8 Ways To Improve The Effectiveness Of Customer Service Department In A Web Hosting Provider

There are many guidelines found online on how keep customer support staff in a good mood and stay productive. But web hosting is a highly specific industry and customer support staff in this field often needs to work in a slightly different way. Supervisors in customer service department should do the following: Encourage customer service […]

How To Build A Relationship: Diamond In The Rough Method

[box type=”blue”]Let’s Start Diamond Hunting![/box] Grab your lunchbox and a pair of slacks, we’re going hunting for diamonds (not real ones, I’ve lost my pick axe) but the diamonds that when we find them, will allow us to become socially and even financially richer. Many would agree that the most effective method of building a […]

Content Marketing: How To Write Articles That Will Keep Readers Coming To Your Site

For the internet marketer who uses content as his main traffic fuel, you will agree with me that indeed content is king. Content has been a very powerful means of getting traffic to a business website/blog on the internet and as much people that have been able to snatch this opportunity are successfully driving more […]