5 Ways To Respect Your Blog Readers

It’s always polite to say thank you, it’s a sign that you are respectful or show some level of respect. The same goes for you if you are a blogger because you want your blog readers to know that you care about them and you also respect them.

A lot of bloggers don’t show that they respect their blog readers and yet they wonder they their readers leave and never come back.

Being respectful helps to keep visitors coming back your blog and this will also make your blog readers want to share the article that you have written with others.

In this blog post I will show you 5 ways that you can respect your blog readers.


10 Cool Ways To Get Blog Post Ideas

In order to write a blog post I am sure that you have to think and do some hunting. All of us as bloggers has to go through this process at one point or another to get blog post ideas.

Even if you aren’t a blogger and you write articles for a newspaper or for some other reason, you have to brainstorm and come up with ideas for what you want to write. Sometimes getting ideas can be really a difficult task at times. You have to make sure that your ideas will satisfy your reader or solve your reader’s problem.

I have some 10 cool ways to come up with blog post ideas to keep your mind working so that you will have tons of blog post ideas.


8 Things To Do Before You Start Blogging

In my previous post I gave you 5 Reasons to Start a Blog, so if you now have a reason to start your blog well I am now going to give you some follow-up tips on things you should do before you start a blog.

Before you start anything you first have to do some preparation if you want your task set ahead of you to go well. It’s just the same with blogging. You don’t want to make any mistakes while blogging because it can be really frustrating at times.

So, here are 8 things that you should do before your start you blogging.

5 Reasons to Start a Blog

Blogging is becoming more and more popular everyday. Most website owners are now converting over their existing sites into blogs. Why is this so?

Well for one thing blogs are really easy to update, plus you need little or no programming knowledge to start your own blog. Here is a video that I did in one of my earlier post showing my blog readers how to install your very own blog in 5 minutes.

In this post I will give you 5 great reasons why you should start a blog.

Links Of The Week: Part 5

This post is a way of thanking my commentators and I reward them for leaving their comments by giving a link back to their articles.

Links of the week is a process in which I check the comments of the commentators for the week to see the links that they have placed in the comments using the comment luv plugin. I always check the comments that are made on my articles and visit the links left back in the comments.

After visiting these links I will read the articles, those that are well written with great tips will be mentioned here.

These links have really great tips to make you a successful webmaster and I want you to check these links out to help you to become more educated.


9 Ways To Stay Productive When Times Are Tough

This is a guest post by James Adams. He currently writes in-house for a leading toner cartridges store.

If you would like to guest post for this blog, please read the guidelines for more details.

Are you under constant pressure to perform? Is your workplace understaffed, leaving you with more work than you can conceivably do in a day? Do you have a manager who is constantly pushing you to the breaking point?

These issues are common in the workplace and in daily life, but there are many simple tricks that you can do to alleviate the stress.