Tips On How To Sky Rocket A New Blog

My blog is doing really great and many bloggers are really impressed with the achievement of my blog so far. I am also happy with this level of achievement and I am going to be achieving many more great things to come in the future.

This is because I have put in a lot of work into this blog because I am determined to make my blog a success and to educate others on how they can make their blog a success as well.

In this post I am going to share with you what I did to get this blog off to a really great start. Getting this blog to where it’s at now was a lovely but challenging journey.

First Step To My Success

In order to get this level of success you have to take the word free out of my mind. This is the reason why I am on a WordPress self hosted blog. There is nothing better than self hosted and this is one of the 5 common mistakes new bloggers make.

I remember being on free hosting and waking up one morning to find my blog deleted with all my blog posts. All my articles were gone, never to be seen again. So my tip for you is to stay away from free hosting of all sort.


Which Social Media Site Rules?

I have been using social media sites to drive traffic to my blog ever since I started blogging for the past 3 months and I notice that not all of them brings me traffic.

This led me to to ask this question, “Which Social Media Site Rules?”

There are numerous amount of social media sites popping up all over the web and some of them brings major traffic to your site. But which one of them is best for driving traffic?


Making Good Use Of Socia Media

Social media is media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers.

Social media is one of the best ways to promote your online business, gain website traffic and marketing business. (more…)

Buttons For Your WordPress Blog – [Video]

In my previous article, I talked about Using Your Readers For Promotion. Today I want to target the WordPress blog users and how to add the TweetMeMe, adding the TweetMeMe to your Thesis teaser and the Sexy Bookmark.

Sexy Bookmark

Sexy Bookmark is a plugin that adds a list of social media buttons below each article post. This will make it easy for readers to share the article. You can customize your buttons, add or remove buttons, display buttons on index or only post or pages, and many more.