Building Up Your Blog Like A Bodybuilder

Are you building up your blog just like how a bodybuilder builds up his body? Are you constantly working out your blog? How strong is your blog?

Body builders can teach us a lesson and how we can apply their workout to our blogs so that we have one of the best blog on the web.

Body builders are determined to build up their body and they are willing to make it happen despite the amount of work they have to put in. As a blogger are you determined to build up your blog and willing to work on your blog to make it happen?


BlogEngage For Thesis Theme

I recently spoke about BlogEngage being a must for all bloggers. But when I was installing the blog engage button I encountered a small problem but this was over come easily with a few codings that I placed in my Thesis Theme.

The problem was this, when I went to the settings of the BlogEngage there is only one option to align where you want to place your button.
These options for alignments are:

  • Top Left
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Right
  • None
  • After I selected the top left (because that’s where I wanted my button to be displayed) I notice an error in my Thesis teaser section.

    Blog Engage – A Must For All Bloggers

    So it’s official that I started using BlogEngage yesterday and I must admit that I am impressed with it. I have always seen this BlogEngage thing around and I didn’t give it a try until yesterday, can you believe it.

    I thought this BlogEngage was something pertaining to bloggers hooking up and getting marriage but it surely wasn’t. This is a community where you can communicate freely with other bloggers world-wide and build a great friendship.

    In my previous article I wrote about Becoming A Friendly Blogger and BlogEngage is a great way to make friends online who are already bloggers.


    Become A Friendly Blogger

    Are you a friendly blogger? Do you try to make friends with other bloggers? Are you friendly to your blog readers?

    You really need to consider these questions if you operate a blog, or if you are going to start a blog. Being friendly with other bloggers can really make blogging easy for you especially if you have blogger friends in the same niche. You could both talk about the advantages or disadvantages in your niche, the changes taking place in your niche, why you choose this niche and so on.

    How do you become a friendly blogger to other bloggers, to other users on the internet and to readers of your blog?

    WebMaster Success First Month Online

    Today has marked the first month of the WebMaster Success blog being online. It has been a really great first month and I look forward to making it better in the coming months ahead.

    This post is to show you my stats on that I have achieved in the very first month online. I will also briefly give details of what I did to making the first month a success.

    Please enjoy reading my stats…

    Why You Don’t Make Money Online – [Video]

    Have you ever wondered why people fail to make money online?

    Making money online is a dream which all webmasters wish to achieve. But getting all caught up in the “making money online” can make you think less about building up your site. Your focus has changed from site building to money-making and this is why you make little or no money. Your focus has changed from site building to money-making and this is why you make little or no money or completely rely on easy cash advances.

    Getting traffic to your site is no longer in mind. But without traffic coming to your site, how will you make money? Writing quality contents means nothing to you. If you have no quality content, little or no visitors will stay at your site.

    Copying other people’s content and pasting it to your site is a fail and will not put money in your pocket. Visitors will say to themselves, “I have seen this same info on CNN” or “This site is trying to be like that site”, etc. Writing your own quality contents make your visitors want to come back to your site.


    10 Reasons Why I Love WordPress

    I love to blog and I love WordPress. This is me in the picture with my iPod Touch showing an image with “I Love WordPress” on the screen.

    I have been using WordPress for the past 1 month and 4 days now. I launched this blog 3 weeks and 4 days ago, and I have loved the content management system (CMS) that WordPress has.

    In this post I will be stating 10 reasons why I love WordPress. I would recommend it to anybody who wants to start a blog.

    Check my reason why I love WordPress.