Why You Don’t Make Money Online – [Video]

Have you ever wondered why people fail to make money online?

Making money online is a dream which all webmasters wish to achieve. But getting all caught up in the “making money online” can make you think less about building up your site. Your focus has changed from site building to money-making and this is why you make little or no money. Your focus has changed from site building to money-making and this is why you make little or no money or completely rely on easy cash advances.

Getting traffic to your site is no longer in mind. But without traffic coming to your site, how will you make money? Writing quality contents means nothing to you. If you have no quality content, little or no visitors will stay at your site.

Copying other people’s content and pasting it to your site is a fail and will not put money in your pocket. Visitors will say to themselves, “I have seen this same info on CNN” or “This site is trying to be like that site”, etc. Writing your own quality contents make your visitors want to come back to your site.


10 Reasons Why I Love WordPress

I love to blog and I love WordPress. This is me in the picture with my iPod Touch showing an image with “I Love WordPress” on the screen.

I have been using WordPress for the past 1 month and 4 days now. I launched this blog 3 weeks and 4 days ago, and I have loved the content management system (CMS) that WordPress has.

In this post I will be stating 10 reasons why I love WordPress. I would recommend it to anybody who wants to start a blog.

Check my reason why I love WordPress.

How To Increase Your Page Rank

Do you have trouble increasing your page rank on Google?

In one of my previous article, What Is Best For Your Site: PageRank or Traffic, I stated that both are great for a site to be successful. I launched this blog 3 weeks ago and I have a page rank of 2/10. I am really happy with my page rank.

Page rank is calculated based on the number of back links that you are getting. In order to do that, participate on the techniques that generates back links like forum posting, blog commenting, article submissions, social bookmarking, classified ads, press release, link exchange, online groups and directory submissions.

I will be giving you some tips that I used to get my page rank of 2/10 in 3 weeks.

my page rank

Securing Your WordPress Blog

Is your WordPress blog secured? Is your blog spam proof and hack proof? How sure are you that it is secured?

If you are a blogger and (or) a blog owner you should be thinking about these questions. Each and every blog is prone to spammers and targeted by hackers. All they want to do is bring down your blog for there own good. If you are not protecting your blog, you might be destroying your blog.

This post came to my attention when I saw other blogs beings spammed and hacked by these “Internet Criminals”, as I call them. So I wrote this post to help those non-secured blogs get secured. I am pretty sure you don’t want your blog get hacked or spammed. Read these steps below on how you can make your blog safe from hackers and spammers.

Which Niche Should You Choose?

When it comes to choosing a niche you should be interested in the topic as well as you should have much knowledge about the topic. For example, I have chosen the topic of blogging. I have chosen this topic because I have interested in blogging and have some knowledge of blogging.

Is the niche popular?
Most new bloggers start a niche by looking at other peoples blog or website. It is not an important thing to do but it is important to choose the niche to which you are passionate about. The readers will know quickly whether the owner is really interested or not. If they came to know they will stop visiting your blog. In internet every niche has place. But they are some niche online which are most popular like money, business, etc.