments on my blog posts? No.

Apart from giving my readers great contents to comment on, I have a 5 strategy that I use to get others to make comments on my blog post.

These are the methods I use to get comments on my blog:


What To Do When You Are Not Blogging.

What to do when you are not blogging?

I am pretty sure that every blogger isn’t constantly blogging. Bloggers must take time away from his/her blog to avoid the blogger burnout syndrome.

If you are always blogging then one day you will burnout and have little or nothing to write about. Also if you blog everyday then your readers don’t have time to read your blog posts because you have flooded their inbox or rss reader with tons of posts and they don’t have the time to put the information to use that you have written in the blog post.

To avoid this you have to blog less and take the time out from blogging, do some other activities. There are lots of things you can do when you are not blogging. I am going to share a few things that I do when I am not writing blog posts.
